Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
"> Figure 1
<p>Study area with 17 ecoregions (World Wildlife Fund biome classification, Olson <span class="html-italic">et al</span>. [<a href="#B72-remotesensing-06-12639" class="html-bibr">72</a>]) and fire polygons.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>General analysis workflow. (<b>a</b>) PCA-STA method: (1) STA is applied using a Windowed Fourier Transform and the Theil Sen estimator to produce slope images; (2) a mask for burned-unburned area is produced; (3) a PCA is performed on the TS slope images. (<b>b</b>) Evaluation: the shape parameters are combined and analyzed together using ancillary data (e.g., severity as dNBR) and the SDTC method.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The first component (PC1) is interpreted using: (<b>a</b>) the scree plot showing the % of variance corresponding to each PC; (<b>b</b>) the LM plot illustrating that burned pixels (Category 1) have positive scores and unburned pixels have negative scores (Category 0), (<b>c</b>) the 2D plot of loadings illustrating the strong positive correlation between PC1 and ALB_A0, ALB_A1 and LST_A1, as well as the strong negative correlation between PC1 and NDVI _A0.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Relation between PC1 scores and the continuous variable of change “dNBR”: (<b>a</b>) PC1 scores increase with increasing dNBR, but with higher variance; (<b>b</b>) average dNBR increases for increasing categories of PC1 scores.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Map of the continuous variable of change “dNBR” (<b>a</b>) and PC1 scores (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Relationship between PC1 scores and severity: (<b>a</b>) High severity burned areas (Category 1) have a high average PC1 score of about one; (<b>b</b>) the average PC1 score increases with the log of fire size (log(area)).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>PC1 relates to land cover types: (<b>a</b>) The average PC1 score in burned areas increases consistently from non-woody vegetation (NWV) to higher biomass vegetation, namely in the order: low shrub (LSH), high shrub (HSH), mixed forest (MX), deciduous forest (DEC) and evergreen forest (EGF). (<b>b</b>) The average PC1 score increases with increasing evergreen forest proportion.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Average PC1 score for the CHANGE variable with 95% confidence intervals: this indicates that the mean scores for PC1 increase when the number of significant changes increases.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Average PC2 scores with 95% confidence interval: the average PC2 score increases when the age of the burned areas increases.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Map of age for burn scars (<b>a</b>) and PC2 scores (<b>b</b>).</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Patterns of change in STA trends with average and 95% confidence interval for all change (category 1) and no-change (category 0) areas (burned and unburned pixels) for the four variables that contribute the most to PC1. Note the transition is characterized by: (<b>a</b>) a decrease in NDVI_A0, (<b>b</b>) an increase in ALB_A0, (<b>c</b>) an increase in ALB1, (<b>d</b>) an increase in LST_A1.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- Most of the focus of previous studies has been on land cover change detection. Characterization of changes using multivariate surface state variables poses an acute problem. In particular, the complexity of relationships and the numbers of combinations of parameters increase rapidly as more variables and land cover types are added, making it challenging to extract the most important temporal patterns describing particular land change processes. The focus of this study is therefore on the development of a general method for temporal characterization of changes using burned areas as an example rather than the mapping or detection of burned areas. We use extensive ancillary information related to fire and its severity to evaluate if trends are meaningful in the context of fire disturbances and the literature. More specifically, there are two research questions investigated: (1) What combination of trends in surface variables characterize change areas that transitioned from the unburned to burned category? (2) How do combined patterns in NDVI, LST and ALB relate to ancillary information, such as land cover and the continuous variable of change-fire severity?
- (2)
- While the past research suggests that changes in NDVI-LST-ALB are intricately related by surface processes [20,52], to date, there are few studies that provide evidence of simultaneous changes in biophysical measurements at a landscape level, even though the literature has reported on biophysical changes locally at the individual fire area level [41] or regionally with a single variable [40,56]. This research overcomes this challenge by extracting the most common combination of biophysical changes occurring in burned areas with STA and PCA using times series over the 2001–2009 period in Alaska. The principal components extracted provide an empirical summary of characteristic changes in terms of seasonal trends for the three surface states variables. More broadly, our aim is to document and characterize biophysical changes occurring over the landscape level for the benefit of studies [27,28] engaged in understanding environmental changes in the Arctic system.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Source
Product | Platform | Variables | Code Name | Spatial Resolution | Temporal Resolution |
MOD11A2 | Terra | Land Surface Temperature | LST | 1000 m | 8 Day |
MOD13A2 | Terra | Vegetation Index | NDVI | 1000 m | 16 Day |
MCD43B3 | Combined | Albedo | ALB | 1000 m | 16 Day |
MCD43B2 | Combined | Albedo quality | ALBQ | 1000 m | 16 Day |
MTBS | Landsat | Fire Severity Index (dNBR) | dNBR | 30 m | Annual |
MTBS | NA | Burned areas-Fire perimeters | BURNED | NA | annual |
MTBS | NA | Ignition date, Fire size | Severity | NA | Annual |
NLCD | Landsat | Land cover | LC | 30 m | NA |
2.3. Methods
- Delineate an area of selection for potential unburned candidate pixels for each scar.
- Allocate unburned candidate pixels to the closest fire scar and limit pixels to a threshold distance (20 km in this study).
- Randomly select pixels within the zone of selection.
Shape Parameter | Windowed Fourier Parameter and Interpretation |
NDVI_A0 | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Amplitude 0: Annual average relating to biomass |
NDVI_A1 | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Amplitude 1: Annual amplitude of plant phenology, photosynthetic activity |
NDVI_A2 | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Amplitude 2, semi-annual amplitude: Modifies the shape of the seasonal curve |
LST_A0 | Land surface temperature: Amplitude 0, annual average |
LST_A1 | Land surface temperature, Amplitude 1, annual amplitude: Related to annual insolation input and land cover |
LST_A2 | Land surface temperature, Amplitude 2, semi-annual amplitude: Modifies the shape of the seasonal curve |
ALB_A0 | Albedo Amplitude 0: Annual average corresponding to the fraction of visible and NIR reflected by the surface |
ALB_A1 | Albedo Amplitude 1: Annual variability corresponding to seasonal variation of surface albedo |
ALB_A2 | Albedo Amplitude 2, semi-annual amplitude: Modifies the shape of the seasonal curve |
2.4. Evaluation Analysis
2.4.1. Evaluation-Analysis of Trends Using PCA and Validation Using Ancillary Information
2.4.2. Evaluation-Determination of Number of Changes Using the SDTC Method
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. PCA Results: Variance Explained and Loadings Pattern
3.2. PCA Results: Evaluation Using Ancillary/Validation Information Related to Fire
3.2.1. Evaluating PC1 with the Continuous Variable of Change: dNBR Severity
3.2.2. PC1 Scores and Boolean Severity Derived from Fire Size and Date of Ignition
3.2.3. Interpreting PC1 in Terms of Land Cover Types and Black Spruce Forest
3.3. PC1 and Number of Changes in Biophysical Trends
3.4. PC2 and Burn Scar Age
3.5. Discussions
3.6. Uncertainties and Accuracy of the Analysis
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parmentier, B. Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis. Remote Sens. 2014, 6, 12639-12665.
Parmentier B. Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis. Remote Sensing. 2014; 6(12):12639-12665.
Chicago/Turabian StyleParmentier, Benoit. 2014. "Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis" Remote Sensing 6, no. 12: 12639-12665.
APA StyleParmentier, B. (2014). Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis. Remote Sensing, 6(12), 12639-12665.