Modeling Forest Carbon Stock Based on Sample Plots and UAV Lidar Data from Multiple Sites and Examining Its Vertical Characteristics in Wuyishan National Park
<p>The main study area—Wuyishan National Park (WNP) and other regions (Changting, Shanghang, and Shunchang) in Fujian Province: (<b>a</b>) locations of airborne Lidar data collection; (<b>b</b>) forest distribution in 2022; (<b>c</b>) the vertical zones of vegetation distribution (VZsVD) map overlaid by representative sites where UAV Lidar and field survey data were collected within and around WNP.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Framework for modeling forest carbon stock and analyzing its vertical characteristics (VZVD represents vertical zones of vegetation distribution).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>A comparison of overall performance of the developed carbon stock estimation models ((<b>a</b>)—Bayesian hierarchical model; (<b>b</b>)—Stepwise Regression; (<b>c</b>)—Random Forest).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>A comparison of prediction performances based on different modeling methods for specific forest types ((<b>a</b>)—coefficient of determination (R2); (<b>b</b>)—room mean square error (RMSE); (<b>c</b>)—relative root mean square error (rRMSE)).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Spatial distribution of forest carbon stocks at typical sites within Wuyishan National Park.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison of carbon stock prediction performances in Wuyishan National Park (<b>a</b>), Shanghang (<b>b</b>), Changting (<b>c</b>), and Shunchang (<b>d</b>) in Fujian Province.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Data Preparation
3.1.1. Collection and Calculation of Forest Carbon Stocks of Sample Plots
3.1.2. Collection and Processing of UAV Lidar Data
3.1.3. Mapping Forest Distribution in WNP in 2022
3.1.4. Vertical Zones of Vegetation Distribution (VZsVD)
3.2. Constructing BHMs for Forest Carbon Stock Estimation Based on UAV Lidar Data
3.3. Examining Forest Carbon Stocks Within VZVDs
4. Results
4.1. Comparative Analysis of Modeling Results Among Three Approaches
4.2. Analysis of Forest Carbon Stock Estimation Using BHM for Each Forest Type
4.3. Evaluation of Prediction Results Based on BHMs in WNP
4.4. Vertical Characteristics of Forest Carbon Stocks
5. Discussion
5.1. The Necessity of Using Samples from Multiple Regions for Modeling Forest Carbon Stocks
5.2. Effects of Habitat Heterogeneity on the Vertical Distribution of Carbon Stocks
5.3. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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VZVD ID | VZVD Name | Elevation Range (m) | Average Slope | Forest Types |
Group A | Low-elevation compound dominant zone | 350–600 | 22.68° | Different vegetation types, especially broadleaf forests, Masson pine, and Chinese fir dominate. |
Group B | Dominant broadleaf forests | 600–850 | 29.26° | Dominating forest types include broadleaf forests and bamboo forests. |
Group C | Mid-elevation compound dominant zone | 850–1350 | 30.99° | Dominating forest types include mixed forests, broadleaf forests, and bamboo forests. |
Group D | Dominant belt of mixed forests | 1350–1500 | 29.18° | Dominating forest types include mixed forests, broadleaf forests, and bamboo forests. |
Group E | Mid-high elevation compound dominant zone | 1500–1600 | 28.43° | Dominating forest types include mixed forests, bamboo forests, and scattered patches of other land cover types |
Group F | Dominant coniferous forests | >1600 | 26.32° | Dominating forest types include Taiwan red pine. |
Data | Locations | Acquisition Time | Descriptions |
UAV Lidar data | WNP | December 2022 | UAV Lidar data were collected at 37 typical sites with an average point density of 150 points/m2, including 21 sites in and around WNP, 5 sites in Shanghang, 8 sites in Changting, and 3 sites in Shunchang. |
Shanghang | September 2022, August 2023 | ||
Changting | August 2022 | ||
Shunchang | September 2024 | ||
Sample plots | WNP | February 2023 | A total of 193 sample plots, including 39 sample plots in WNP, 106 sample plots in Shanghang, 36 sample plots in Changting, and 12 sample plots in Shunchang, were collected and used in this research. |
Shanghang | September 2022, August 2023 | ||
Changting | August 2022 | ||
Shunchang | September 2024 | ||
Forest map | WNP | December 2022 | A forest map with 2 m spatial resolution was generated using an object-based random forest algorithm based on the fused data of Sentinel-2 multispectral bands and Gaofen-2 panchromatic images. An overall accuracy of 87.28% and Kappa coefficient of 0.86 were obtained. |
VZsVD map | WNP | December 2019 | VZsVD with 2 m spatial resolution was generated based on the proportional compositions of different forest types along altitude gradients, reflecting the complexity of forest types and diversity of forest ecosystems at different elevation levels [48]. |
Forest Type | Number of Sample Plots in Different Locations | Total | |||
Wuyishan National Park | Shanghang County | Changting County | Shunchang County | ||
Broadleaf | 12 | 17 | / | / | 29 |
Mixed forests | 8 | 7 | / | / | 15 |
Masson pine | 10 | 19 | 36 | / | 65 |
Chinese fir | 7 | 55 | / | / | 62 |
Bamboo | 2 | 8 | / | 12 | 22 |
All forest types | 39 | 106 | 36 | 12 | 193 |
Forest Types | Allometric Equations | |
Broadleaf (1) | Trunk | AGBt = −80.049 + 50.0544 lnD |
Branches | AGBb = −30.5257 + 18.6683 lnD | |
Leaves | AGBl = −11.905 + 7.247 lnD | |
Total | AGB = AGBs + AGBb + AGBl | |
Masson pine (2) | AGB = 0.099488D2.40859 | |
Chinese fir (3) | AGB = 0.076370D2.40393 | |
Bamboo (4) | AGB = 747.787D2.771·(0.148 y/(0.028 + y))5.551 + 3.772 |
Forest Type | Number of Samples | Range (t/ha) | Mean (t/ha) | Std. (t/ha) |
Broadleaf forest | 29 | 27.64~86.09 | 55.25 | 14.84 |
Mixed forests | 15 | 34.17~107.93 | 72.72 | 21.29 |
Masson pine | 65 | 3.36~141.21 | 40.25 | 30.26 |
Chinese fir | 62 | 15.93~124.27 | 72.71 | 25.64 |
Bamboo forest | 22 | 10.11~38.73 | 24.38 | 6.73 |
All forest types | 193 | 3.36~141.21 | 53.65 | 29.82 |
Forest Types | Modeling Variables | Modeling R2 | Evaluation Metrics | |||
Fixed Effect | Random Effect | Validation R2 | RMSE (t/ha) | rRMSE (%) | ||
Broadleaf | Hstd, TXTContr | Hcv, H98, TXTContr | 0.74 | 0.63 | 8.85 | 16.03 |
Mixed forests | H10 | TXTDissi, D10, TXTASM | 0.76 | 0.54 | 14.27 | 19.63 |
Masson pine | H20, TXTMean, TXTStd | Hmean, Hcv, H10, H20, TXTStd, TXTCorre, D7 | 0.95 | 0.90 | 9.91 | 24.62 |
Chinese fir | Hmean, Hcv, TXTDissi | H30, TXTContr | 0.71 | 0.64 | 15.39 | 21.17 |
Bamboo | H30, TXTContr | H20, H60, D9, D1, H10 | 0.64 | 0.35 | 5.63 | 23.08 |
Forest Type | Number of Samples | R2 | RMSE (t/ha) | rRMSE (%) |
All forests in WNP | 39 | 0.73 | 15.15 | 20.15 |
Broadleaf forest | 12 | 0.83 | 6.45 | 10.83 |
Mixed forests | 8 | 0.61 | 12.33 | 15.50 |
Masson pine | 10 | 0.53 | 21.01 | 23.57 |
Chinese fir | 7 | 0.46 | 19.93 | 21.62 |
Bamboo forest | 2 | — | 4.91 | 21.65 |
VZVD ID | Elevation Range (m) | Mean Carbon Stocks in Different Groups | Mean Carbon Stocks of Different Forest Types (t/ha) | ||||||
Mean (t/ha) | Std. (t/ha) | Coefficient of Variation (%) | Broadleaf Forests | Mixed Forests | Masson Pine | Chinese Fir | Bamboo Forests | ||
Group A | 350–600 | 47.79 | 21.38 | 44.72 | 47.26 | — | 43.29 | 66.28 | 29.26 |
Group B | 600–850 | 46.89 | 20.04 | 42.74 | 45.35 | — | 56.13 | 89.81 | 26.28 |
Group C | 850–1350 | 56.43 | 29.96 | 53.10 | 47.19 | 95.07 | 34.04 | 73.89 | 31.13 |
Group D | 1350–1500 | 93.89 | 30.03 | 31.98 | 33.14 | 102.08 | — | — | 29.69 |
Group E | 1500–1600 | 90.18 | 22.46 | 24.90 | 41.52 | 94.89 | — | — | — |
Group F | >1600 | 45.04 | 22.79 | 50.59 | 45.21 | 81.24 | 37.96 | — | — |
Overall | —— | 52.15 | 26.51 | 50.84 | 47.26 | 95.09 | 39.33 | 80.42 | 30.28 |
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Jian, K.; Lu, D.; Li, G. Modeling Forest Carbon Stock Based on Sample Plots and UAV Lidar Data from Multiple Sites and Examining Its Vertical Characteristics in Wuyishan National Park. Remote Sens. 2025, 17, 377.
Jian K, Lu D, Li G. Modeling Forest Carbon Stock Based on Sample Plots and UAV Lidar Data from Multiple Sites and Examining Its Vertical Characteristics in Wuyishan National Park. Remote Sensing. 2025; 17(3):377.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJian, Kai, Dengsheng Lu, and Guiying Li. 2025. "Modeling Forest Carbon Stock Based on Sample Plots and UAV Lidar Data from Multiple Sites and Examining Its Vertical Characteristics in Wuyishan National Park" Remote Sensing 17, no. 3: 377.
APA StyleJian, K., Lu, D., & Li, G. (2025). Modeling Forest Carbon Stock Based on Sample Plots and UAV Lidar Data from Multiple Sites and Examining Its Vertical Characteristics in Wuyishan National Park. Remote Sensing, 17(3), 377.