Is There Still a Place for Reconstructive Surgery in Distal Tubal Disease?
<p>Minor tubal disease according to classification by Hull and Rutherford.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Intermediate tubal disease according to classification by Hull and Rutherford.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Severe tubal disease according to classification by Hull and Rutherford.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Etiopathogenesis and Morphology of Distal Tubal Disease
3. Treatment Strategy and Decision-Making Process
4. Operative Techniques in Reconstructive Distal Tubal Surgery
5. Reproductive Outcomes
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Stage I | Thin-walled hydrosalpinx with little or no fibrosis. Mucosa thrown into folds with no flattened areas. Adhesions (if present) flimsy and limited to the ampulla and ovary only. Ovary present and mainly free. |
Stage II | Thick-walled hydrosalpinx with good mucosa. Mucosa flattened with attenuated or few folds but thin-walled areas. Mucosal fold markedly adherent in lumen. Fibrous thick adhesions involving tube and/or ovary. Ovary present and mainly free. |
Stage III | Combination of thick-walled hydrosalpinx with marked mucosal damage or thick fibrous adhesions. Clean hydrosalpinx with thin wall but with nodularity of patent isthmus. Ovary incarcerated against pelvic side wall or absent on that side. |
Stage IV | Tubo-ovarian mass or fibrous, adherent hydrosalpinx with incarcerated ovary and/or isthmic damage. |
Minor disease/Grade I |
Tubal fibrosis absent even if occluded (proximally) Tubal distension absent even if occluded (distally) Mucosal appearances favourable Adhesions (peritubal–ovarian) flimsy |
Intermediate disease/Grade II |
Unilateral severe tubal damage With or without contralateral minor disease “Limited” dense adhesions of tubes and/or ovaries |
Severe disease/Grade III |
Bilateral severe tubal damage Tubal fibrosis extensive Tubal distension >1.5 cm Mucosal appearance abnormal Bipolar occlusion “Extensive” dense adhesions |
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Obrzut, B.; Obrzut, M. Is There Still a Place for Reconstructive Surgery in Distal Tubal Disease? J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3278.
Obrzut B, Obrzut M. Is There Still a Place for Reconstructive Surgery in Distal Tubal Disease? Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(12):3278.
Chicago/Turabian StyleObrzut, Bogdan, and Marzanna Obrzut. 2022. "Is There Still a Place for Reconstructive Surgery in Distal Tubal Disease?" Journal of Clinical Medicine 11, no. 12: 3278.
APA StyleObrzut, B., & Obrzut, M. (2022). Is There Still a Place for Reconstructive Surgery in Distal Tubal Disease? Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(12), 3278.