Identifying Legal, Ecological and Governance Obstacles, and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change
"> Figure 1
<p>Panarchy theory emphasizes four key features of changes across scales in a social-ecological system. The four features are (1) Crises, (2) Revolt (3) Innovation and (4) Remember, and each intersect with different phases of an adaptive cycle.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Transformative Change in Social-Legal-Ecological Systems
2.1. Ecological Resilience
2.2. Climate and Regime Shifts
3. Adaptive Governance
Singular Management Goal | Multiple Management Goals | |
Single Management Entity | Adaptive Management | Collaborative Adaptive Management |
Multiple Management Entities | Collaborative Adaptive Management/Adaptive Governance | Adaptive Governance |
3.1. Components of Adaptive Governance
3.1.1. Institutional Design and Structure
3.1.2. The Role of Scale
3.1.3. Adaptive Capacity
3.1.4. Power Relations
3.2. Legitimacy
3.2.1. Results-Based Legitimacy
3.2.2. Order-Based Legitimacy
3.2.3. Systemic Legitimacy
3.2.4. Deliberative Legitimacy
3.2.5. Procedural Legitimacy
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
References and Notes
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Cosens, B.; Gunderson, L.; Allen, C.; Benson, M.H. Identifying Legal, Ecological and Governance Obstacles, and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change. Sustainability 2014, 6, 2338-2356.
Cosens B, Gunderson L, Allen C, Benson MH. Identifying Legal, Ecological and Governance Obstacles, and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change. Sustainability. 2014; 6(4):2338-2356.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCosens, Barbara, Lance Gunderson, Craig Allen, and Melinda Harm Benson. 2014. "Identifying Legal, Ecological and Governance Obstacles, and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change" Sustainability 6, no. 4: 2338-2356.
APA StyleCosens, B., Gunderson, L., Allen, C., & Benson, M. H. (2014). Identifying Legal, Ecological and Governance Obstacles, and Opportunities for Adapting to Climate Change. Sustainability, 6(4), 2338-2356.