Spatial Variability Analysis of Renewal Time in Harbour Environments Using a Lagrangian Model
<p>Location (<b>A</b>) and bathymetric maps of the ports of Barcelona (<b>B</b>), Tarragona (<b>C</b>), and Gijón (<b>D</b>). The red crosses indicate the locations of the ADCP Doppler devices during the measurement campaigns referenced earlier, used for validation and calculations in previous studies.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Time series and scatter plots of current intensity in the direction perpendicular to the harbour entrance, at the surface and at the bottom. Positive values indicate currents flowing inward, while negative values represent currents flowing outward. Observations are represented by blue lines, and SAMOA predictions are shown in black.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Example of the location of the particle launching nodes in the port of Barcelona (<b>A</b>). Simulation of trajectories for 10 particles within the port of Barcelona during one week. Initial locations are represented by points, trajectories are represented by solid lines, and the dashed white line marks the point from where it is considered to be outside the port (<b>B</b>).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Recorded trajectory (white line) and simulated trajectories with different horizontal diffusion coefficients (K<sub>h</sub>) in the port of Barcelona.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Delimitation of the areas considered in the ports of Barcelona (<b>A</b>), Tarragona (<b>B</b>), and Gijón (<b>C</b>). The red dots represent the reference points used later for the current profile analysis.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>A flowchart detailing the key stages of analysis and methodology used in this study, aimed at providing clarity for reproducibility and understanding of the processes involved.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Spatial distribution of the mean renewal time in the port of Barcelona for the period 4 June 2019–1 September 2019, calculated from the surface (<b>left</b>) and bottom (<b>right</b>) simulated particle trajectories. The red dot indicates the location of the profile analysed in the discussion.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Spatial distribution of the mean renewal time in the port of Tarragona for the period 12 April 2019–15 September 2019, calculated from the surface (<b>left</b>) and bottom (<b>right</b>) simulated particle trajectories. The red dot indicates the location of the profile analysed in the discussion, while the arrow represents the orientation of the positive direction of the vector.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Spatial distribution of the mean renewal time in the port of Gijón for the period 20 November 2021–1 February 2022, calculated from the surface (<b>left</b>) and bottom (<b>right</b>) simulated particle trajectories. The red dot indicates the location of the profile analysed in the discussion, while the arrow represents the orientation of the positive direction of the vector.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Current profile at the mouth for each port during the simulated period.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Maps of horizontal mean flow at the surface and bottom from June to September in Barcelona harbour. The surface currents flow out of the harbour, while the bottom currents flow inward. This pattern aligns with the current profiles shown in <a href="#jmse-13-00341-f009" class="html-fig">Figure 9</a> and <a href="#jmse-13-00341-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>, as well as with the renewal time results described.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Maps of horizontal mean flow at the surface and bottom from April to September in Tarragona harbour. The surface currents flow out of the harbour, while the bottom currents flow inward. This pattern aligns with the current profiles shown in <a href="#jmse-13-00341-f009" class="html-fig">Figure 9</a> and <a href="#jmse-13-00341-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>, as well as with the renewal time results described.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Maps of horizontal mean flow at the surface and bottom from November to February in Gijón harbour. The surface currents flow into the interior of the harbour, while the bottom currents flow outward. This pattern aligns with the current profiles shown in <a href="#jmse-13-00341-f009" class="html-fig">Figure 9</a> and <a href="#jmse-13-00341-f011" class="html-fig">Figure 11</a>, as well as with the renewal time results described.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Current profile of areas with different patterns or where extreme results have been identified in Barcelona (<b>A</b>), Tarragona (<b>B</b>) and Gijón (<b>C</b>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.1.1. Barcelona Harbour
2.1.2. Tarragona Harbour
2.1.3. Gijón Harbour
2.2. Model and Hydrodynamic Description
2.3. Model Setup
2.4. Renewal Times
3. Results
3.1. Barcelona Harbour
3.2. Tarragona Harbour
3.3. Gijón Harbour
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Harbour | Domain | Dimension (Cells) | Extension (Km) |
Barcelona | Coastal | 170 × 72 | 64 × 27 |
Harbour | 165 × 153 | 12 × 11 | |
Tarragona | Coastal | 260 × 166 | 100 × 65 |
Harbour | 130 × 125 | 9 × 9 | |
Gijón | Coastal | 223 × 115 | 78 × 40 |
Harbour | 222 × 142 | 15 × 10 |
Harbour | Nodes Inside Harbour | Number of Simulated Particles | Simulation Duration (Days) |
Barcelona | 1514 | 1514 | 90 |
Tarragona | 765 | 1530 | 152 |
Gijón | 587 | 1174 | 73 |
Zone | Particle Number | Exported Particles (%) | Non-Exported Particles (%) | Mean RT (Days) | |||
Surface | Bottom | Surface | Bottom | Surface | Bottom | ||
1 | 72 | 70.8 | 38.9 | 29.2 | 61.1 | 38.7 | 70.4 |
2 | 91 | 91.2 | 48.3 | 8.8 | 51.7 | 17.4 | 60.3 |
3 | 142 | 75.4 | 64.6 | 24.6 | 35.4 | 44.4 | 45.6 |
4 | 195 | 79.0 | 8.7 | 21.0 | 91.3 | 42.4 | 85.7 |
5 | 321 | 94.4 | 72.9 | 5.6 | 27.1 | 11.1 | 37.6 |
6 | 502 | 95.0 | 99.6 | 5.0 | 0.4 | 13.8 | 4.8 |
7 | 191 | 99.5 | 100 | 0.5 | - | 12.0 | 4.7 |
Total/ Mean | 1514 | 90.2 | 73.1 | 9.8 | 26.9 | 21.0 | 32.4 |
Zone | Particle Number | Exported Particles (%) | Non-Exported Particles (%) | Mean RT (Days) | |||
Surface | Bottom | Surface | Bottom | Surface | Bottom | ||
1 | 86 | 76.7 | 89.5 | 23.3 | 10.5 | 61.5 | 64.3 |
2 | 190 | 67.9 | 88.4 | 32.1 | 11.6 | 61.8 | 64.7 |
3 | 50 | 74.0 | 82.0 | 26.0 | 18.0 | 46.3 | 71.3 |
4 | 322 | 59.9 | 36.3 | 40.1 | 63.7 | 65.4 | 110.8 |
5 | 326 | 79.5 | 76.4 | 20.5 | 23.6 | 37.8 | 69.0 |
6 | 228 | 97.8 | 89.9 | 2.2 | 10.1 | 7.3 | 48.3 |
7 | 328 | 99.1 | 97.9 | 0.9 | 2.1 | 2.5 | 10.1 |
Total/ Mean | 1530 | 80.5 | 77.0 | 19.5 | 23.0 | 36.1 | 61.4 |
Zone | Particle Number | Exported Particles (%) | Non-Exported Particles (%) | Mean RT (Days) | ||||
Surface | Bottom | Surface | Bottom | Surface | Bottom | |||
1 | 558 | 98.9 | 98.8 | 1.01 | 1.2 | 1.7 | 5.8 | |
2 | 40 | 70.0 | 90.0 | 30.0 | 10.0 | 39.4 | 10.7 | |
3 | 62 | 87.1 | 100.0 | 12.9 | - | 31.9 | 2.8 | |
4 | 256 | 88.2 | 95.1 | 11.8 | 4.9 | 25.9 | 4.9 | |
5 | 74 | 93.2 | 96.0 | 6.8 | 4.0 | 19.4 | 4.8 | |
6 | 194 | 94.9 | 99.0 | 5.1 | 1.0 | 20.0 | 1.7 | |
Total/ Mean | 1174 | 94.0 | 97.6 | 6 | 2.4 | 13.8 | 4.9 |
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Share and Cite
Samper, Y.; Hernández, I.; Castro-Rosero, L.M.; Liste, M.; Espino, M.; Alsina, J.M. Spatial Variability Analysis of Renewal Time in Harbour Environments Using a Lagrangian Model. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2025, 13, 341.
Samper Y, Hernández I, Castro-Rosero LM, Liste M, Espino M, Alsina JM. Spatial Variability Analysis of Renewal Time in Harbour Environments Using a Lagrangian Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2025; 13(2):341.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSamper, Yaiza, Ivan Hernández, Leidy M. Castro-Rosero, Maria Liste, Manuel Espino, and José M. Alsina. 2025. "Spatial Variability Analysis of Renewal Time in Harbour Environments Using a Lagrangian Model" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 13, no. 2: 341.
APA StyleSamper, Y., Hernández, I., Castro-Rosero, L. M., Liste, M., Espino, M., & Alsina, J. M. (2025). Spatial Variability Analysis of Renewal Time in Harbour Environments Using a Lagrangian Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13(2), 341.