Geoengineering in the Anthropocene through Regenerative Urbanism
"> Figure 1
<p>Urbanization population projections and unbuilt urban areas.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The three horizons of green urbanism.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Conceptual diagram of the carbon reduction elements of Green Design.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Conceptual diagram of the carbon reduction elements of Sustainable Development (<b>B</b>) and Regenerative Urbanism (<b>C</b>).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Singapore Garden City (source, Peter Newman).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Park Royal Hotel in Singapore shows the city’s commitment to biophilic urbanism, a component of the regenerative city agenda (source, Peter Newman).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Anthropocene
1.2. High Level Governance of Anthropogenic Climate Change
1.3. Geoengineering: The Silver Bullet?
2. The Potential of Cities
2.1. The Phenomenal Growth of Cities
- cities and urban areas yet to be built;
- urban upgrades in slums;
- urban renewal in growing developed cities;
- urban retrofits of existing areas [40].
2.2. Urban Geoengineering and Green Urbanism
2.3. Three Horizons of Urban Sustainability Performance
2.4. The Three Urban Horizons in Relation to Decarbonizing Cities
- Structures that reduce energy demand and therefore reduce GHG emissions,
- Operational efficiency measures that improve energy efficiency,
- Renewable energy sources to displace GHG emitting fuels,
- CDR techniques utilizing third way technology to actively remove GHG from the atmosphere (urban geoengineering).
- Urban growth boundaries for compact city footprints to reduce urban encroachment upon adjoining carbon sinks such as forested land, e.g., Portland, Oregon’s urban growth boundary, a policy which has been in place since the 1970s [84];
- Energy efficient appliances;
- Transport technology efficiencies;
- Passive building design [91].
- Carbon negative construction such as:
- ○
- Carbon absorbing cement that takes CO2 from industrial waste and incorporates it into cement (e.g., Solidia cement) and carbon negative plastics that capture CO2 from the air (e.g., Newlight Technologies AirCarbon) [29]
- ○
- ○
- Carbon negative landscaping using Serpentine rocks that, when crushed, absorb CO2 from the air [29];
- Carbon negative waste streams, such as biochar from combustible timber waste (e.g., from sources such as biogenic building material offcuts, forestry and agricultural waste) [29];
- Carbon negative industrial products, such as the industrial manufacturing of carbon nano fibres for many functions and carbon fibre replacing steel [29];
3. Regenerative Cities
- Create more energy than it needed.
- Use water sparingly with full recycling so it would not need to draw upon an external supply and enable regeneration of ground water systems and rivers.
- Regenerate natural systems in degraded areas to support biodiversity of a complexity similar to the pre-settlement bioregion’s natural capacity.
- Reduce the scale and length of centralized infrastructure for energy, water and storm water infrastructure, and the embodied and operational energy required for this infrastructure.
- West Village, University of California (UC), Davis—the largest net zero carbon development in the USA—created by UC Davis with the local government [108];
- White Gum Valley or WGV (Perth, Australia)—a net positive energy precinct based on solar and batteries, with zero waste and high water goals—created by the WA Government, Fremantle Council and Curtin University;
- The Peterborough Carbon Challenge (marketed as “Vista”)—in 2012 the largest zero carbon development in the UK—led by the UK Government as a “Carbon Challenge” demonstration site and delivered through a public private partnership [109];
- Both Hammarby Sjöstad and the Royal Stockholm Seaport—created by the Swedish and Stockholm governments—are regenerative in energy and water as well as exhibiting extremely high recycling waste rates (enabled by automated vacuum waste collection streams);
- Vauban, Freiburg in Germany—with its net positive renewable energy system, dubbed the “greenest city in Europe”—led by a not-for-profit civic group with facilitation from the local government [110].
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
CDR | Carbon Dioxide Removal |
IPCC | International Panel on Climate Change |
GHG | Green House Gas |
GU | Green Urbanism |
RU | Regenerative Urbanism |
SRM | Solar Radiation Management |
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Thomson, G.; Newman, P. Geoengineering in the Anthropocene through Regenerative Urbanism. Geosciences 2016, 6, 46.
Thomson G, Newman P. Geoengineering in the Anthropocene through Regenerative Urbanism. Geosciences. 2016; 6(4):46.
Chicago/Turabian StyleThomson, Giles, and Peter Newman. 2016. "Geoengineering in the Anthropocene through Regenerative Urbanism" Geosciences 6, no. 4: 46.
APA StyleThomson, G., & Newman, P. (2016). Geoengineering in the Anthropocene through Regenerative Urbanism. Geosciences, 6(4), 46.