Effect of Image Fusion on Vegetation Index Quality—A Comparative Study from Gaofen-1, Gaofen-2, Gaofen-4, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS Imagery
"> Figure 1
<p>Location of study area.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Methodological flow chart of research.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Trend of FVI quality with Image Fusion and SRR (same SRF and good SNR).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Trend of FVI quality with Image Fusion and SRR(Different SRF and SNR (Good to Poor)).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Trend of FVI quality with Image Fusion and SRR (Constant SRF and Good SNR).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methodology
2.2.1. Image Acquisition
2.2.2. Pre-processing
2.2.3. Same Coordinate System
2.2.4. Image Registration
2.2.5. Selection of Image Fusion Algorithms
2.2.6. Selection of VI
2.2.7. Strategy on Image Fusion and Quality Assessment
3. Results
3.1. Single Sensor FVI Quality (Using Resampling)
3.2. Multi-Sensor FVI Quality (Using Real Image)
3.3. Multi-Sensor FVI Quality (Resampled)
3.4. Visual Quality Evaluation
4. Discussion
4.1. Quality Assessment
4.2. Influence of SRR (with Same SRF and Good SNR)
4.3. Influence of SRR (with different SRF and SNR (Good to Poor))
4.4. Influence of SRR (with constant SRF and Good SNR)
4.5. Limitations and Possible Future Study
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Collection Date | Satellite Images | Resolution | Imager Type | Available Bands | Selected Bands for This Research |
2017/07/13 | Gaofen-1 | PAN-2 m, MS-8 m | Pushbroom with TDI capability | 4 | B1/blue 0.45-0.52 µm B2/green 0.52-0.59 µm B3/red 0.63-0.69 µm B4/NIR 0.77-0.89 µm PAN 0.45-0.90 µm |
Gaofen-2 | PAN-1 m, MS-4 m | ||||
Gaofen-4 | PAN-50 m, MS-50 m | ||||
2017/07/17 | Landsat-8 OLI | MS-30 m | Operational Land Imager (OLI) | 11 | B1/blue 0.45-0.51 µm B2/green 0.53-0.59 µm B3/red 0.64-0.67 µm B4/NIR 0.85-0.88 µm |
2017/07/13 | MODIS | MS-500 m | MODIS Payload Imaging Sensor | 7 | B3/blue 0.45-0.47 µm B4/green 0.54-0.56µm B1/red 0.62-0.67 µm B2/NIR 0.84-0.87 µm |
Algorithms | Details | Advantages | References |
GS | A generalization of PCA, in which PC1 may be arbitrarily chosen and the remaining components are calculated to be orthogonal or uncorrelated to one another. | Spectral characteristics of lower-spatial-resolution MS data are preserved. | [6,19,20] |
Ehlers | Enhances high-frequency changes such as edges and grey level discontinuities in an image. | Spectral characteristic preserving. | [21] |
PC | Replacement of PC1 by high-resolution image, which contains the most information of the image resembles. | Gives high-resolution MS images. | [6,22,23,24] |
MIHS | Making forward PCA transform for both intensity component(I) and high-resolution panchromatic images getting the first component as I‘. Matching the histogram of I’ component with I to make I’’ and finally transferring I’’, H, S to RGB true color space. | Involves both HIS and PCA methods, Preserves both spatial and spectral details. | [25,26] |
HPF | High-frequency spatial content of the pan image is extracted using a high-pass filter and transferred to the resampled MS image. | Preserves a high percentage of the spectral characteristics of the MS image. | [22,23] |
VIs | Characteristics | Definition | References |
ARVI | The improvement is much better for vegetated surfaces than for soils. | (NIR-2*R-B)/(NIR+2*R-B) | [44] |
EVI | Estimates vegetation LAI, biomass and water content, and improve sensitivity in high biomass region. | 2.5*[(NIR-R)/(NIR+6*R-7.5*B+1)] | [45] |
GNDVI | Has a wider dynamic range than the NDVI and is, on average, at least five times more sensitive to chlorophyll concentration. | (NIR-G)/(NIR+G) | [44,46] |
NDVI | Detects change in the amount of green biomass efficiently in vegetation with low to moderate density. | (NIR-R)/(NIR+R) | [9,11,12,13,47] |
OSAVI | OSAVI does not depend on the soil line and can eliminate the influence of the soil background effectively. Where L is around 0.16. | (L+1)*[(NIR-R)/(NIR+R+L+1) | [11,48] |
SAVI | Minimizes soil brightness influences from spectral vegetation indices involving red and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. Where L is around 0.5. | (L+1)*[(NIR-R)/(NIR+R+L+1) | [22,49] |
SRR | Fusion Type | Original Resolution | Resampled Resolution | Activity/ Computation | Quality Indices |
1:6 | Same-Sensor (GF2+GF2) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF2 (MS-4 m) | GF2 (MS-1 m) GF2 (MS-6 m) | 1. Compute 1 m RVI and 1 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | |
Multi-Sensor (GF1+GF4) | GF1(PAN-2 m) GF1(MS-8 m) GF4( MS-50 m) | GF1(PAN-8 m) GF4( MS-50 m) | 1. Compute 8 m RVI and 8 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | ||
1:8 | Same-Sensor (GF2+GF2) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF2 (MS-4 m) | GF2 (MS-1 m) GF2 (MS-8 m) | 1. Compute 1 m RVI and 1 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | |
Multi-Sensor (GF2+Landsat-8 OLI) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF2 (MS-4 m) LS-8 (MS-30 m) | GF2 (PAN-4 m) | 1. Compute 4 m RVI and 4 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | ||
1:10 | Same-Sensor (GF2+GF2) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF2 (MS-4 m) | GF2 (MS-1 m) GF2 (MS-10 m) | 1. Compute 1 m RVI and 1 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | 1.Objective (CC, RMSE) |
Multi-Sensor (GF4+MODIS) | GF4 (PAN-50 m) GF4 (MS-50 m) MODIS (MS-500 m) | -- | 1. Compute 50 m RVI and 50 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | ||
Multi-Sensor (GF2+Landsat-8 OLI) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF1(MS-4 m) LS-8( MS-30 m) | GF1(PAN-4 m) LS-8 (MS-40 m) | 1. Compute 4 m RVI and 4 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | ||
1:12 | Same-Sensor (GF2+GF2) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF2 (MS-4 m) | GF2 (MS-1 m) GF2 (MS-12 m) | 1. Compute 1 m RVI and 1 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | 2.Subjective (Visual Inspection) |
Multi-Sensor (GF2+GF4) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF2 (MS-4 m) GF4( MS-50 m) | GF2 (PAN-4 m) | 1. Compute 4 m RVI and 4 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI | ||
Multi-Sensor (GF2+Landsat-8 OLI) | GF2 (PAN-1 m) GF1(MS-4 m) LS-8( MS-30 m) | GF2(PAN-4 m) LS-8 (MS-48 m) | 1. Compute 4 m RVI and 4 m FVI 2. Assess RVI and FVI |
SRR | Indices (%) | Image Fusion | ARVI | EVI | GNDVI | NDVI | OSAVI | SAVI |
1:6 GF2+GF2 | CC | GS | 99.05 | 98.85 | 99.03 | 98.86 | 98.87 | 98.86 |
Ehlers | 97.76 | 97.32 | 98.13 | 97.36 | 97.37 | 97.36 | ||
PC | 97.62 | 94.47 | 96.34 | 97.39 | 97.40 | 97.40 | ||
MIHS | 98.28 | 97.62 | 98.73 | 97.88 | 97.89 | 97.91 | ||
HPF | 92.35 | 96.46 | 94.36 | 96.28 | 96.29 | 96.33 | ||
RMSE | GS | 12.58 | 12.26 | 10.06 | 13.48 | 13.50 | 13.11 | |
Ehlers | 16.30 | 16.65 | 11.96 | 16.19 | 16.19 | 16.00 | ||
PC | 13.36 | 16.10 | 18.08 | 26.51 | 28.05 | 31.09 | ||
MIHS | 10.90 | 14.75 | 9.85 | 14.16 | 14.14 | 14.00 | ||
HPF | 57.43 | 39.39 | 46.71 | 41.13 | 49.30 | 55.96 | ||
1:8 GF2+GF2 | CC | GS | 99.08 | 98.94 | 99.04 | 98.93 | 98.94 | 98.93 |
Ehlers | 97.15 | 95.48 | 97.18 | 95.93 | 95.53 | 95.83 | ||
PC | 94.16 | 96.61 | 94.04 | 97.41 | 97.41 | 97.42 | ||
MIHS | 97.56 | 96.44 | 98.05 | 96.77 | 96.77 | 96.78 | ||
HPF | 63.97 | 62.91 | 82.30 | 87.53 | 84.20 | 75.19 | ||
RMSE | GS | 13.40 | 12.00 | 12.19 | 13.54 | 13.35 | 12.66 | |
Ehlers | 16.14 | 24.30 | 16.02 | 24.30 | 24.30 | 23.97 | ||
PC | 40.94 | 29.58 | 32.28 | 25.16 | 26.93 | 30.33 | ||
MIHS | 12.97 | 17.76 | 11.86 | 17.17 | 17.17 | 17.06 | ||
HPF | 53.22 | 54.16 | 46.54 | 61.62 | 60.91 | 37.50 | ||
1:10 GF2+GF2 | CC | GS | 98.73 | 97.57 | 98.68 | 97.50 | 97.39 | 97.40 |
Ehlers | 96.81 | 95.59 | 97.04 | 95.72 | 95.72 | 95.72 | ||
PC | 97.13 | 96.68 | 95.8 | 96.60 | 96.61 | 96.61 | ||
MIHS | 97.31 | 96.07 | 89.26 | 97.04 | 97.04 | 92.11 | ||
HPF | 89.22 | 84.77 | 86.99 | 82.11 | 82.10 | 82.11 | ||
RMSE | GS | 12.88 | 11.33 | 10.81 | 14.60 | 14.56 | 14.66 | |
Ehlers | 18.68 | 21.98 | 16.73 | 22.00 | 22.21 | 21.75 | ||
PC | 29.34 | 17.97 | 19.13 | 31.22 | 17.12 | 18.11 | ||
MIHS | 13.60 | 18.84 | 13.17 | 27.15 | 27.15 | 36.74 | ||
HPF | 63.00 | 61.12 | 46.65 | 66.17 | 65.65 | 65.38 | ||
1:12 GF2+GF2 | CC | GS | 98.59 | 98.15 | 98.53 | 98.17 | 98.17 | 98.17 |
Ehlers | 95.72 | 93.41 | 95.88 | 93.57 | 93.57 | 93.57 | ||
PC | 96.95 | 96.06 | 95.58 | 96.25 | 96.24 | 96.20 | ||
MIHS | 96.29 | 94.29 | 96.91 | 94.78 | 94.78 | 94.78 | ||
HPF | 93.76 | 92.55 | 93.57 | 92.36 | 93.37 | 92.43 | ||
RMSE | GS | 13.86 | 14.70 | 12.77 | 15.78 | 15.78 | 15.43 | |
Ehlers | 20.19 | 27.60 | 18.04 | 26.98 | 26.98 | 26.70 | ||
PC | 14.85 | 24.70 | 19.24 | 47.47 | 20.45 | 23.85 | ||
MIHS | 15.97 | 22.72 | 15.20 | 21.82 | 21.82 | 21.73 | ||
HPF | 74.74 | 71.27 | 26.65 | 26.17 | 25.65 | 25.38 |
SRR | Indices (%) | Image Fusion | ARVI | EVI | GNDVI | NDVI | OSAVI | SAVI |
1:6 (GF1+GF4) | CC | GS | 84.27 | 78.21 | 84.24 | 78.93 | 78.93 | 78.92 |
Ehlers | 83.34 | 78.54 | 84.65 | 79.72 | 79.72 | 79.70 | ||
PC | 77.00 | 70.47 | 73.21 | 71.04 | 71.04 | 71.04 | ||
MIHS | 81.76 | 78.16 | 84.19 | 79.55 | 79.55 | 79.55 | ||
HPF | 82.80 | 77.55 | 81.84 | 78.47 | 78.47 | 78.47 | ||
RMSE | GS | 33.97 | 42.07 | 33.60 | 41.69 | 41.68 | 41.68 | |
Ehlers | 34.42 | 44.23 | 39.47 | 42.79 | 42.79 | 42.79 | ||
PC | 40.16 | 49.22 | 41.92 | 48.21 | 48.21 | 48.21 | ||
MIHS | 61.33 | 43.06 | 36.61 | 41.77 | 41.79 | 42.52 | ||
HPF | 36.59 | 42.97 | 36.62 | 41.73 | 41.74 | 41.74 | ||
1:8 (GF2+Landsat-8) | CC | GS | 92.56 | 89.45 | 93.13 | 89.57 | 89.57 | 89.57 |
Ehlers | 92.26 | 89.02 | 92.98 | 89.44 | 89.44 | 89.44 | ||
PC | 91.08 | 85.99 | 90.00 | 86.15 | 86.15 | 86.15 | ||
MIHS | 91.82 | 87.23 | 92.38 | 87.81 | 87.82 | 87.82 | ||
HPF | 90.69 | 87.97 | 88.78 | 83.23 | 76.06 | 76.08 | ||
RMSE | GS | 22.59 | 29.69 | 21.35 | 29.57 | 29.57 | 29.56 | |
Ehlers | 22.68 | 30.28 | 21.59 | 29.61 | 29.60 | 29.60 | ||
PC | 24.47 | 33.97 | 25.51 | 33.81 | 33.81 | 33.81 | ||
MIHS | 23.36 | 32.59 | 22.64 | 31.71 | 31.71 | 31.71 | ||
HPF | 48.32 | 32.13 | 29.39 | 52.88 | 46.33 | 51.47 | ||
1:10 (GF4+MODIS) | CC | GS | 82.20 | 79.29 | 89.93 | 79.47 | 79.50 | 79.46 |
Ehlers | 82.86 | 80.00 | 88.35 | 80.13 | 81.40 | 80.14 | ||
PC | 81.56 | 75.84 | 89.68 | 76.45 | 76.64 | 76.77 | ||
MIHS | 83.71 | 80.17 | 87.13 | 79.83 | 79.84 | 79.81 | ||
HPF | 75.57 | 77.12 | 87.26 | 76.64 | 76.65 | 76.65 | ||
RMSE | GS | 28.94 | 33.76 | 22.86 | 33.35 | 33.36 | 33.00 | |
Ehlers | 28.35 | 33.07 | 24.34 | 32.69 | 31.68 | 31.65 | ||
PC | 29.26 | 35.98 | 23.14 | 35.40 | 35.14 | 35.30 | ||
MIHS | 27.72 | 33.27 | 25.43 | 33.20 | 33.21 | 33.21 | ||
HPF | 35.11 | 35.83 | 25.33 | 36.12 | 36.12 | 36.11 | ||
1:12 (GF2+GF4) | CC | GS | 91.59 | 90.91 | 91.75 | 88.23 | 88.25 | 88.24 |
Ehlers | 90.44 | 90.51 | 90.78 | 88.27 | 88.26 | 88.27 | ||
PC | 90.00 | 90.21 | 89.21 | 86.24 | 86.22 | 86.24 | ||
MIHS | 76.65 | 90.75 | 90.88 | 88.61 | 85.57 | 88.62 | ||
HPF | 79.95 | 84.18 | 88.68 | 87.40 | 83.81 | 87.40 | ||
RMSE | GS | 25.25 | 25.23 | 24.86 | 34.67 | 33.66 | 34.67 | |
Ehlers | 27.09 | 25.23 | 26.32 | 34.67 | 34.34 | 34.66 | ||
PC | 27.58 | 42.77 | 28.44 | 37.33 | 41.76 | 37.32 | ||
MIHS | 42.77 | 31.94 | 26.10 | 34.18 | 34.39 | 34.18 | ||
HPF | 38.41 | 40.94 | 31.38 | 35.83 | 40.12 | 35.83 |
SRR | Indices (%) | Image Fusion | ARVI | EVI | GNDVI | NDVI | OSAVI | SAVI |
1:10 (GF2+Landsat-8 (40 m)) | CC | GS | 92.11 | 88.77 | 92.73 | 88.93 | 88.92 | 88.93 |
Ehlers | 91.65 | 87.46 | 92.12 | 87.65 | 87.66 | 87.65 | ||
PC | 90.74 | 85.58 | 89.81 | 85.76 | 85.76 | 85.77 | ||
MIHS | 90.72 | 85.70 | 91.47 | 86.44 | 86.42 | 86.42 | ||
HPF | 89.33 | 86.93 | 88.12 | 82.33 | 75.83 | 75.85 | ||
RMSE | GS | 23.05 | 30.58 | 21.84 | 30.34 | 30.33 | 30.32 | |
Ehlers | 23.42 | 32.24 | 22.72 | 31.65 | 31.63 | 31.65 | ||
PC | 24.79 | 34.43 | 25.65 | 34.26 | 34.21 | 34.26 | ||
MIHS | 26.18 | 36.12 | 25.01 | 34.94 | 34.93 | 34.93 | ||
HPF | 51.32 | 34.13 | 31.39 | 53.89 | 53.36 | 53.47 | ||
1:12 (GF2+Landsat-8 (48 m)) | CC | GS | 91.88 | 88.43 | 92.54 | 88.60 | 88.59 | 88.60 |
Ehlers | 91.34 | 86.52 | 91.52 | 87.15 | 87.15 | 87.16 | ||
PC | 90.54 | 85.21 | 89.65 | 85.44 | 85.43 | 85.47 | ||
MIHS | 89.54 | 84.92 | 90.52 | 85.00 | 85.00 | 85.11 | ||
HPF | 88.63 | 86.13 | 87.52 | 81.83 | 75.13 | 75.15 | ||
RMSE | GS | 23.43 | 31.02 | 22.10 | 30.75 | 30.79 | 30.75 | |
Ehlers | 24.03 | 33.40 | 23.55 | 32.45 | 32.45 | 32.43 | ||
PC | 25.00 | 34.82 | 25.84 | 34.55 | 34.55 | 34.44 | ||
MIHS | 25.20 | 34.93 | 24.17 | 33.84 | 33.04 | 33.05 | ||
HPF | 52.52 | 35.63 | 32.19 | 54.09 | 54.26 | 54.42 | ||
1:15 (GF2+Landsat-8 (60 m)) | CC | GS | 91.17 | 88.19 | 92.40 | 88.36 | 88.35 | 88.36 |
Ehlers | 90.55 | 85.79 | 91.52 | 87.15 | 87.15 | 87.16 | ||
PC | 90.42 | 84.98 | 89.55 | 85.25 | 85.24 | 85.24 | ||
MIHS | 89.54 | 84.92 | 90.52 | 85.00 | 85.00 | 85.11 | ||
HPF | 88.14 | 85.43 | 86.02 | 81.24 | 74.53 | 74.65 | ||
RMSE | GS | 23.45 | 31.32 | 22.30 | 31.04 | 31.08 | 31.05 | |
Ehlers | 24.87 | 34.21 | 23.96 | 33.24 | 33.24 | 33.25 | ||
PC | 25.00 | 34.82 | 25.84 | 34.55 | 34.55 | 34.56 | ||
MIHS | 26.18 | 36.12 | 25.01 | 34.94 | 34.93 | 34.92 | ||
HPF | 53.21 | 36.13 | 33.21 | 56.21 | 56.36 | 56.43 |
RVI and Fusion Algorithms | Same-Sen. ARVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. EVI(8 m) | Same-Sen. NDVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. GNDVI(8 m) | Same-Sen. OSAVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. SAVI(8 m) |
RVI (1 m, 8 m) | | | | | | |
GS (1:6) | | | | | | |
Ehlers (1:6) | | | | | | |
PC ( 1:6) | | | | | | |
MIHS (1:6) | | | | | | |
HPF (1:6) | | | | | | |
RVI and Fusion Algorithms | Same-Sen. ARVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. EVI(4 m) | Same-Sen. NDVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. GNDVI(4 m) | Same-Sen. OSAVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. SAVI(4 m) |
RVI (1 m, 4 m) | | | | | | |
GS (1:8) | | | | | | |
Ehlers (1:8) | | | | | | |
PC ( 1:8) | | | | | | |
MIHS (1:8) | | | | | | |
HPF (1:8) | | | | | | |
RVI and Fusion Algorithms | Same-Sen. ARVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. EVI(50 m) | Multi-Sen(R) NDVI(4 m) | Same-Sen. GNDVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. OSAVI(50 m) | Multi-Sen(R) SAVI(4 m) |
RVI (1, 50, 4 m) | | | | | | |
GS (1:10) | | | | | | |
Ehlers (1:10) | | | | | | |
PC ( 1:10) | | | | | | |
MIHS (1:10) | | | | | | |
HPF (1:10) | | | | | | |
RVI and Fusion Algorithms | Same-Sen. ARVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. EVI(4 m) | Multi-Sen(R) NDVI(4 m) | Same-Sen. GNDVI(1 m) | Multi-Sen. OSAVI(4 m) | Multi-Sen(R) SAVI(4 m) |
RVI (1 m, 4 m) | | | | | | |
GS (1:12) | | | | | | |
Ehlers (1:12) | | | | | | |
PC ( 1:12) | | | | | | |
MIHS (1:12) | | | | | | |
HPF (1:12) | | | | | | |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Ghimire, P.; Lei, D.; Juan, N. Effect of Image Fusion on Vegetation Index Quality—A Comparative Study from Gaofen-1, Gaofen-2, Gaofen-4, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS Imagery. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1550. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12101550
Ghimire P, Lei D, Juan N. Effect of Image Fusion on Vegetation Index Quality—A Comparative Study from Gaofen-1, Gaofen-2, Gaofen-4, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS Imagery. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(10):1550. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12101550
Chicago/Turabian StyleGhimire, Prakash, Deng Lei, and Nie Juan. 2020. "Effect of Image Fusion on Vegetation Index Quality—A Comparative Study from Gaofen-1, Gaofen-2, Gaofen-4, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS Imagery" Remote Sensing 12, no. 10: 1550. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12101550
APA StyleGhimire, P., Lei, D., & Juan, N. (2020). Effect of Image Fusion on Vegetation Index Quality—A Comparative Study from Gaofen-1, Gaofen-2, Gaofen-4, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS Imagery. Remote Sensing, 12(10), 1550. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12101550