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Technical Note

PROBA-V Mission Exploitation Platform

VITO, Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek-Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium
ESA-ESRIN, European Space Agency–European Space Research Institute, Via Galileo Galilei, 00044 Frascati, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Remote Sens. 2016, 8(7), 564; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8070564
Submission received: 25 April 2016 / Revised: 22 June 2016 / Accepted: 22 June 2016 / Published: 2 July 2016


As an extension of the PROBA-Vegetation (PROBA-V) user segment, the European Space Agency (ESA), de Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), and partners TRASYS and Spacebel developed an operational Mission Exploitation Platform (MEP) to drastically improve the exploitation of the PROBA-V Earth Observation (EO) data archive, the archive from the historical SPOT-VEGETATION mission, and derived products by researchers, service providers, and thematic users. The analysis of the time series of data (petabyte range) is addressed, as well as the large scale on-demand processing of the complete archive, including near real-time data. The platform consists of a private cloud environment, a Hadoop-based processing environment and a data manager. Several applications are released to the users, e.g., a full resolution viewing service, a time series viewer, pre-defined on-demand processing chains, and virtual machines with powerful tools and access to the data. After an initial release in January 2016 a research platform was deployed gradually, allowing users to design, debug, and test applications on the platform. From the PROBA-V MEP, access to, e.g., Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data will be addressed as well.

Graphical Abstract">
Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

The concept of a Mission Exploitation (or Community) Platform (MEP) has been elaborated by the ESA after a series of consultations and inputs received, starting from the large survey conducted at the time of the Living Planet symposium in Edinburgh in September 2013. The amount of available Earth Observation (EO) satellite data combined with the latest technological evolutions has generated growing expectations, with the perspective of reaching new users. In this context, access to EO data and generation of services means:
  • An increase the amount of data available (EO and non EO, including fiducial reference data), both to science and downstream services;
  • Ensure shorter time for delivery;
  • Increase collaboration;
  • Guarantee quality/reliability of the data; and
  • Improve flexibility to respond to changing demands and expectations.
In particular, the European industry requested support from the ESA for the development of Big Data from space-related applications, services, and the development of enabling technologies in order to ensure international competitiveness and reach new user segments beyond science and meteorology.
We see, as well, that several Sentinel collaborative ground segments are established and some national agencies move towards thematic centres. There is a clear convergence to the paradigm of "user-oriented" exploitation platforms being the response to the Big Data from space challenge (variety, veracity, and velocity for the usability of the EO data for decision-making processes).
The PROBA-V MEP addresses these challenges and builds further on the research and development (R and D) results, i.e., existing prototypes, from the ESA-sponsored ‘Enhanced Service Support Environment (ESE)’ and ‘Ontology Based EO Search (OBEOS)’ projects: the MEP aims to bring together all data, all software/tools/libraries, and all documentation needed by the users to analyse or process PROBA-V data on one single platform with scalable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and support for collaboration between different actors.
In Section 2 we explain the specific objectives of a MEP for the PROBA-V mission. Section 3 discusses the technical solution based on state-of-the-art tools used in Big Data solutions. In Section 4 we clarify how the users are involved to steer the evolution of the platform. Here we have a specific focus on calibration and validation activities, as this is an important aspect. The paper concludes with a discussion on future activities and conclusions.

2. Objectives and Benefits

The PROBA-V MEP [1] has the ambition to complement the PROBA-V user segment [2] by building an operational exploitation platform (EP) on the data, addressing hereby the wider vegetation user community with the final aim to ease and increase the use of PROBA-V data [3]. The data offer will consist of the complete archive from PROBA-V (daily data from October 2013, onwards), the historical SPOT-VEGETATION missions (data archive from 1998 till May 2014) [4], complementary data required to process, analyse, and validate PROBA-V data, and derived products from users.
The reasons for deploying a Mission Exploitation Platform dedicated to the PROBA-V mission are numerous:
  • The data, and specifically the time series of daily/ten-daily data, from 1998 until the present is too large to be downloaded to, and processed on, the users’ premises, at least for the majority of the users. Here, the data from the former SPOT-VEGETATION 1 and 2 missions and PROBA-V at 1 km are treated in the MEP as one time series. The differences between the two datasets will be documented and provided to the users as part of the documentation provided on the platform.
  • Users benefit from a unique point of access to the mission/sensor data (core, derived, prototyped, test), but also to data from similar missions/sensors (i.e., in support to joint calibration and validation (cal/val) or synergetic products also issued from programmatic collaboration), to meteorological data or fiducial reference and campaign data. The MEP becomes the hub of the mission for the broad communities of users/scientists and service providers for searching, accessing, processing, manipulating, and visualizing the data with suitable tools.
  • The platform can stimulate collaboration between the users, as we bring together services from various stakeholders on the same platform with a number of tools to support the publishing of these services and to allow others to provide online feedback. A further focus on documentation, knowledge-sharing, and user support complements this and also makes the MEP an information centre for the mission with documentation on all supported products, similar missions, and fiducial reference data, specifications, standards, reports, etc.
  • Fast and efficient information exchange is ensured by social networking tools: forum/wikis/blogs/calendar of events/new social networks capabilities. The MEP becomes the hub information centre for the mission where ESA, in the role of facilitator, is re-enforced as a mediator and coordinator, setting a stepping stone for future growth.
  • The platform goes beyond offering standard products which can be only downloaded as they are produced by the processing centre: in the MEP applications are offered to visualize and analyse large time series of data. Furthermore on-demand processing services are developed including a web-based UI, which deliver user-tailored products. In a next step we gradually deploy a virtual research environment, being a platform, which allows users to develop, debug, and test an application on an infrastructure at VITO with access to the complete data archive. Successful applications from third-parties can then be offered as operational on-demand processing services to the user community on the same scalable platform. The platform is open for any processing workflow using any processing algorithm, including open source ‘processing’ code and/or public/collaborative software.
  • The MEP strengthens the veracity pillar of the Big Data concept by holding all available information for all the supported products (core, derived, prototyped/test) of the mission and similar ones (synergetic products, joint cal/val, programmatic collaboration between agencies/services), fiducial reference and campaign data. The cal/val need is strong in a MEP context, both when the mission is still in its initial phase of operations and later on for algorithm validation.
  • As an exploitation platform (EP) with a focus on open interfaces, we position the PROBA-V mission in an ecosystem of TEPs (Thematic EPs), REPs (Regional EPs), and other MEPs. In the future the PROBA-V MEP can be integrated gradually in a federation of different platforms, including Sentinel Collaborative Ground Segments, in line with the current ESA strategy on the ‘EO Ground Segment Evolution’.
During the PROBA-V MEP operational phase, which will continue at least until the end of the PROBA-V mission in May 2018, several third-party service projects will develop and operate applications on the platform. We will address their user requirements to implement the shift of paradigm from “data to user“ to “user to data”, bridging the gap between the traditional EO ground segment and the scientist or value-added industry by providing a one stop shop with access to the full PROBA-V mission data (including derived parameters) and to external repositories of similar missions/sensors (including Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, and Landsat).

3. Technical Solution

In this section we discuss the high-level components of the platform and the portfolio of tools which is currently available on the platform.

3.1. PROBA-V MEP Platform

The platform consists of the following components as outlined in Figure 1 and explained in this section.

3.1.1. Product Distribution Facility

The existing Product Distribution Facility (PDF) is serving the access to all data available in the archive at the VITO data centre, both via a Web portal interface as well as discovery, viewing and data access interfaces using widely accepted open standards. More evolutions on these standardized machine-to-machine interfaces are planned in the near future, e.g., the support of OpenSearch [5] and a download manager.
The PDF can be accessed from [6] and offers the complete archives of PROBA-V and SPOT-VEGETATION, and also several other products e.g., 10-daily composites from METOP-AVHRR and data from the airborne hyperspectral Airborne Prism Experiment (APEX [7]) instrument. Also the output data i.e., results from applications running on the PROBA-V MEP can be ingested in the PDF, from where they can be downloaded by others users.

3.1.2. Scalable Processing and Data Analytics Platform–Hadoop Cluster

Hadoop [8], as a software framework for data-intensive distributed applications, is designed to process large amounts of data by separating the data into smaller chunks and performing large numbers of small parallel operations on the data. It is applied often for processing big data and is applied in this context for the on-demand processing of EO data, as prototyped successfully in the past ESE project.
In the PROBA-V MEP the Hortonworks [9] distribution is deployed and Spark [10] is used intensively to allow analytics on large time series of data. The Hadoop ecosystem provides furthermore a rich and still growing set of tools, which are used to provide fast and secure access to the data in a format needed by the specific application.
Today a pre-operational Hadoop environment is deployed at VITO and used within the platform to support the different applications. By end of the summer 2016 further investments are done to make the platform more operations friendly: extensive monitoring is added, several maintenance tools are deployed and high availability is ensured on every component in the Hadoop environment.
Developing and deploying an application on the Hadoop cluster offers interesting opportunities for developers, since they can run their processing workflow in a parallelised way on a powerful processing cluster with direct access to the full data archive. Today many of these users run their applications on a single server. It must be noted however that porting an existing application to Hadoop is not straightforward for many application developers. Therefore we support users intensively in this process and several levels of integration can be considered:
  • The easiest way is to consider the existing application as a black box. The integration is then quite simple: (1) compile the code for CentOS 7 [11]; (2) wrap its invocation in a shell script; (3) upload auxiliary data and executables on the platform; (4) create a workflow using the available Graphical User Interface (GUI) and finally (5) run and test the application on the Hadoop cluster. The drawback of this approach is that no parallelisation is done, hence there’s no performance gain of running the application on the Hadoop cluster. The benefit is however the access to the full data archive.
  • Because the PROBA-V synthesis products are delivered in tiles by 10° × 10°, the processing can be done tile based, while keeping the application as it is. By this approach, the throughput is increased as each tile can be processed in parallel. In addition to what is described in the previous point, a simple Spark (Python or Java) script needs to be written to parallelise the processing. It only requires a minimal programming knowledge in Python or Java and the application/algorithm needs of course to support a tile based processing.
  • The ideal, but most complex approach, is to write a new Spark program whereby the existing code can be reused as much as possible, if it is sufficiently modular. In this case the use of Spark can be maximised and all Hadoop features can be exploited, e.g., distributed machine learning, streaming, in memory distributed processing, etc. Based on our experience we learned that, by doing so, we can significantly increase the performance but a good knowledge of Hadoop is a prerequisite and this approach requires considerably more development time. VITO is supporting interested users in the project to guide them through this learning process.
The three different scenarios are illustrated in Figure 2.

3.1.3. Data Manager

The EO raster data is accessible on the platform via Network File System (NFS) [12] and possibly as well from the Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) [13] where data can be uploaded by the Data Manager. This Data Manager can interface with several catalogues which implement different protocols to search and download data, which allows us to ingest data from different providers in the platform when needed by a specific user. Not only the VITO Product Distribution Facility which contains all data available at the VITO data centre is connected to the MEP, but also external data archives, e.g., the ESA Data Hub Service for ingesting Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 or the download service for the Landsat data provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Note that data ingested from an external archive is made available on the platform by the Data Manager for a limited period, i.e., when needed the least frequent or longest non-used data, according configuration, is removed.

3.1.4. Cloud Middleware–OpenStack Cluster

Cloud computing technology enables dynamic resource provisioning and it is therefore providing a performing and scalable solution. OpenStack [14] is chosen as cloud middleware for a private cloud solution at VITO. Pre-configured Virtual Machines (VM) are offered to the users and can run on the OpenStack cluster at VITO, providing the environment needed for them to work with the data and develop/deploy applications on the platform, i.e., containing Integrated Development Environments (IDE), a rich set of tools and access to the complete data archive. Furthermore users can customise this environment by downloading more data and tools.
Today the ESA Research and Service Support (RSS) Cloud Toolbox technology is used [15] to provide developers a VM with the tools they need, which run on a commercial cloud provider. By the summer 2016, these VMs can as well be configured and deployed on the VITO hosted OpenStack environment with direct access to the complete data archive available on the platform. A remote desktop access interface allows users to connect to this graphical environment from anywhere.
A main concern on this component is security, since VITO allows users to develop and execute their applications on the platform, which is deployed within the VITO data centre. Furthermore we must ensure that the Intellectual Property Rights of the users are properly protected and the activities of individual users cannot influence the stability of the system and the work of other users. Single-sign-on and proper monitoring of used resources are further requirements.

3.1.5. Web Portal, Including Dashboards

A Web portal accessible from proba-v-mep.esa.int, provides access to all applications and tools offered by the PROBA-V MEP and to the cloud consoles. Furthermore the portal provides all information on the data and components available on the platform and offers tools for e-collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst the users.
Interactive Web-based dashboards will be designed and integrated later on in the Web portal to provide user-tailored information from the EO data archives of VITO and other providers, by combining existing components such as JavaScript libraries for dynamic charts and Geographic Information System (GIS) components into one single Web client solution.
We can easily design user-tailored Web-based dashboards, which offer at any time near real-time information for the regional extent of interest for the user and in the format chosen by the user. This technology, applied on the platform, provides enormous opportunities to make the data more exploitable for a wide public, in cooperation with different stakeholders (researchers, service providers, etc.).

3.1.6. Web Services

One of the key requirements of the PROBA-V MEP is to provide widely used interfaces at all levels (data discovery, data access, data analytics, on-demand processing), if possible based on open standards. Several Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC [16]) standards are used (Web Map Tile Service (WMTS [17]), Web Coverage Service (WCS [18]), Web Processing Service (WPS [19]), etc.), but also RESTful interfaces are developed and provided, since these are often less complex and can yet more easily be used by application developers. External applications can interface with these Web Services to perform a part of the processing or data analytics on the PROBA-V MEP platform.
Furthermore, VITO and ESA aim to place the PROBA-V MEP within a federation of other Exploitation Platforms. Therefore the interoperability is a key requirement for the project.

3.2. Portfolio of Tools

Today the platform offers already several tools/applications with varying complexity. For these tools, a Web client is provided for both human users and Web services for integration into third-party applications which can be deployed outside the platform i.e., at the users’ premises. All tools are deployed on the VITO private cloud environment, to ensure the scalability in the future. This list will be expanded in the future, also with tools from third parties.
In the following subsections we describe the tools which are provided today.

3.2.1. Geo Viewer

With the Geo Viewer you can view the PROBA-V data in full resolution, as illustrated in Figure 3. The application is released in the pre-release at January 2016 for PROBA-V 1 km data. In the next months more PROBA-V data (300 m and 100 m) will become available and also derived vegetation parameters from the Copernicus Global Land Service [20] will be added.
The Geo Viewer is backed by OGC standard based Web services. It is possible to access these Web services directly using a simple web browser or desktop tools such as QGIS [21]. More information and the end points of these Web services (WMS, WMTS) are available on http://proba-v-mep.esa.int/applications/geo-viewer.

3.2.2. Time Series Viewer

The Time Series Viewer application allows the users to explore and view PROBA-V time series and in the future as well derived indicators for vegetation and environmental monitoring (Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR), Fraction of Vegetation Cover (FCOVER), Leaf Area Index (LAI), etc.) e.g., as provided by the Copernicus Global Land Service, as illustrated in Figure 4.
Since the pre-release in January 2016 the application is available on the PROBA-V ten-daily synthesis (S10) Top of Canopy (TOC) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and rainfall data from Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) (http://chg.geog.ucsb.edu/data/chirps/) averaged over pre-defined geographical regions. Soon derived parameters from the Copernicus Global Land Service will be available as well in the application.
In future releases, more data collections will be added, e.g., all radiometric bands from PROBA-V S10 both averaged over the set of predefined regional areas and at pixel level. The functionality of the application will be extended allowing a user to draw a polygon as Area of Interest (AOI) for which the time series will be calculated on-the-fly in a few seconds. Furthermore Web services are developed to integrate this service as a data feed into a user application.

3.2.3. N-Daily Compositor

Temporal compositing is a general technique used in optical remote sensing. Daily observations are composited into the temporal domain to generate proper images, e.g., to acquire cloud-free images. With this application you can generate ‘on-demand’ composites starting from PROBA-V daily composite images (S1 products) defining the compositing period and choosing amongst a set of predefined algorithms. You can start the batch processing of a large number of composites and can schedule this processing in the future on the arrival of more recent data. The results are distributed via the PDF, from which you can download the composite products.
In the current pre-release from January 2016 the application is available on the full archive of PROBA-V 1 km data and the most recent year of PROBA-V 300 m data in GeoTIFF [22] format. After the summer 2016 the complete PROBA-V archive (including 100 m data) will be available and the functionality will be extended, e.g., to support HDF-5 [23] as file format as well.
The N-daily compositor is only a first example of a ‘pre-defined on-demand processing service’. This illustrates that an application or processing workflow from a third party can be deployed on the PROBA-V MEP distributed processing platform and can be released as an operational service to the wider community. If necessary, authorisation rules can be implemented to restrict the usage of the service to a limited number of users.

3.2.4. Cloud Toolbox

With the Cloud Toolbox, a developer or researcher can get an environment with access to the PROBA-V data archive and a powerful set of tools to work with the data (e.g., SNAP toolbox [24], GRASS GIS [25], QGIS) or to develop and test applications (using R, Python or Java). Also different libraries (e.g., GDAL [26]) and auxiliary data can be made available if needed by the users.
In the pre-release from January 2016 the Cloud Toolbox is released with sample PROBA-V data. A Virtual Machine (VM) with the complete environment can be initiated via the ESA RSS Cloud Toolbox service.
From autumn 2016 the Cloud Toolbox can be instantiated at the private cloud environment at VITO giving access to the complete PROBA-V data archive and complementary data needed by the users.
The users get a graphical environment as shown in Figure 5 with access to all the PROBA-V data in a simple directory structure. Web services are available within the Cloud Toolbox providing additional functionalities, e.g., for extracting a region of interest from a time series of data.

3.2.5. Interactive Notebooks

In the future, interactive Notebooks will be provided using the Jupyter Notebook [27] technology, providing to the users a means for interactive data analytics using Python and R via any Web browser. Users can type Python commands in the Web browser and get the output immediately, possibly as rich media output. The backend of the application is powered by Spark and ElasticSearch [28], to provide a fast response.
Today this functionality is not yet released to the general public, but a preview is already available here: http://proba-v-mep.esa.int/blog/ipython-notebooks-preview.

4. Users

Since the PROBA-V user community is wide and diverse, it is important that the project addresses a wide range of users with appropriate tools ranging from tools to ‘explore time series of data’ to an agile development environment and reliable batch processing environment with flexible resource management.
  • The Geo Viewer and Time Series Viewer are easy to use and, therefore, targeted to the widest range of users, including those without any programming knowledge or remote sensing expertise. Both applications offer a Web client and a Web service interface.
  • The pre-defined on-demand processing applications, of which the N-daily compositor is one example, allow users to process customised EO-products, i.e., tailored to their needs. Since a user needs to be able to use the results, the target user here is the remote sensing expert. If this expert is capable of working with Python or R, the Interactive Notebooks are suited to perform interactive data analytics.
  • Towards researchers and application developers, the Cloud Toolbox is offered as a Virtual Research Environment with complex tools and libraries from a Virtual Machine. In this application the complexity is high, but the flexibility is maximal i.e., the user can even install additional tools or download additional data to the platform. Using the Cloud Toolbox, the user can reproduce within the MEP his own working environment, as if he/she was working at his premises, but having access to all available data archives.
To be able to address additional scenarios and user requirements in the next years and to adopt new technologies and software components, the PROBA-V MEP is developed in multiple iterations. In January 2016 a first pre-release was launched allowing the users to provide feedback on early prototypes. After the summer of 2016 a first full operational release will be deployed and two more iterations are planned roughly every nine months. Within the iterations, the development is done in bi-weekly development cycles, which allows us to adopt priorities depending on the input and feedback from users. The roadmap of the platform is explained in detail at https://proba-v-mep.esa.int/about-mep-proba-v/mep-proba-v-roadmap.
Already in this pre-operational phase several beta users are involved. Some perform R and D activities on the platform and develop a prototype of a processing workflow using PROBA-V and complementary data. Others develop an operational data analytics or processing service, which runs on the PROBA-V MEP platform and connects to a front-end application running at the premises of the partner. Others develop a post-processing tool, which will be offered to other end-users on the platform to ease their work. Additionally, several cal/val activities, which are detailed in the subsection below, will be supported by the platform. This early involvement of beta users is important as their feedback and suggestions for further extensions drive the development of the platform.

Calibration and Validation Applications

The need of a user-driven exploitation platform for calibration and validation (cal/val) activities was already identified and consolidated in the frame of various ESA projects. Examples of cal/val users platforms were defined and implemented for MERIS Ocean Color users, the Meris Matchup In-Situ Database (MERMAID) project [29], for Land Products Validation in the frame of Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), the On-line Validation Exercise (OLIVE) [30], as well as for the MERIS level 2 prototype processor exploitation platform, the Optical Data Processor of the European Space Agency (ODESA) system, which was successfully used for a number of research studies and cal/val activities, e.g., [31].
A set of requirements was identified and consolidated during these projects, which can be reused, as a baseline for shaping the PROBA-V MEP to the cal/val users’ community needs. The following prerequisites can be in particular recalled here, which should be fulfilled within the PROBA-V MEP:
  • The possibility to extract area of interest (AOI) from the archive, at the polygon level or at the pixel level and to have easy access to time series of calibrated measurements over this AOI. This is typically the case for geographical areas around cal/val in situ validation sites or corresponding to the location of fiducial reference measurements (FRM). Note that FRM are defined as the suite of independent ground-measurements that provide the maximum return on investment (ROI) by delivering to users the required confidence in data products, in the form of independent validation results over the entire end-to-end duration of a satellite mission [32].
  • The possibility to systematically inter-compare Level 2 geo-physical products retrieved from satellite measurements with collocated in-situ measurements or FRM. This includes the capability to define the settings for match-up collocation, the application of basic quality filtering to the satellite data, the post-processing of the results using statistical tools, and the systematic generation of standardized scatterplots and time series plots with associated statistical metrics (e.g., mean, standard deviation). Note that for some of the geo-physical parameters of interest, validation protocols, and best practices already exist, which should be followed for performing the comparison between satellite data and ground truth; see, for instance, the example of the Leaf Area Index (LAI) best practice protocol for validation, defined in the frame of CEOS Working Ground on cal/val [33].
  • The possibility to plug in new user modules into the core processor, namely new Level 2 (or higher level) processing algorithms or part of the algorithm, or to tune the processing parameters and to systematically compare the new products’ outputs against the “operational” ones and with respect to the in situ data or FRM. This feature is essential during the algorithm improvement cycle, since it provides the required evidence of validity of the new algorithm and it allows measuring the improvements with respect to the current operational processor.
In the case of the PROBA-V MEP these requirements are already partially covered, e.g., the extraction of AOI, the integration of user module, and predefined processing on-demand. The requisites, which are currently not yet supported, will be progressively included during the iterative development cycles of the MEP. The final goal is to be able to sustain within the MEP a set of well-identified cal/val user scenarios. We mention here below some cal/val use cases, which are relevant specifically for PROBA-V products and applications.
  • Validation of surface reflectances. The PROBA-V higher-level products consist of atmospherically-corrected TOC reflectances, provided as daily, 5-day (only for 100 m), and 10-day synthesis products. The validation of surface reflectances is a rather complex topic, since no real “ground truth” data is available at the medium spatial resolution scale. Note that, for high-resolution sensors such as Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8, the ESA-CNES RadCalNET [34] prototype network is now defining a set of FRM, for the systematic validation of surface reflectances at the decametric scale. One of the approaches for validating surface reflectance at the hectometric scale is to use the AERONET ground-based network [35], which can be considered as a FRM. The process consists in using Radiative Transfer Model (RTM), such as LibRadtran, and the input atmospheric data retrieved from the AERONET measurements, i.e., the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and the column water vapour content (WV), to compute “ground-truth” surface reflectances from TOA satellite measurements. These “ground-truth” surface reflectances can then be compared against the collocated operational TOC products in order to estimate their precision and accuracy. This process should be systematically available within the PROBA-V MEP as a predefined workflow, so that a typical Cal/Val or expert user can estimate the accuracy of the current processor and can also implement new algorithms (e.g., for aerosol retrieval) and see how they improve the results with respect to the current approach.
  • Validation of Aerosol Retrieval. Another potential cal/val scenario for the PROBA-V MEP is the validation of AOT retrieval, using the AERONET network as FRM. The AOT estimation is performed within the PROBA-V processing chain using a semi-empirical approach, inherited from SPOT-VEGETATION and described in [4]. This semi-empirical approach works only for vegetated areas (NDVI > 0.2) and it lacks for intensive validation, despite the importance of aerosol correction for land applications. In order to address this need, one user scenario within the PROBA-V MEP, will be to test and validate new methods for AOT estimation, using AERONET as a “ground-truth” reference. The goal is to stimulate advances in AOT retrieval algorithms and to improve the overall quality of PROBA-V operational TOC products. The typical workflow in such case consists of extracting PROBA-V TOA data over the in situ locations, apply the new aerosol algorithm, and systematically compare the AOT estimated from the satellite with the one retrieved from the ground-based AERONET measurements. Systematic production of standardized output should be considered within the workflow, such as scatterplots and temporal series of AOT for the relevant locations.
  • Validation of Biophysical variables. The current baseline for the PROBA-V ESA products does not include biophysical variables which are, instead, nominally generated within the Copernicus Global Land Service. On the other hand, scientific users within the PROBA-V MEP can propose, develop, test, and validate new algorithms for retrieving specific biophysical products, e.g., leaf area index (LAI) and phenology from PROBA-V data. This is actually one of the major objectives of the MEP, i.e., to foster data exploitation enlarging the current products’ portfolio. These research results could potentially be taken up and qualified into the Copernicus Global Land Service at a later stage. Within this context, the new algorithm needs to be validated against reference ground-truth data in order to assess precision and accuracy. A cal/val scenario is the automatic validation of the new products using a predefined workflow within the PROBA-V MEP and a set of relevant ground-truth input data. The BELMANIP network [36], which is also used in the frame of the Copernicus Global Land Service, could be used as a validation network for this purpose. The typical workflow scenario, for such a use case, consists of the automatic extraction of the satellite derived biophysical variables over the in situ network locations, the comparison of the results with in situ data, and the provision of a standardized output in the form of scatterplots, temporal plots, and associated statistical indicators.

5. Discussion

The impact of the PROBA-V MEP on the user community will be high and has the potential to completely change the way of working with the data and, hence, open the large time series to a larger community of users.
A pre-release of the platform was launched in January 2016 at the PROBA-V conference in Ghent, Belgium. Three further iterations are planned to gradually expand the capabilities of the system, add access to more data and provide new features, in close collaboration with the first third party projects working on the platform. The first iteration will be released in autumn 2016 where the OpenStack and Hadoop platform with access to the full PROBA-V data archive will be opened for any user. Furthermore existing applications will be upgraded, based on early feedback from users. In the next iteration the support of Sentinel and Landsat data is ensured.
The operational platform is based on recent R and D activities and is in line with the new ESA strategy on the ‘EO Ground Segment Evolution’. Hence, as future work, the integration of the platform within a federation needs to be addressed to establish links with similar platforms with complementary data and services. In the second iteration we will therefore focus on standardised interfaces to allow seamless machine-to-machine communication with applications outside the platform. Additionally, more applications and users will be integrated in the platform to enrich the content and enlarge the user community. We will not only enrich the content (data, software, tools, documentation, etc.) on the platform as requested by our users, but we can also integrate the derived products or R and D results from our users, i.e., the platform can drive partnerships between multiple actors. This is possible thanks to the scalable and open architecture.
Furthermore the evolutions in Big Data analytics and processing will be followed closely and integrated in the platform where relevant, to adopt novel techniques on big data analytics and geo-spatial services continuously. An example is the integration of Jupyter notebooks as discussed earlier.
The PROBA-V MEP offers a clear benefit for users of PROBA-V and SPOT-VEGETATION data compared to other platforms (e.g., Google Earth Engine) since it brings all aspects (data, tools, software, documentation) to one single platform and a researcher/developer is not forced to use a specific API or programming language which is often mandated by other platforms, but he/she can work with the tools which he/she is used to work with. Furthermore, in the future, the platform has the potential to be linked or extended with e.g., a thematic focus.

6. Conclusions

The PROBA-V MEP adds a new and innovative capability to the PROBA-V user segment as an operational service, being an answer to the challenges involved in the ever increasing data volumes. Furthermore, users do not need to search tools, libraries, auxiliary data, or documentation, since the platform will gradually build this ecosystem for them.
The platform has the potential to significantly enforce the collaboration between the different stakeholders and offers innovative ways to share research. By developing and offering pre-defined on-demand processing chains, users of PROBA-V data can increase the impact of their work by translating research and prototype development with limited effort into an operational processing workflow, which is published on the platform and can be used by other users.
The MEP team, composed of system operators, main users and service providers are mission ambassadors, even “missionaries”. They could have a representative role in fora and international associations, committees, advisory boards and interest groups. As such, the MEP strengthens the link between “mission”, “exploitation by user”, and “service providers”.
The comprehensive user support on the MEP widens opportunities for service providers by the integration of processes dedicated to downstream service exploitation, educates new generations to advanced forms of data exploitation, scales up science potential, and empowers community-building and networking.
More information on the Mission Exploitation Platform PROBA-V is available online at http://www.proba-v-mep.esa.int. Please use the contact link to request further information or work more close with us on the platform.


The development and operations within the PROBA-V MEP project are sponsored by ESA under the Earthwatch programme with the support of the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO). It builds further on previous R&D activities in ESA/GSTP and EC/FP-7 projects.

Author Contributions

The project is executed by VITO as prime contractor and TRASYS and Spacebel as subcontractors. Erwin Goor (VITO) acts as project manager and Jeroen Dries (VITO) takes the technical lead, supervising the technical work from the different partners. Philippe Mougnaud (ESA), supported by Andrea Della Vecchia (ESA), acts as technical officer for the project and Fabrizio Niro (ESA) provides support for the definition of the MEP Cal/Val requirements.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AERONETAerosol Robotic Network
AOIArea Of Interest
AOTAerosol Optical Thickness
APEXAirborne Prism Experiment
BELMANIPBenchmark Land Multisite Analysis and Intercomparison of Products
BELSPOBelgian Science Policy
Cal/ValCalibration and Validation
CCIClimate Change Initiative
CEOSCommittee on Earth Observation Satellites
CHIRPSClimate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data
CNESCentre National d’Etudes Spatiales (France)
ECEuropean Commission
EOEarth Observation
EPExploitation Platform
ESAEuropean Space Agency
ESEEnhanced Service Support Environment
FAPARFraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation
FCOVERFraction of Vegetation Cover
FRMFiducial Reference Measurements
GISGeographic Information System
GSTPGeneral Support Technology Programme
GUIGraphical User Interface
HDFHierarchical Data Format
HDFSHadoop Distributed File System
ICTInformation and Communication Technology
IDEIntegrated Development Environment
IPRIntellectual Property Rights
LAILeaf Area Index
MEPMission Exploitation Platform
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration (U.S.A.)
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index
NFSNetwork File System
OBEOSOntology Based EO Search
OGCOpen Geospatial Consortium
OSOperating System
PDFProduct Distribution Facility
PROBA-VPROBA Vegetation–Project for On-Board Autonomy-Vegetation
R&DResearch and Development
RESTRepresentational State Transfer
ROIReturn on Investment
RSSResearch and Service Support
RTMRadiative Transfer Model
S1Daily Synthesis
S10ten-daily Synthesis
SNAPSentinel Application Platform
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
TOATop of Atmosphere
TOCTop of Canopy
VITOVlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek
VMVirtual Machine
WCSWeb Coverage Service
WMSWeb Map Service
WMTSWeb Map Tile Service
WPSWeb Processing Service


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Figure 1. High level architecture diagram of the PROBA-V MEP.
Figure 1. High level architecture diagram of the PROBA-V MEP.
Remotesensing 08 00564 g001
Figure 2. Several possible approaches for integrating an algorithm on the PROBA-V MEP: (a) Black Box; (b) Tile based processing; (c) Maximise use of Spark.
Figure 2. Several possible approaches for integrating an algorithm on the PROBA-V MEP: (a) Black Box; (b) Tile based processing; (c) Maximise use of Spark.
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Figure 3. Geo Viewer, showing PROBA-V S10 TOC true colour image at 1 km spatial resolution over Belgium.
Figure 3. Geo Viewer, showing PROBA-V S10 TOC true colour image at 1 km spatial resolution over Belgium.
Remotesensing 08 00564 g003
Figure 4. Time Series Viewer, showing the evolution of PROBA-V NDVI and CHIRPS rainfall data for the Italian region Lombardia and for a single Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Land Cover value ‘cropland rainfed’.
Figure 4. Time Series Viewer, showing the evolution of PROBA-V NDVI and CHIRPS rainfall data for the Italian region Lombardia and for a single Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Land Cover value ‘cropland rainfed’.
Remotesensing 08 00564 g004
Figure 5. Cloud Toolbox, offering a Virtual Research Environment to researchers and application developers.
Figure 5. Cloud Toolbox, offering a Virtual Research Environment to researchers and application developers.
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Share and Cite

MDPI and ACS Style

Goor, E.; Dries, J.; Daems, D.; Paepen, M.; Niro, F.; Goryl, P.; Mougnaud, P.; Della Vecchia, A. PROBA-V Mission Exploitation Platform. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 564. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8070564

AMA Style

Goor E, Dries J, Daems D, Paepen M, Niro F, Goryl P, Mougnaud P, Della Vecchia A. PROBA-V Mission Exploitation Platform. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(7):564. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8070564

Chicago/Turabian Style

Goor, Erwin, Jeroen Dries, Dirk Daems, Martine Paepen, Fabrizio Niro, Philippe Goryl, Philippe Mougnaud, and Andrea Della Vecchia. 2016. "PROBA-V Mission Exploitation Platform" Remote Sensing 8, no. 7: 564. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8070564

APA Style

Goor, E., Dries, J., Daems, D., Paepen, M., Niro, F., Goryl, P., Mougnaud, P., & Della Vecchia, A. (2016). PROBA-V Mission Exploitation Platform. Remote Sensing, 8(7), 564. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs8070564

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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