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Gels is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on physical and chemical gels published monthly online by MDPI.
  • Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • High visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, CAPlus / SciFinder, and other databases.
  • Journal Rank: JCR - Q1 (Polymer Science) / CiteScore - Q2 (Polymers and Plastics)
  • Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 10.9 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.9 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2024).
  • Recognition of Reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.
  • Testimonials: See what our editors and authors say about Gels.
Impact Factor: 5.0 (2023); 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.9 (2023)
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Topic in Batteries, Catalysts, Gels, Molecules, Nanomaterials, IJMS
Advanced Nanomaterials and Technologies for Sustainable Development Topic Editors: Shuijian He, Haoqi Yang, Hua Zhang
Deadline: 31 March 2025
Special Issue in Gels
Advances in Hydrogels for 3D Printing Guest Editors: Leonard Siebert, Zeynep Altintas
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Special Issue in Gels
Synthesis and Applications of Hydrogels (2nd Edition) Guest Editor: Jun Huang
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Special Issue in Gels
Advances in Synthetic and Bio-Based Aerogels: Mechanical Properties, Thermal Insulation, and Environmental Remediation Guest Editors: Beatriz Merillas, Luísa Durães
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Special Issue in Gels
Recent Advances in Smart Gels Guest Editors: Sunita Ranote, Marta Musioł
Deadline: 25 September 2024
Topical Collection in Gels
Recent Advances and Future Perspectives in Stimuli-Responsive Gels Collection Editors: Dirk Kuckling, Sandra Van Vlierberghe
Topical Collection in Gels
Recent Advances and Future Perspectives in Organogels and Organogelators Research Collection Editor: Jean-Michel Guenet
Topical Collection in Gels
Hydrogel in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Collection Editor: Esmaiel Jabbari
Topical Collection in Gels
Feature Papers in Gel Materials Collection Editor: David Díaz Díaz
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