3rd International Summer Snowfall Workshop Tuesday 31 August - Friday 3 September 2021, online All times shown are in BST [UK summer time]. Current time in the UK:
Posters will be on display for the full duration of the conference
Each poster presenter has a dedicated presentation session on one of Tue, Wed or Thu (see programme below)
Talks are 12 minutes duration, plus a few minutes for questions, and will be recorded and made available for participants in other time zones to catch up on afterwards

Tuesday Talks 1330 - 1515 (on Zoom)

Workshop organisersWelcome and orientation
Grazioli Jacopo3-D reconstruction and snowflake mass estimation from Multi-Angle-Snowflake Camera (MASC) data: method, validation and application
James, RachelCollisions of supercooled water drops with ice particles; a new SIP mechanism?
Vogl, TeresaUsing artificial neural networks to predict riming from Doppler cloud radar observations
Schrom, RobertInferring early aggregation from polarimetric radar measurements and model simulations
Dunnavan, EdwinSimulating Winter Storm Dual-Polarization Radar Signatures using the Ice-Spheroids Habit Model with Aspect-Ratio EvoLution (ISHMAEL) WRF Microphysics Scheme with Improved Aggregation
Heymsfield, AndrewUse of Multi-Frequency Doppler Radar Data and Collocated Aircraft Measurements of Condensed Water Content to Better Constrain Estimates of Ice Particle Mass

Tuesday Posters and discussion session 1545 - 1800 (on gather.town)

Posters session: 1545 - 1715, see table below
Optional breakout discussion 1715-1800 New snow particle imagers and image analysis techniques
Informal social get-together (grab a drink, and come "sit" together in gather.town) from 1800 onwards

McCorquodale, MarkThe stable orientation of aggregate ice particles in free-fall
Welss, Jan-NiklasCase study comparisons of polarimetric radar observations against results from the Lagrangian particle model McSnow
Maahn, MaximilianMeasuring snowfall properties with the Video In Situ Snowfall Sensor during MOSAiC.
Pettersen, ClaireThe Precipitation Imaging Package: Assessment of Microphysical and Bulk Characteristics of Snow and Phase Partitioning
Dunnavan, EdwinRadar Retrieval Evaluation and Investigation of Dendritic Growth Layer Polarimetric Signatures in a Winter Storm
Kuo, Kwo-SenDevelopment of a Virtual Cloud Chamber for Studying the Microphysics and Dynamics of Falling Snow and Mixed-Phase Particles
Mroz, KamilBridging the gap between in-situ and remote radar measurements of the microphysical properties of snow
Ori, DavideThe PRISTINE project: Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTI-frequeNcy consistency Evaluation
Zhu ("Judy") YaoAssimilation of Precipitation-affected Microwave Brightness Temperatures Using a Statistical Forward Operator in Support of Tropical Cyclone Forecasting
Kneifel, StefanCan we derive a climatology of riming from ground-based cloud radar datasets?
Snider, JeffersonW-band Radar Measurements of Snowfall and the S / Z Relationship for Graupel
Hajipour, MajidRetrieval of shape and orientation of multiple hydrometeor types from observations of scanning hybrid-mode Ka-band cloud radar
Lauer, MelaniePrecipitation in the Arctic - compare reanalysis with observational data
Moisseev, DmitriMultiyear statistics of columnar ice production in stratiform clouds over Hyytiälä, Finland

Wednesday: optional meet for lunch / coffee on gather.town, 1230 - 1315

Wednesday Talks 1330 - 1515 (on Zoom)

Battaglia, AlessandroG-band radars: paving the way towards new insight in ice scattering properties
von Terzi, LeonieA new view on the dendritic growth zone with spectral polarimetric and multifrequency radar observations
McCusker, KarinaA PICASSO case-study: Can we reproduce accurate observations using in-situ measured PSDs and scattering from particle models in the ARTS database?
Theis, AlexanderIce microphysics research in the Mainz vertical wind tunnel laboratory; recent results, measurement capabilities, and future plans
Gong, JieRadiative Effect on Oriented Ice over Southern Ocean - A New Mechanism to Explain Cloud Ice Microphysics and Precipitation Properties based on CALIPSO, CloudSat, GPM and PAZ-GPS Observations
Kennedy, AaronOSCRE: The Open Snowflake Camera for Research and Education

Wednesday Posters and discussion session 1545 - 1800 (on gather.town)

Posters session: 1545 - 1715, see table below
Optional breakout discussion topics 1715 - 1800 Microphysical processes explored in the lab and connections to modelling and observations

Chae Yu-JinQuantitative Analysis of Snow Crystals Using a Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera in the Yeongdong Region of Korea
Helms, CharlesComparison of winter precipitation size, aspect ratio, and orientation angle measurement methods of the PIP, MASC, and 2DVD instruments
von Lerber, AnnakaisaFall velocity of melting snow particles examined in ensembles
Tetoni, EleniCombining radar dual - wavelength and polarimetric observations for the development of an ice microphysics retrieval: a sensitivity analysis
Ori, DavidesnowScatt-1.0: A consistent model of microphysical and scattering properties of rimed and unrimed snowflakes based on the self-similar Rayleigh-Gans approximation
King, FraserA Centimeter Wavelength Snowfall Retrieval Model Using Random Forest Regression
Mendrok, JanaPolarimetric radar based evaluation of COSMO hydrometeor fields considering uncertainties in the model microphysics and the observation operator
Stegmann, PatrickInfluence of ice particle temperature on single-scattering properties
Leghart, ErinLinking enhanced spectrum width layers with their production mechanisms in Northeast United States coastal winter storms
Milani, LisaBrightness temperature signatures due to shallow cumuliform and deep stratiform snowfall regimes
Chen, Ju-YuSnowfall estimation exploiting polarimetric C-band radars
Ferrone, AlfonsoAn innovative processing algorithm for MRR-PRO measurements in snowfall
Luke, EdNew insights into ice multiplication using remote-sensing observations of slightly supercooled mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic
Duffy, GeorgeInvestigating multiple-frequency retrievals of secondary ice production
Tokay, AliPrecipitation Imaging Package (PIP) based Radar Snowfall Estimates during ICE-POP

Thursday: optional meet for lunch / coffee on gather.town, 1230 - 1315

Thursday Talks 1330 - 1515 (on Zoom)

Karrer, MarkusInfluence of degree of riming on processes in the melting layer
Khan, Majid HassanInvestigating the wake of freely falling snow aggregate analogues in a quiescent fluid
Teisseire AudreyAttribution of riming and aggregation to the evolution of hydrometeor shape and orientation in mixed-phase clouds with SLDR-mode scanning cloud radar
Munchak, Stephen J.Retrieval of Snowfall Microphysical Properties from Dual-Pol, Dual-Frequency Radar Measurements
Ian S AdamsPolarized Observations of Falling Snow from CoSMIR during IMPACTS
Duffy, GeorgeThe Shape of (Frozen) Water: Exponential, Log-Normal, Super-Exponential, and Power-Law Particle Size Distributions Observed in Frozen Precipitation.

Thursday Posters and discussion session 1545 - 1800 (on gather.town)

Posters session: 1545 - 1715, see table below
Optional breakout discussion topics 1715 - 1800 What are the next steps for new field measurements, sensors and satellites?

Gultepe, IsmailIce crystals and snow measurements from a climatic wind tunnel to atmospheric field studies
Westbrook, ChrisAn experimental concept to evaluate models for snowflake scattering and microstructure
FONTAINE EmmanuelModel for Hydrometeor Scattering Applied to Forecast and Observation
Fenni, InesEnhanced MoM/CBFM for Accurate and Efficient Calculation of Scattering by Arbitrarily-Shaped Mixed-Phase Particles
Kaur, InderpreetFast radiative transfer considering particle orientation applied to GMI ice water path retrievals
Padullés, RamonSounding the vertical structure of horizontally oriented frozen particles using Polarimetric Radio Occultation observations aboard PAZ
Ewald, FlorianStatistics of ice cloud properties derived from airborne radar-lidar measurements over the North Atlantic and their comparison with ERA5 reanalysis
Camplani, AndreaCloudSat-Based Analysis of ATMS Snowfall Spectral Signature at High Latitudes
Casella, DanieleThe SLALOM snowfall retrieval algorithm for ATMS based on convolutional neural networks
Bukovcic PetarPolarimetric radar snow estimation in two extreme events
Sabetghadam, SamanehAnalysis of snowfall and snow depth trends over the Alborz Mountain range, Iran, using NASA MERRA2 dataset
Billault-Roux, Anne-ClaireICEGENESIS 2021 campaign: ground-based observations of snowfall

Friday: optional meet for lunch / coffee on gather.town, 1230 - 1315

Friday Talks 1330 - 1600 (on Zoom)

Chellini, GiovanniCharacterizing ice particle growth in Arctic shallow mixed-phase clouds through dual frequency radar observations
Geer, AlanImproved simulations of snow scattering at microwave and sub-mm frequencies in RTTOV-SCATT version 13.0
Li HaoranRadar Doppler spectral analysis of supercooled liquid water and secondary ice production in Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Gehring, Josué The influence of orographic gravity waves on snowfall during an atmospheric river event at Davis, Antarctica
Oue, MarikoAnalysis of the Microphysical Properties of Snowfall Using Scanning Polarimetric and Vertically Pointing Multi-Frequency Doppler Radars
Joseph FinlonInvestigation of Microphysical Properties within Regions of Enhanced Dual-Frequency Ratio During the IMPACTS Field Campaign
TBABreakout group summaries and wrap-up