Effects of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Lifetimes of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints of AZ31 Mg Alloy and Al5052 Al Alloy Sheets
<p>Illustration of the self-piercing riveting process.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Geometries and dimensions of the (<b>a</b>) tensile-shear and (<b>b</b>) cross-shaped specimens (mm).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Loading angle fixture for the cross-shaped SPR joint specimen.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Half-section view of the FEA model for SPR joining.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Stress-strain curves of AZ31 and Al5052 alloys with the Johnson–cook deformation model.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Observed the cross-section of the SPR joint by SEM and measured points of the residual stress.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Overview of FE models and a detail SPR joint for the cross-shaped specimen.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The punch force-displacement curve and stress distribution at the stages (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) during the SPR process.</p> "> Figure 8 Cont.
<p>The punch force-displacement curve and stress distribution at the stages (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>) during the SPR process.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Residual stress (<b>a</b>) <span class="html-italic">σ<sub>r</sub></span> and (<b>b</b>) <span class="html-italic">σ<sub>θ</sub></span> distributions for the SPR joint after spring-back.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Comparison of the static load versus the displacement curves of SPR specimens at different loading angles.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison of the load amplitude against the number of cycle plots for SPR joints at different loading angles.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Experimental fatigue lifetimes of the SPR joint specimens under various loading conditions as a function of (<b>a</b>) the von-Mises stress, (<b>b</b>) the maximum principal stress, and (<b>c</b>) the SWT fatigue parameter.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Experimental fatigue lifetimes of the SPR joint specimens under various loading conditions as a function of the equivalent stress intensity factor amplitude.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Comparison of fatigue lifetimes of SPR joint profile models according to a joining analysis with and without residual stress as a function of the maximum principal stress.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Effects of compressive residual stress on the fatigue lifetime of an SPR joint.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Comparison of the fatigue lifetimes of the T.M-B.A and T.M-B.S [<a href="#B9-metals-11-02037" class="html-bibr">9</a>] SPR joints under three loading conditions.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Fatigue lifetime predictions of the T.M-B.A and T.M-B.S [<a href="#B9-metals-11-02037" class="html-bibr">9</a>] SPR joints under three loading conditions adopting the relationship of T.M-B.A.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Fatigue lifetime predictions of the T.M-B.A and T.M-B.S SPR joints under three loading conditions adopting the relationship of T.M-B.S [<a href="#B9-metals-11-02037" class="html-bibr">9</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental and FEA Procedures
2.1. Materials and Specimens
2.2. SPR Joining Analysis
2.3. Structural Analysis of an SPR Joint
2.4. X-ray Diffraction Measurements
3. Results
3.1. Residual Stress Distribution of an SPR Joint through the FEA Joining Analysis
3.2. Experimentally Measured Residual Stresses of an SPR Joint
3.3. Evaluation of Fatigue Strength of an SPR Joint
3.4. Fatigue Life Estimation
3.5. Effect of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Lifetimes of SPR Joints
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Residual stress was measured using an X-ray-diffraction analyzer for two measurement points of SPR joints of the magnesium alloy and aluminum alloy plates. The value of the hoop stress (σθ) after the joining analysis by the FEA at an identical measured point showed a maximum error of 17.2% in the experimental results.
- The maximum principal stress amplitudes at 106 cycles lifetime with and without residual stress were 78.4 MPa and 90.2 MPa, respectively, suggesting that the compressive residual stresses of the joint reduce the stress amplitude by 13% at 106 cycles lifetime. At a fatigue lifetime of 106 cycles, fatigue lifetime is expected to increase by approximately 3.4 million cycles due to the reduced stress amplitude.
- The fatigue lifetimes of the SPR joints are evaluated by applying the von-Mises stress, maximum principal stress, and equivalent stress intensity factors at loading angles of 0°, 45°, and 90°. The equivalent stress intensity factor is found to be most appropriate.
- Using the relationship of the fatigue lifetime and the equivalent stress intensity factor under various loading conditions of the T.M-B.S and T.M-B.A SPR joint specimens, it was confirmed that the fatigue lifetime of these two types of specimens could be appropriately predicted within a factor of three. This fact suggests that the fatigue resistance of magnesium AZ31 on the top plate leads to extended fatigue lifetimes of these two types of specimens.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Material | σu (MPa) | σy (MPa) | Elong. (%) |
AZ31 | 277.1 | 147.8 | 10 |
Al5052 | 234.4 | 161.8 | 9 |
A (MPa) | B (MPa) | n | |
AZ31 | 147.8 | 282.9 | 0.3 |
Al5052 | 161.8 | 366.1 | 0.63 |
J-C Parameters | d1 | d2 | d3 | d4 |
AZ31 | 0.35 | 0.6 | 0.45 | 0.21 |
Al5052 | 0.31 | 0.04 | 1.72 | 0.01 |
Loading Angle | Pamp (N) | Nf (Cycles) | Loading Angle | Pamp (N) | Nf (Cycles) |
0° | 1400 | 25,858 | 45° | 270 | 375,720 |
0° | 1300 | 19,844 | 45° | 260 | 435,110 |
0° | 1200 | 95,389 | 45° | 250 | 343,070 |
0° | 1100 | 143,354 | 45° | 240 | 625,150 |
0° | 1000 | 244,825 | 90° | 450 | 6148 |
0° | 950 | 398,884 | 90° | 380 | 13,875 |
0° | 900 | 385,692 | 90° | 300 | 33,481 |
0° | 850 | 1,226,220 | 90° | 250 | 74,910 |
45° | 480 | 5916 | 90° | 200 | 224,111 |
45° | 400 | 29,905 | 90° | 180 | 305,793 |
45° | 350 | 59,430 | 90° | 160 | 1,030,904 |
45° | 300 | 133,120 | - | - | - |
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Share and Cite
Lee, Y.-I.; Kim, H.-K. Effects of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Lifetimes of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints of AZ31 Mg Alloy and Al5052 Al Alloy Sheets. Metals 2021, 11, 2037. https://doi.org/10.3390/met11122037
Lee Y-I, Kim H-K. Effects of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Lifetimes of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints of AZ31 Mg Alloy and Al5052 Al Alloy Sheets. Metals. 2021; 11(12):2037. https://doi.org/10.3390/met11122037
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Young-In, and Ho-Kyung Kim. 2021. "Effects of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Lifetimes of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints of AZ31 Mg Alloy and Al5052 Al Alloy Sheets" Metals 11, no. 12: 2037. https://doi.org/10.3390/met11122037
APA StyleLee, Y.-I., & Kim, H.-K. (2021). Effects of Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Lifetimes of Self-Piercing Riveted Joints of AZ31 Mg Alloy and Al5052 Al Alloy Sheets. Metals, 11(12), 2037. https://doi.org/10.3390/met11122037