NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery for 50 Years

Voting Deadline Extended for NERSC's Science as Art Competition

Vote by Wednesday, September 18: The entries are in and they are amazing. Now it's your turn. You have until Wednesday to rate an eye-popping array of scientific art. Find out how. » Read More

Quantum Computing Partnership Extended

After a successful first year punctuated by strong scientific results, NERSC’s partnership with QuEra Computing has been extended. » Read More

Got What it Takes to be a Grace Hopper Postdoctoral Fellow?

Applications are now open. » Read More

Tropical Cyclones Intensify Due to Warming Atmosphere

Tropical cyclones have grown more intense near global coastal regions. A new study found that hotter air interacting with humidity and wind shear is likely the culprit. » Read More

Illuminating Proton Substructure

Researchers used lattice quantum chromodynamics and NERSC’s Perlmutter system to better understand how quarks and gluons form proton substructure. » Read More

NERSC Powers Discoveries, Collaborations in Quantum Computing

Since 2022, QIS@Perlmutter has supported novel quantum information science projects, generating strong engagement among researchers and fueling numerous discoveries in quantum computing. » Read More

New Alloy Won't Crack at Extreme Temperatures

With the help of NERSC systems, researchers have uncovered a metal alloy that won’t crack at extreme temperatures. The discovery could lead to next-generation engines that can operate at higher efficiencies. » Read More

National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center

NERSC is the mission scientific computing facility for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, the nation’s single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences.

Computing at NERSC

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Some Scientific Computing Now in Progress at NERSC

Project System Nodes Node Hours Used
Lattice QCD Monte Carlo Calculation of Hadronic Structure and Spectroscopy
 Nuclear Physics
 PI: Keh-Fei Liu, University of Kentucky
perlmutter 256
Reconnection-Driven Turbulent Cascade in Magnetized Collisional and Collisionless Plasmas
 Fusion Energy Sciences
 PI: Chuanfei Dong, Boston University
perlmutter 100
Analysis and Simulation for the GlueX Detector
 Nuclear Physics
 PI: Alexander Austregesilo, Jefferson Lab
perlmutter 95
Relativistic quantum dynamics in the non-equilibrium regime
 Basic Energy Sciences
 PI: Albert De Prince, Florida State University
perlmutter 64
Structure Prediction and Design of Inorganic Interfaces
 Basic Energy Sciences
 PI: Noa Marom, Carnegie Mellon University
perlmutter 64
Lattice QCD search for physics beyond the standard model
 High Energy Physics
 PI: Rajan Gupta, Los Alamos National Laboratory
perlmutter 64

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

NERSC began in 1974 as the Controlled Thermonuclear Research Computer Center (CTRCC) and it was the first center in the world to provide centralized supercomputing with network access to researchers in other locations.