‘When You’ve Lost Karl Rove…’: Molly Jong-Fast Predicts Doom For Ronna McDaniel in Trump Elector Scheme


On MSNBC Tuesday, Molly Jong-Fast invoked Karl Rove’s prediction that RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel could be in legal trouble over her cooperation with former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election schemes.

Jong-Fast joined Morning Joe on Tuesday to talk about the Detroit News report on audio recordings showing the former president pressuring two Michigan canvassers not to certify the 2020 election results. In that same audio, McDaniel was heard telling the canvassers “we will get you attorneys” if they obey Trump and refuse to certify the vote.

On Morning Joe, hosts discussed Rove’s Fox segment last week where he warned that the audio could be problematic for Trump and McDaniel. Asked for her thoughts, Jong-Fast told Jonathan Lemire “When you’ve lost Karl Rove? Not a great look.”

“This is not the first tape we’ve heard Donald Trump doing his slightly mafia-like tactics on our American electoral system,” Jong-Fast said. “But I would say that there’s something really chilling about having Ronna, who knows better, and has tried, as much as possible, to not be like that. Obviously she has been brought into the mud of Trumpism, as have many of these Republicans. But, it was pretty chilling, and I think that I think it’s going to hurt her.”

Jong-Fast rounded out her thoughts by calling the quotes “disturbing” and antithetical to the idea of America, saying “We have a democracy, and party leaders don’t pressure electors to go their way.”

Watch above via MSNBC.

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