J.T. Neal, PhD
Principal Investigator

J.T. is currently an Institute Scientist at the Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard in the Metabolism Program and the NNF Center for the Genomic Mechanisms of Disease. He is also Co-Director of the Type 2 Diabetes Systems Genomics Initiative at the Broad Institute. Previously, J.T. received his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Washington and his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, where he studied host-microbe interactions during development and tumorigenesis. He completed postdoctoral training as an American Cancer Society Fellow at Stanford University, where he developed new organoid culture and single-cell sequencing methods for the study of tumor immunology. At the Broad Institute, the Neal lab develops and applies novel technologies for genome editing as well as massively parallel single-cell imaging and transcriptomics approaches for studying the effects of genetic variation in cancer, diabetes, and other diseases. J.T. is also a recipient of a Merkin Institute Fellowship and a 2021 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award. [CV]

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