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Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for kick off in Spanish

| noun

kick off

unfavorite favorite
kicked off, has kicked off, is kicking off, kicks off
empezar; hacer el saque inicial (en deportes)

Example sentences of
kick off

  • I'll kick off the discussion on ethics with this question.
  • Surprisingly, the recluse was worth a cool million when he kicked off.

Synonyms of
kick off

kickoff noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
saque (inicial)

Example sentences of
kickoff noun

  • The kickoff of the game is at 1:00.
  • At his campaign kickoff, the senator gave a passionate speech about combating poverty.
  • His speech marked the kickoff of his campaign.

Reverse translation for kick off

hacer el saque inicial  (en deportes)
saque  (inicial) - kickoff (in soccer or football), serve, service (in sports) 
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