Author Biographies

Mohammad F. Obeid, Ph.D., is the Mirza Endowed Chair in Global Learning and Associate Professor at Shenandoah University. He currently serves as the Director of the Virtual Reality Design (BS) program as well as Co-Director of the Shenandoah Center for Immersive Learning (SCiL). In these capacities, he leads various initiatives exploring the utility of simulation and virtual learning environments for training and decision making in many domains. He holds a PhD and MS in Modeling and Simulation Engineering from Old Dominion University and a BS in Industrial Engineering from the German-Jordanian University. His research focuses on advancing modeling and simulation engineering, with a particular emphasis on medical-oriented simulations, extended reality (XR) platforms, and interactive training simulations.
Ahmed Ewais Ph.D., received PhD degree in Computer Science from Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is Associate Professor in Computer Science Department and the director at e-Learning Center and Virtual Reality Lab, Arab American University. He has been awarded different research visits and local and international project grants. He has published more than 30 articles in various high quality conferences and journals. He contributed to a number of international projects related to Virtual/Augmented Reality in educational contexts. His teaching disciplines include HCI, UI/UX, VR/AR, Mobile Programming, and his research interests include MOOC, usability studies related to mobile applications, VR and AR applications, and utilization of AI in education.
Mohammad Rajab Asia, Ph.D., is currently serving as the Vice President for Ramallah campus, a position he has held at the Arab American University since 2024. He assumed the position of Vice president for Medical Faculties’ Affairs between 2020-2023. With a distinguished academic and professional career spanning over three decades, Prof. Asia is recognized for his contributions to nursing education, research, and healthcare management. Prof. Asia has also been an active researcher and mentor, chairing and co-chairing numerous master's thesis projects and serving as an external examiner for many others in Palestine. He has supervised a wide range of undergraduate nursing research projects, contributing to the advancement of nursing scholarship. Furthermore, he has served as a reviewer for numerous local and international journals, including the Journal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC) and the Journal of Arab American University. Prof. Asia has published several articles in respected international journals and conferences, further solidifying his reputation in the field.