Electric Vehicles Aggregation for Frequency Control of Microgrid under Various Operation Conditions Using an Optimal Coordinated Strategy
<p>Contribution in FR of a schematic framework for an integrated microgrid for electric vehicle coordination with charging stations and the EV Aggregator.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The dynamic model of electric vehicle.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Electric vehicle battery degradation cost.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The relationship between expected charging power (ECP), expected SOC, and plug-in duration.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The state of charge of EVs output power.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Fuzzy logic controller.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Membership functions of area control error (A).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Frequency deviation in ACEa.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Membership function of area control (B).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Frequency deviation in ACE<sub>b.</sub></p> "> Figure 11
<p>Hierarchical optimization operation.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>A two-area interconnected power system for regulation with EVs.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Control strategy of two area power systems.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Hourly load fluctuation with different Areas.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>The EVs with STRATEGY 1 (EVs-A), output power in normal conditions.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>The EVs with STRATEGY 2 (EVs-B), output power in normal conditions.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The EVs with STRATEGY 3 (EVs-C), output power in normal conditions.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>The generators with STRATEGY 1 (Gen-1), output power in normal conditions.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>The generators with STRATEGY 2 (Gen-2) output power in normal conditions.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>The generators with STRATEGY 3 (Gen-3),) output power in normal conditions.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>The tie-line power in the normal state with STRATEGY 1 (A).</p> "> Figure 22
<p>The tie-line power in the normal state with STRATEGY 2 (B).</p> "> Figure 23
<p>The tie-line power in the normal state with STRATEGY 3 (C).</p> "> Figure 24
<p>Frequency deviation in the normal condition with STRATEGY 1 (A).</p> "> Figure 25
<p>Frequency deviation in the normal condition with STRATEGY 2 (B).</p> "> Figure 26
<p>Frequency deviation in the normal condition with STRATEGY 3 (C).</p> "> Figure 27
<p>In the abnormal state, the output power of electric vehicles with various tactics (Strategies 1–3).</p> "> Figure 28
<p>In the abnormal state, the output power of generators with various tactics (Strategies 1–3).</p> "> Figure 29
<p>In an abnormal operating state, the tie-line power with strategies.</p> "> Figure 30
<p>In the abnormal operation state, frequency deviation with various strategies.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- The proposed coordination of the FR power of generators and EVs under different optimization objectives with the goal of secure and economic operation of power system through optimal coordinated strategy;
- (2)
- The coordinated control principle is drawn between the EVs and generators based on the optimization method proposed in this manuscript;
- (3)
- The proposed particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm optimization toolbox (GAOT) algorithms are used to study frequency control based on the optimal values of the fuzzy controller parameters;
- (4)
- A PSO-based FLC scheme is presented to discover the required frequency regulation performance of the microgrid integrated with renewable energy sources, non-renewable energy sources, and prosumers;
- (5)
- The proposed optimization objective under normal power system operation is minimum FR cost, to ensure the minimum degradation cost associated with batteries;
- (6)
- In the abnormal state of power system operation, the optimization objective is shifted to ensure minimum frequency restoration time;
- (7)
- The proposed simulation involves the addition of a series of step loads and random loads in the abnormal and normal states, respectively.
2. Problem Formulation
2.1. Objective Function
- Δ I ndicates the deviation;
- f denotes frequency;
- M represents the angular momentum factors;
- PV2G indicates the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) power of aggregated EVs
- PFRR represents the output power of the system’s other FR resources;
- PL indicates the frequency of the non-sensitive load;
- D stands for the coefficient of damping load;
- PEV,i indicates the power of the V2G network ith EV;
- N means the number of the EVs.
2.2. Characteristics of Frequency Regulation
2.2.1. The Dynamic Characteristics of Power System Components
2.2.2. Cost Characteristic
- Cgt is represented as factor for the generation cost associated with the gth diesel generator (DG) during t time period;
- ts indicates the time when the generator operates for the participation in FR;
- te indicates time the generator participation in FR ends;
- ugt is 1 when the gth diesel generator (DG) is turned on during t time period and equal to 0 otherwise;
- Cfix,gt is the factor for the fixed generation costs of the gth generator during time t;
- ag and bg are the parameters for the generation cost in the FR;
- Ggt indicates the planned power generation of the gth diesel generator (DG) in the pre-contingency condition during time t;
- qpr,gt represents the primary reserve rate of the gth generator during t;
- rpr,gt denotes the gth generator scheduled primary reserve of the during t.
2.3. Constrants
2.3.1. EV State of Charge
- SOCmax and SOCmin respectively represent the EVs maximum and minimum SOC, and the relation in (9) represents the setting for optimal performance.
- SOCini,i denotes the ith EV initial SOC;
- Ec,i is ith EV charging energy;
- Ed,i represents discharging energy of the ith EV for; and
- E0,i is the ith EV battery rated capacity.
2.3.2. Generator Power Output
2.3.3. Charging and Discharging Power of the EVs
- ΔPmaxD,i: the ith EV’s maximum discharging power during t time period;
- ΔPmaxC,i: the ith EV’s maximum charging power during t time period;
- ΔPV2GD,i and ΔPV2GC,i: respectively, the ith EV actual discharging and charging power;
- ζ and κ: loss efficiency coefficients for transmission, both having value less than 1;
- and : respectively, the discharging and charging efficiency coefficients;
- and : the ith EV discharging and charging power;
- Psti,down and Psti,up: respectively, the upper and lower limit capacity of the stith CS.NEV is represented as the number of EVs stay at CS.
3. Proposed Optimization Strategy
3.1. Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)
3.2. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
4. Simulations and Results
4.1. Optimization and Analysis of Control Strategy
4.1.1. Normal State
4.1.2. Abnormal State
4.2. Simulation and Discussion
4.2.1. Normal State
4.2.2. Abnormal State
5. Conclusions
6. Future Recommendations
- It would be fascinating to add EVs into the security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) framework, which will describe the dynamic behavior of EVs during both primary and secondary frequency control.
- A procedure might be designed to better assure the requisite performance for the primary frequency control by simulation analysis.
- A suitable pricing mechanism might be established in spot marketplaces to characterize both power and associated services.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
PSOSs | Power system operation states |
EV | Electric vehicle |
MG | Microgrid |
FR | Frequency regulation |
V2G | Vehicle-to-grid |
FD | Frequency deviation |
SOC | State of charge |
PSO | Particle swarm optimization |
FLC | Fuzzy logic control |
RES | Renewable energy sources |
GAOT | Genetic algorithm optimization toolbox |
CSO | Charging station operator |
DR | Demand response |
DG | Diesel generator |
ECP | Expected charging power |
VN | Very negative |
MN | Medium negative |
MP | Medium positive |
VP | Very positive |
ACE | Area control error |
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∆ACE | ∆f | |||||||
VN | MN | N | Z | P | MP | VP | ||
VN | VP | VP | VP | MP | MP | P | Z | |
MN | VP | MP | MP | MP | P | Z | N | |
N | VP | MP | P | P | Z | N | MN | |
Z | MP | MP | P | Z | N | MN | MN | |
P | MP | P | Z | N | N | MN | VN | |
MP | P | Z | N | MN | MN | MN | VN | |
VP | Z | N | MN | MN | VN | VN | VN |
Parametric Values | Value | Parametric Values | Value |
Prosed network (MW) | 10 | frequency (Hz) | 50 |
TG-a, and TG-b (s) | 0.5 | Da and Db (MW/Hz) | 1/6 |
TCH-a, and TCH-b | 0.8 | Ra and Rb (Hz/MW) | 0.3 |
TRH-a, and TRH-b (s) | 10 | kr-a and kr-b (MW/Hz/s) | 2/15 |
Ma, and Mb (MW/Hz/s) | 2.0 | FHP-a, and FHP-b | 30% |
Parametric Values | Value |
Coefficient of EVs frequency kEV-a, kEV-b (MW/Hz) | 1.12 |
Battery gain of electric vehicle | 1 |
Times constant of EV battery filter | 1 s |
Area-A EV fleet | 800 |
Area-B EV fleet | 800 |
Area-A generators | 1 |
Area-B generators | 1 |
Parametric Symbols | Value | Electric Vehicle State of Charge | Quantity |
Battery capacity (mAH) | 50 | 90 | 40 |
State of charge minimum (%) | 0.1 | 80 | 65 |
State of charge of maximum (%) | 0.9 | 70 | 92 |
SO io | 0.6 | 60 | 275 |
25 | 50 | 105 | |
K ζ’ | 25 0.8 0.8 | 40 30 20 10 | 75 55 25 30 |
Parametric Symbols | Value | Electric Vehicle State of Charge | Quantity |
Cit ($/h) | 10 | C1, C2 | 0.8 |
ait ($/MWh) | 9 | r1, r2 | [0,1] |
bit ($/MWh2) | 0 | vx, mj, vx, EVj | [−1,1] |
Qpr,it ($/MWh) | 10 | Particles | 100 |
α ($/MWh2) | 3.8 × 10−4 | Iterations | 100 |
β ($/MWh2) | 7.6 × 10−4 | ωM, ωEV | 1 |
ζnormal,−fmaximum | 1 | ζabnormal,−faverage | 1 |
ζnormal,−faverage | 1 | ζabnormal,−faverage | 1 |
ζnormal,−cost | 1 | ζabnormal,−t | 1 |
Parametric Values | Value | Parametric Values | Value | |
Frequency deviation max (FD) (Hz) | 0.0553 | 0.0543 | 0.0549 | |
Frequency deviation avg (FD) (Hz) | 0.0121 | 0.0123 | 0.0105 | |
Normal state | Frequency regulation cost of gen | 275.18 | 210.35 | 230.01 |
Frequency regulation cost of electric vehicles ($) | 540.38 | 480.62 | 0 | |
Total Cost ($) | 815.50 | 695.97 | 230.00 | |
Frequency deviation max (FD) (Hz) | 0.9568 | 0.9543 | 0.9346 | |
Abnormal state | Frequency deviation avg (FD) (Hz) | 0.0133 | 0.0133 | 0.0095 |
Restore time (s) | 84.25 | 84.24 | 42.99 |
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Iqbal, S.; Habib, S.; Khan, N.H.; Ali, M.; Aurangzeb, M.; Ahmed, E.M. Electric Vehicles Aggregation for Frequency Control of Microgrid under Various Operation Conditions Using an Optimal Coordinated Strategy. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3108. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053108
Iqbal S, Habib S, Khan NH, Ali M, Aurangzeb M, Ahmed EM. Electric Vehicles Aggregation for Frequency Control of Microgrid under Various Operation Conditions Using an Optimal Coordinated Strategy. Sustainability. 2022; 14(5):3108. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053108
Chicago/Turabian StyleIqbal, Sheeraz, Salman Habib, Noor Habib Khan, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Aurangzeb, and Emad M. Ahmed. 2022. "Electric Vehicles Aggregation for Frequency Control of Microgrid under Various Operation Conditions Using an Optimal Coordinated Strategy" Sustainability 14, no. 5: 3108. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053108
APA StyleIqbal, S., Habib, S., Khan, N. H., Ali, M., Aurangzeb, M., & Ahmed, E. M. (2022). Electric Vehicles Aggregation for Frequency Control of Microgrid under Various Operation Conditions Using an Optimal Coordinated Strategy. Sustainability, 14(5), 3108. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053108