‘The Biggest Case in History For Free Speech’: MyPillow CEO Says Alan Dershowitz Has Joined His Legal Team


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said that former Trump impeachment lawyer Alan Dershowitz had joined his legal team to take on Dominion Voting Systems.

“It’s a big announcement this morning. I’ve got a team of lawyers, we’re going after Dominion… for free speech,” Lindell said Monday morning on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom Pandemic podcast. “Alan Dershowitz told me that this will be one of the biggest cases, if not the biggest case in history for free speech, for the First Amendment.”

Dominion, a voting technology company that has been the subject of conspiracy theories after the 2020 election, filed a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against Lindell last month. According to the suit, Lindell falsely accused the company of rigging voting machines to steal the election from former President Donald Trump.

On the WarRoom Pandemic podcast, Lindell clarified — while lashing out at a piece from the Star Tribune — that Dershowitz will be a member of his legal team, but not leading it.

“And the Minnesota Star Tribune did not even bother, they had the blessing to be the first ones to talk to him [Alan Dershowitz], and he’s not leading the team, he’s a part of the team,” Lindell declared.

“He’s one of a team of lawyers, who was a great blessing to have him on,” Lindell added, before calling the Star Tribune “shameful” for interviewing Dershowitz but not quoting him for their story.

Minutes later, Lindell was asked by Bannon about the potential of using the RICO Act to countersue Dominion, after the CEO said Dominion had taken part in “racketeering.” Lindell said he has spoken about the possibility with his lawyers but did not elaborate any further.

Dershowitz previously stated at the end of February on Newsmax that he doesn’t believe Dominion is “going to get any pillows out of” their lawsuit against the MyPillow CEO.

“Look whether Lindell was right or wrong, he had the right to express his views, and this is a part of the public debate, and I don’t think unless they can demonstrate that with malice he deliberately, willfully, knowingly defamed them, I don’t think they’re going to get any pillows out of this,” Dershowitz said.

Watch above, via The WarRoom Pandemic podcast.

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