Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast
"> Figure 1
<p>The study site Cap Timiris at Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (PNBA), Mauritania. The Iwik area and the Parc National du Diawling (PND) are also indicated (see text). Adapted from Google Maps (2016).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Procedure used to select the pixels for training and validation in the supervised classification based on the cross-validation technique.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Box-plot of the accuracies for the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and neural network (NN) algorithms implemented for the image from 2004 (<b>A</b>) and 2011 (<b>B</b>). The overall accuracies are named “ML” and “NN”. The specific accuracies are named “ML specific” and “NN specific”. These results were obtained with the five iterations of the cross-validation technique.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Box-plot showing the quantity, exchange, and shift differences of the image from 2004 (<b>A</b>) and 2011 (<b>B</b>). ML refers to the Maximum Likelihood and NN to the neural network algorithm. These metrics were calculated taking into account the specific accuracy.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Area (Ha) calculated with Maximum Likelihood Algorithm (ML) and the neural network (NN) for the image from 2004 (<b>A</b>) and in 2011 (<b>B</b>).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Mangroves at Cap Timiris, since mangroves in PNBA only comprise the mangrove species <span class="html-italic">Avicennia germinans</span>. There is an overestimation of mangroves in the central-east part of the area, mangroves are not found in that location.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. VHR Data and Field Data
2.3. Accuracy Assessment Procedure
2.3.1. Ground Truth Data
- We divided the ground truth set in half (twofold) to maximize the number of pixels used for training and validation.
- We made only five iterations for two reasons: First, there were small differences between each of the ten error matrices among iterations which always reflected the same type of error. Second, the cross-validation was implemented manually using the Macro Modeler of IDRISI, therefore it was a very time consuming task.
- The training and validation data set for mangroves and other terrestrial vegetation were selected in the West side of the study area because of the availability of field-work information. The bias that can be introduced by this restriction is addressed using the cross-validation technique.
- Finally, we chose the same amount of pixels per class because the area covered by mangroves in the whole image is about 1%. If we used a stratified random sampling to select the training data, we would have ended up with a very low amount of ground truth data to describe the spectral signature of mangroves as compared to the others types of land cover. The non-mangrove classes were not our main focus of classification and their over-representation might have led to poor classification results for the mangrove category. Olofsson et al. (2013) recommended a procedure to eliminate the bias created by classification errors when calculating the area of a category in a land cover map and report confidence intervals [28]. However, this procedure is only applicable when simple random, systematic or stratified random sampling is used. For this reason, given the characteristics of our area of interest and acknowledging that a bias could have been introduced in the calculation of the area, we used as an alternative the cross-validation technique.
2.3.2. Accuracy Metrics
- A box-plot showing the overall accuracy of the ten error matrices. This accuracy takes into account seven classes of interest (i.e., mangrove, other terrestrial vegetation, sea, shallow water, dry soil, wet soil).
- A box-plot showing the specific accuracy of the ten error matrices. The specific accuracy only considers three classes of interest: mangrove, other terrestrial vegetation, and other types of land cover. As mentioned before, the area covered by mangroves is very small compared to other types of land cover like soil and shallow water. The specific accuracy is calculated because the overall accuracy can underestimate errors made in the classification of mangroves. Therefore, it is necessary to have a metric that can provide more information about the classification of mangroves and how well the discrimination with other types of vegetation is done. For the classification, seven classes of interest were initially included in order to have more information about the spectral signatures of the different types of land cover.
- A table showing the commission and omission errors of the ten error matrices.
- A box-plot showing the quantity, exchange, and shift differences of the ten error matrices. These metrics are reported using three classes: mangrove, other terrestrial vegetation, and other types of land cover. Instead of the Kappa Index, Pontius and Millones (2011) and Pontius and Santacruz (2014) propose the use of the quantity, exchange, and shift differences [29,30]. Different authors have suggested that the Kappa Index is not the best option to use as an accuracy assessment metric [27,29]. Quantity refers to the difference, between two land cover maps, in the amount of pixels per category (i.e., class). Exchange refers to the difference in allocation when pixels are interchanged between two categories. Shift refers to other allocation differences that are not included in the exchange difference [29,30]. These metrics are defined based on the error matrix and can be easily calculated with a Microsoft Excel file provided by the authors [30].
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ML | Maximum Likelihood algorithm |
NN | Neural Network algorithm |
PAN | Panchromatic band |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis |
PNBA | Parc National du Banc d’Arguin |
PND | Parc National du Diawling |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator |
VHR | Very High Resolution |
XS | Multispectral band |
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Characteristic | QuickBird Sensor (2004) | GeoEye Sensor (2011) |
Date and time of acquisition | 23 December 2004 at 11:46 GMT | 21 July 2011 at 11:51 GMT |
Spatial resolution | PAN: 0.6 m | PAN: 0.5 m |
XS: 2.4 m | XS: 2 m | |
Spectral resolution | B: 430–545 nm | B: 450–510 nm |
G: 466–620 nm | G: 510–580 nm | |
R: 590–710 nm | R: 655–690 nm | |
NIR: 715–918 nm | NIR: 780–920 nm | |
Radiometric resolution | 11 bits per pixel | 11 bits per pixel |
Temporal resolution | Less than 3 days | Less than 3 days |
Algorithm | Type of Error | 2004 | 2011 |
Maximum Likelihood | Omission error | 22% ± 5% | 18% ± 6% |
Commission error | 28% ± 3% | 20% ± 1% | |
Neural Network | Omission error | 20% ± 8% | 25% ± 9% |
Commission error | 38% ± 3% | 26% ± 4% |
Study | Mangrove Area |
UNEP (2007) [15] | 100 ha in 2000 and 209 ha in 2006 (total area in Mauritania) |
Lamarche (2008) [14] | 400 ha at Cap Timiris and Tidra Island in 2007 |
Spalding et al. (2010) [7] | 139 ha (total area in Mauritania) |
Fatoyinbo and Simard (2013) [16] | 40 ha between 1999 and 2000 (total area in Mauritania) |
This study | 19.48 ± 5.54 ha in Cap Timiris in 2011 |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
Share and Cite
Otero, V.; Quisthoudt, K.; Koedam, N.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F. Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 512.
Otero V, Quisthoudt K, Koedam N, Dahdouh-Guebas F. Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast. Remote Sensing. 2016; 8(6):512.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOtero, Viviana, Katrien Quisthoudt, Nico Koedam, and Farid Dahdouh-Guebas. 2016. "Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast" Remote Sensing 8, no. 6: 512.
APA StyleOtero, V., Quisthoudt, K., Koedam, N., & Dahdouh-Guebas, F. (2016). Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast. Remote Sensing, 8(6), 512.