Framing Scenarios of Binational Water Policy with a Tool to Visualize, Quantify and Valuate Changes in Ecosystem Services
<p>Location map of the Santa Cruz Watershed, Santa Cruz County, towns, streams and boundaries.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Map of the Santa Cruz Watershed with close-up view (right) showing the location of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant (NIWTP) in relationship to the rivers and streams, places, watershed boundaries and the Los Alisos Wastewater Treatment Plant (LAWTP).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Photographs of reaches of the Santa Cruz River moving away from the NIWTP, where (<b>a</b>) water is being discharged at the outfall of the NIWTP (Photo from Tosline [<a href="#B26-water-05-00852" class="html-bibr">26</a>]); (<b>b</b>) the river is flowing northward; (<b>c</b>) the river is drying out at Amado; and (<b>d</b>) the dry bed north of Amado (Photos b–d by Sam Treese).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Conceptual graphic of the Santa Cruz Watershed Ecosystem Portfolio Model (SCWEPM), sub-models (in red boxes), ecosystem services (in green boxes) and quantifiable attributes (in purple boxes).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Line graph displaying the number of dry days per year that is predicted at each reach, with varying effluent release scenarios [<a href="#B49-water-05-00852" class="html-bibr">49</a>], where Scenario 1 is current day or 15 million gallons per day (MGD), Scenario 2 is 12.5 MGD (83%), Scenario 3 is 10 MGD (67%), Scenario 4 is 7.5 MGD (50%) and Scenario 5 is 5 MGD (33%).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Column chart portraying predicted transmission losses (cubic meters per second; cms) at each reach, for varying scenarios [<a href="#B49-water-05-00852" class="html-bibr">49</a>], where Scenario 1 is current day or 15 MGD, Scenario 2 is 12.5 MGD (83%), Scenario 3 is 10 MGD (67%), Scenario 4 is 7.5 MGD (50%) and Scenario 5 is 5 MGD (33%).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Historical distribution of riparian forests and woodlands (RFW) and non-forest/woodland (NFW) vegetation along a 3 km stretch of the Santa Cruz River.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Map series portraying the comparison of various effluent-discharge scenarios of the SCWEPM, where the perennial flow extent for each scenario is numbered (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Maps display from left to right: vegetation, habitat species richness, transmission loss (at each reach) and U.S. Census Block groups mapped according to the Modified Socio-Environmental Vulnerability Index (M-SEVI).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Binational Effluent Scenario Development
- Scenario 1: 100% or 15 MGD,
- Scenario 2: 83% or 12.5 MGD,
- Scenario 3: 67% or 10 MGD,
- Scenario 4: 50% or 7.5 MGD,
- Scenario 5: 33% or 5 MGD.
2.2. Santa Cruz Watershed Ecosystem Portfolio Model (SCWEPM)
2.2.1. Ecological-Value Submodel (EVM): Water, Vegetation and Wildlife Habitat
2.2.2. Market Land-Price Submodel (MLP)
2.2.3. Human Well-Being Submodel (HWB)
2.3. Benefits Transfer
3. Results
3.1. Scenarios
Effluent Release Scenario | Perennial Surface Flow | Vegetation Habitat | Real-Estate Value | Vulnerable Communities Affected | Groundwater Recharge |
Scenario 1: 100% | 18–25 mi. | N/A | 7,781 parcels with combined sales price of $30,370,153 baseline | N/A | Recharge estimates from the channel ~11,160 AFY baseline |
Scenario 2: 83% | 16 mi. | IBA riparian zone impacted | 7,491 parcels with combined increase in sales price of $29,238,249 (difference/loss of | Tubac impacted | Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by ~4% ( |
Scenario 3: 67% | 11.5 mi. | IBA riparian zone and north of TUMA impacted | 6,684 parcels with combined increase in sales price of $26,088,434 (difference/loss of | Tubac and Tumacacori impacted | Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by ~12% ( |
Scenario 4: 50% | 10.7 mi. | IBA riparian zone and north of TUMA and TUMA impacted | 6,405 parcels with combined increase in sales price of $24,999,464 (difference/loss of | Same communities at Tubac and Tumacacori impacted | Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by ~20% ( |
Scenario 5: 33% | 6.3 mi. | Same IBA riparian zone and north of TUMA and TUMA impacted | 4,930 parcels with combined increase in sales price of $19,242,367 (difference/loss of | Same communities at Tubac and Tumacacori impacted | Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by ~32% ( |
- In Scenario 1, where the current 15 MGD are being discharged at the NIWTP, perennial surface flow is expected to extend across 18–26 river miles, supporting riparian forest or woodland vegetation, habitat for 267 species and groundwater recharge estimates from the channel at approximately 11,160 AFY. According to the parcel map, 7781 privately owned parcels of real-estate exist within the 1.1 mile buffer of the river. This privately owned land calculation comprises 6331 ha of the 21,116 ha riparian buffer zone. The real-estate value of the riparian zone in RFW status is estimated to be $30.4 M.
- In Scenario 2, where 83% of current day discharge is released at the NIWTP (12.5 MGD), the perennial surface flow is reduced to approximately 16 river miles, impacting the IBA riparian zone on the Tucson Audubon-held conservation easement land and decreasing home values for up to 290 parcels of land (~461 ha). This results in a loss of up to $1.3 M in lost home value premiums, for the region. Highly vulnerable communities at Tubac are impacted by this loss. Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by approximately 4% (approximately 428 AFY).
- In Scenario 3, where 67% of current day discharge is released at the NIWTP (10 MGD), perennial surface flow is reduced to approximately 11.5 river miles, impacting the IBA riparian zone on the Tucson Audubon-held conservation easement land and areas north of Tumacácori. Home values for up to 1097 parcels of land (~1318 ha) will lose their riparian proximity value, including the highly vulnerable communities at Tubac and Tumacácori. This translates into real-estate value loss of up to $4.3 M for the region. Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by approximately 12% (approximately 1377 AFY) from the current day.
- In Scenario 4, where 50% of current day discharge is released at the NIWTP (7.5 MGD), the perennial surface flow is reduced to approximately 10.7 river miles, which impacts the IBA riparian zone on the Tucson Audubon-held conservation easement land, through all of Tumacácori National Historic Park (TUMA). Home values for up to 1376 parcels of land (1451 ha) will lose their riparian premiums, impacting the same highly vulnerable communities at Tubac and Tumacácori. The real-estate sales prices for the region, estimated to be lost by this scenario, are approximately $5.4 M. Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by approximately 20% (approximately 2186 AFY).
- Finally, in Scenario 5, where 33% of current day discharge is released at the NIWTP (5 MGD), perennial surface flow is reduced to approximately 6.3 river miles. The same IBA riparian zone on the Tucson Audubon-held conservation easement through all of TUMA is impacted. Home values for up to 2851 parcels of land (3056 ha) will lose their riparian premiums, equivalent to $11.1 M, impacting the same highly vulnerable communities at Tubac and Tumacácori. Recharge estimates from the channel decrease by approximately 32% (approximately 3564 AFY).
3.2. Benefit Transfer
3.2.1. Surface Water
Scenario | Water discharged at the NIWTP outfall (MGD) | Dollar value of treated effluent at outfall/year * (million $) | Dollar value difference from current scenario of treated effluent at outfall/year *(million $) |
Scenario 1: 100% | 15 | 2.42 | |
Scenario 2: 83% | 12.5 | 2.02 | (0.40) |
Scenario 3: 67% | 10 | 1.61 | (0.81) |
Scenario 4: 50% | 7.5 | 1.21 | (1.21) |
Scenario 5: 33% | 5 | 0.81 | (1.61) |
3.2.2. Ground Water
Scenario | Water percolating to the SCAMA aquifers derived by SWAT SCWEPM (acre-ft/year) | Dollar value of water recharging the SCAMA aquifers/year * (million $) | Dollar value difference from current scenario to recharge SCAMA aquifers/year * (K $) |
Scenario 1: 100% | 11,160 | 1.6 | |
Scenario 2: 83% | 10,732 | 1.55 | (62) |
Scenario 3: 67% | 9,783 | 1.4 | (198) |
Scenario 4: 50% | 8,974 | 1.29 | (315) |
Scenario 5: 33% | 7,596 | 1.1 | (513) |
3.3. Willingness to Pay
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
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© 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (
Share and Cite
Norman, L.M.; Villarreal, M.L.; Niraula, R.; Meixner, T.; Frisvold, G.; Labiosa, W. Framing Scenarios of Binational Water Policy with a Tool to Visualize, Quantify and Valuate Changes in Ecosystem Services. Water 2013, 5, 852-874.
Norman LM, Villarreal ML, Niraula R, Meixner T, Frisvold G, Labiosa W. Framing Scenarios of Binational Water Policy with a Tool to Visualize, Quantify and Valuate Changes in Ecosystem Services. Water. 2013; 5(3):852-874.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNorman, Laura M., Miguel L. Villarreal, Rewati Niraula, Thomas Meixner, George Frisvold, and William Labiosa. 2013. "Framing Scenarios of Binational Water Policy with a Tool to Visualize, Quantify and Valuate Changes in Ecosystem Services" Water 5, no. 3: 852-874.
APA StyleNorman, L. M., Villarreal, M. L., Niraula, R., Meixner, T., Frisvold, G., & Labiosa, W. (2013). Framing Scenarios of Binational Water Policy with a Tool to Visualize, Quantify and Valuate Changes in Ecosystem Services. Water, 5(3), 852-874.