In Vivo and In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Fresh Pasta Produced Using Semolina-Based or Wholemeal Semolina-Based Liquid Sourdough
<p>Glucose values from in vitro starch digestion of pasta samples. (<b>A</b>) Glucose with respect to dry pasta or bread (g/100 g). (<b>B</b>) Glucose with respect to total starch (g/100 g). S, pasta with semolina. SS, pasta with semolina-based sourdough. WS, pasta with wholemeal semolina. SWS, pasta with wholemeal semolina-based sourdough. Bars indicate LSD intervals at 95% confidence level.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Blood glucose values obtained after in vivo digestion of the four pasta samples. S, pasta with semolina. WS, pasta with wholemeal semolina. SS, pasta with semolina-based sourdough. SWS, pasta with wholemeal semolina-based sourdough. Bars indicate LSD intervals at 95% confidence level.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Raw Materials
2.2. Preparation and Maintenance of Liquid Sourdough
2.3. Fresh Pasta Making
2.4. Chemical Analysis of Cooked Pasta
2.5. In Vitro Starch Digestibility
2.6. Glycemic Response (GR) and Glycemic Load (GL)
2.6.1. Experimental Procedures
2.6.2. Data Manipulation
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. In Vitro Starch Digestion
3.2. Glycemic Response and Glycemic Load
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pasta | Moisture (g/100 g) | pH | TTA 1 (mL NaOH N/10) | Available Carbohydrates 2 |
S | 57.48 ± 0.59 | 6.53 ± 0.07 | 0.85 ± 0.03 | 39.24 ± 1.34 |
SS | 56.76 ± 0.44 | 5.52 ± 0.17 | 2.01 ± 0.44 | 33.28 ± 1.69 |
WS | 58.32 ± 2.24 | 6.61 ± 0.02 | 1.24 ± 0.06 | 34.27 ± 0.82 |
SWS | 55.85 ± 1.13 | 5.79 ± 0.04 | 2.32 ± 0.01 | 31.32 ± 0.58 |
GR | GIa | GIe | GL | TS | RDS | SDS | IDS | |
Samples | Mg dL−1 min−1 | g/100 g Pasta | g/100 g TS | |||||
S | 1584 b | 38.0 b | 33.2 b | 23.9 c | 41.2 b | 24.8 a | 33.0 b | 45.6 b |
SS | 1553 b | 41.0 b | 23.6 d | 21.8 d | 39.9 b | 10.7 b | 30.9 b | 56.7 a |
WS | 2209 a | 57.0 a | 38.5 a | 31.3 a | 48.1 a | 23.2 a | 35.9 a | 40.8 c |
SWS | 2277 a | 55.5 a | 28.6 c | 27.8 b | 39.5 b | 14.4 b | 40.6 a | 45.0 b |
Reference Food | 4484 | 100 | 100 | 48.1 | 82.5 | 27.4 | 0 | |
Significance | ||||||||
Sourdough | ns | ns | *** | * | * | ** | ns | * |
WholemealSemolina | *** | *** | *** | * | * | ns | * | * |
Sourdough*WholemealSemolina | ns | ns | ns | ns | *** | ns | ns | ns |
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Fois, S.; Piu, P.P.; Sanna, M.; Roggio, T.; Catzeddu, P. In Vivo and In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Fresh Pasta Produced Using Semolina-Based or Wholemeal Semolina-Based Liquid Sourdough. Foods 2021, 10, 2507.
Fois S, Piu PP, Sanna M, Roggio T, Catzeddu P. In Vivo and In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Fresh Pasta Produced Using Semolina-Based or Wholemeal Semolina-Based Liquid Sourdough. Foods. 2021; 10(10):2507.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFois, Simonetta, Piero Pasqualino Piu, Manuela Sanna, Tonina Roggio, and Pasquale Catzeddu. 2021. "In Vivo and In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Fresh Pasta Produced Using Semolina-Based or Wholemeal Semolina-Based Liquid Sourdough" Foods 10, no. 10: 2507.
APA StyleFois, S., Piu, P. P., Sanna, M., Roggio, T., & Catzeddu, P. (2021). In Vivo and In Vitro Starch Digestibility of Fresh Pasta Produced Using Semolina-Based or Wholemeal Semolina-Based Liquid Sourdough. Foods, 10(10), 2507.