Last Updated:

16/09/2024 - 11:49
The A1 and A2 entrance gates of METU campus are 7 km away from the city center and they are nearby Eskişehir Highway. There are other entrance gates like A4, which is in the direction of 100. Yıl and A7, which is situated on the Bilkent way. It is possible to reach METU campus by METU district buses, EGO buses, minibuses and taxi. The most convenient of them is EGO buses since their service is most easily accessible and available. The operating hours and routes of some of the buses operating between the campus and various districts of the city are available from the links below:

Within METU campus, taxi service is available using the number 219 51 51 or 285 07 07.

Directorate of Transportation Affairs
Tel : 0 312 210 29 09 - 29 10
Fax : 0 312 210 79 90
Web :
E-Mail :
Traffic Rules, Prohibitions and Preventive Measures
  • In the campus, the law "Road Traffic Regulations" dated 27.10.1996 and numbered 4199 is applied. The owners of private cars should abide by the following administrative Rules, Prohibitions and Preventive Measures. Those, who do not abide by the rules, are going to receive disciplinary measures. And if they repeat their actions, their stickers will be cancelled.
  • Cars stop at the gates of METU and they can drive along only after the officers at the gates see the stickers on the cars. It is obligatory to stick the stickers on the window in front of the car. These stickers are bought from Directorate of Domestic Affairs. Those cars, which do not have stickers, must take visitor's card from the gates in order to enter the campus.
  • Cars can park to parking places whose color match with the color on your sticker. The color codes of the parking places are indicated under the parking sign, which is "P".
  • There are different parking places for academic personnel, administrative personnel and students; therefore cars cannot park those places belonging to another group even for a very short period of time.
  • Cars cannot park on the sidewalks of the main roads.
  • Drivers should obey the traffic signs, speed barriers, and the warnings of the officers.
  • The stickers cannot be transferred to or used by somebody else because they are given according to the status of that person. If this rule is violated, the sticker will be cancelled and the person will not receive stickers anymore.
  • Motorcyclists must buy a sticker as well as drivers and they must wear a helmet.
  • If you are caught violating the rules while driving (speed, overtaking where prohibited, going against the direction of traffic flow, performing illegal turning maneuver etc.) traffic officers will carry out the disciplinary procedures and if you are caught repeating your offence, your car will not be taken into campus any more.
  • Maximum speed limit in the campus is 50 km per hour, but at places where there are more pedestrians, the maximum speed limit is 30 km per hour.
  • Giving way to pedestrians and always wearing a safety belt is obligatory.
  • Those students, with the sticker of the Cultural Convention Center Parking Area and Dormitories Parking Area, can only park in these places. Those cars having a local sticker (yellow sticker) can park in Cultural Convention Center Parking Area and Dormitories Parking Area as well.
  • The students in the dormitory cannot take local stickers.