Reliable Feature Matching for Spherical Images via Local Geometric Rectification and Learned Descriptor
"> Figure 1
<p>The illustration of geometric distortion in the spherical images. (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) indicate image pairs that are rotated around the X axis with the angles of 45° and 75°, respectively. The red rectangles and ellipses show increasing distortions and decreasing matches.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The overall workflow of the proposed algorithm and verification solution.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The principle of spherical camera imaging model and coordinate transformation: (<b>a</b>) the spherical camera imaging model; (<b>b</b>) the coordinate transformation between the spherical image and equirectangular image [<a href="#B5-remotesensing-15-04954" class="html-bibr">5</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The illustration of image patch reprojection for local geometric rectification: (<b>a</b>) the keypoint detected from the ERP spherical image; (<b>b</b>) the position of the keypoint is transformed to the spherical coordinate system, in which the tangent plane is defined; (<b>c</b>) the image grid defined on the tangent plane.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The network structure and sampling strategy of HardNet: (<b>a</b>) the network structure of HardNet; (<b>b</b>) the sampling strategy used in network training.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The principle of relative orientation for spherical images.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The illustration samples of the used spherical datasets: (<b>a</b>) dataset 1; (<b>b</b>) dataset 2; (<b>c</b>) dataset 3.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The comparison of extracted local image patches from one image pair in dataset 1. For each item, the left and right items are directly cropped around keypoints and geometrically rectified based on tangent plane reprojection, respectively.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The comparison of local geometric rectification: the image patch (<b>a</b>) directly cropped from the spherical image without geometric rectification; (<b>b</b>) without orientation and scale; (<b>c</b>) with only orientation; and (<b>d</b>) with both orientation and scale. Noticeably, the image size is 32 by 32 pixels for all patches.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The illustration of generated image patches: image patch (<b>a</b>) directly cropped from the spherical image without geometric rectification and (<b>b</b>) rectified by the proposed algorithm. The red rectangle indicates the effect of geometric rectification.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The comparison of the number of inliers of different methods.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The comparison of different image patch extraction methods for feature matching: image patch (<b>a</b>) directly cropped from the spherical image without geometric rectification; geometrically rectified (<b>b</b>) without orientation and scale; (<b>c</b>) with only orientation; and (<b>d</b>) with both orientation and scale.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>The comparison of feature matching for dataset 1. For each method, the <b>left</b> and <b>right</b> images represent the results of initial and refined matches. The values in the bracket are the number of inliers and initial matches, and the match precision, respectively.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>The comparison of feature matching for dataset 2. For each method, the <b>left</b> and <b>right</b> images represent the results of initial and refined matches. The values in the bracket are the number of inliers and initial matches, and the match precision, respectively.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>The comparison of feature matching for dataset 3. For each method, the <b>left</b> and <b>right</b> images represent the results of initial and refined matches. The values in the bracket are the number of inliers and initial matches, and the match precision, respectively.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>The statistical analysis of the number of inliers for the three datasets. Each figure presents two terms. The <b>bottom one</b> is the bin frequency that inlier numbers fall into, which is arranged in descending order; the <b>top one</b> indicates the accumulation of the bin frequencies.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Image orientation results based on the SfM engine. The blue rectangles indicate the oriented images, and reconstructed 3D points are rendered by the color of the images.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
2.1. Spherical Camera Imaging Model
2.2. Image Patch Reprojection for Local Geometric Rectification
- (1)
- (2)
- Considering that a unit sphere camera model is used to define the Cartesian coordinate system , the homogeneous coordinate is then projected onto the sphere point through the normalization operation presented in Equation (5):
- (3)
- The sphere point is further transformed from the local Cartesian coordinate system of the rectified image patch to the global Cartesian coordinate system by using a transformation matrix , as presented by Equation (6). The transformation matrices , and define the rotation around the Z, X, and Y axes with the orientation , latitude and longitude , respectively:
- (4)
2.3. Learned Feature Descriptors from Rectified Image Patches
2.4. Outlier Removal through Robust Essential Matrix Estimation
2.5. Implementation of the Proposed Algorithm
3. Experiments and Results
3.1. Test Sites and Datasets
- The first dataset is recorded from a campus, which includes a parterre surrounded by high buildings as shown in Figure 7a. For image acquisition, a Garmin VIRB 360 camera is used, which stores images in the equirectangular representation format. The data acquisition is conducted around the central parterre, and there are a total number of 37 images collected with a resolution of 5640 by 2820 pixels.
- The second dataset includes a complex building structure that covers from its rooftop to the inner aisles as shown in Figure 7b. Parterres exist on the rooftop, and the inner aisles connect different layers. For image acquisition, the same Garmin VIRB 360 camera as in dataset 1 is adopted by using a hand-held tripod. A total number of 279 spherical images are collected, which cover the whole inner aisles.
- The third dataset is collected using an MMS system. The test site goes along an urban street, whose length is approximately 7.0 km. Along the street, low residual buildings are located near the two roadsides as shown in Figure 7c. In this test site, a PointGrey Ladybug3 camera that is made of six fisheye cameras is used. By setting the interval distance of 3 m for camera exposure, there are a total number of 1937 spherical images collected from this site.
3.2. Evaluation Metrics
3.3. The Analysis of the Performance for Local Geometric Rectification
3.4. The Comparison of Local Feature-Based Matching
3.5. Application in SfM-Based Image Orientation
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Item Name | Dataset 1 | Dataset 2 | Dataset 3 |
Scene type | Outdoor | Hybrid | Street |
Sensor type | Sphere | Sphere | Sphere |
Camera model | Garmin VIRB 360 | Garmin VIRB 360 | Ladybug3 |
Storage format | Equirectangular | Equirectangular | Equirectangular |
Sensor platform | Ground tripod | Hand-held rod | Moving car |
Number of images | 37 | 279 | 1937 |
Image size (pixel) | 5640 × 2820 | 5640 × 2820 | 5400 × 2700 |
Category | Metric | Description |
1 | No. matches | The number of initial matches before outlier removal (large value indicates good results). |
No. inliers | The total number of true matches after outlier removal (large value indicates good results). | |
Match precision | The ratio between the numbers of true matches and initial matches (large value indicates good results). | |
2 | No. images | The number of resumed images in SfM-based image orientation (small value indicates good results). |
No. points | The number of reconstructed 3D points in SfM-based image orientation (large value indicates good results). | |
RMSE | The RMSE of the bundle adjustment optimization (small value indicates good results). |
Metric | Method | Dataset 1 | Dataset 2 | Dataset 3 |
No. matches | SIFT | 165 | 232 | 296 |
ASLFeat | 337 | 385 | 253 | |
NGR-H | 248 | 234 | 286 | |
Ours | 290 | 297 | 371 | |
No. inliers | SIFT | 111 | 158 | 250 |
ASLFeat | 83 | 198 | 177 | |
NGR-H | 168 | 160 | 244 | |
Ours | 193 | 212 | 317 | |
Match Precision | SIFT | 0.57 | 0.64 | 0.79 |
ASLFeat | 0.33 | 0.51 | 0.68 | |
NGR-H | 0.62 | 0.59 | 0.81 | |
Ours | 0.60 | 0.67 | 0.82 |
Dataset | Method | Images | Points | RMSE |
Dataset 1 | SIFT | 37 | 2569 | 0.74 |
NGR-H | 37 | 3832 | 0.80 | |
Ours | 37 | 4645 | 0.80 | |
Dataset 2 | SIFT | 279 | 40,118 | 0.80 |
NGR-H | 279 | 38,927 | 0.83 | |
Ours | 279 | 49,252 | 0.82 | |
Dataset 3 | SIFT | 1937 | 290,240 | 0.56 |
NGR-H | 1937 | 289,681 | 0.61 | |
Ours | 1937 | 363,371 | 0.60 |
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Share and Cite
Jiang, S.; Liu, J.; Li, Y.; Weng, D.; Chen, W. Reliable Feature Matching for Spherical Images via Local Geometric Rectification and Learned Descriptor. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 4954.
Jiang S, Liu J, Li Y, Weng D, Chen W. Reliable Feature Matching for Spherical Images via Local Geometric Rectification and Learned Descriptor. Remote Sensing. 2023; 15(20):4954.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJiang, San, Junhuan Liu, Yaxin Li, Duojie Weng, and Wu Chen. 2023. "Reliable Feature Matching for Spherical Images via Local Geometric Rectification and Learned Descriptor" Remote Sensing 15, no. 20: 4954.
APA StyleJiang, S., Liu, J., Li, Y., Weng, D., & Chen, W. (2023). Reliable Feature Matching for Spherical Images via Local Geometric Rectification and Learned Descriptor. Remote Sensing, 15(20), 4954.