The Selected Method and Tools for Performance Measurement in the Green Supply Chain—Survey Analysis in Poland
<p>Imperatives of implementing Sustainable Supply Chain. Source: own elaboration based on [<a href="#B56-sustainability-10-00549" class="html-bibr">56</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The main research steps of an evaluation model of a green supply chain.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Framework model of a green supply chain.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Evaluation elements of a green supply chain.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>A</b>) Number of environmental certificates held by individual groups in the supply chain for medium-sized companies; (<b>B</b>) Number of environmental certificates held by individual groups in the supply chain for large companies.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Number of companies with environmental certifications vs. period of implementing of green supply chain.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>(<b>A</b>) Number of medium-sized companies that analyze the environmental impact of their operations; (<b>B</b>) Percentage of large companies that analyze the environmental impact of their operations.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>(<b>A</b>) Differences in the efficiency assessment and supply chain performance in comparison to companies implementing or planning to implement a green supply chain; (<b>B</b>) Differences in the efficiency assessment and supply chain performance in comparison to companies implementing or planning to implement a sustainable supply chain.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. State of the Art
2.1. Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM)
2.2. SSCM—Sustainable Supply Chain Management
2.3. Performance Measurement and Indicators in the Green and Sustainable Supply Chain
2.3.1. Selected Tools
2.3.2. Environmental Performance Measurements in Supply Chain
2.3.3. Selected Measurement Instruments of the Green Supply Chain
3. Field Analysis—Preparing of the Empirical Research
4. Results
4.1. Data Collection
4.2. Empirical Findings
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- (1)
- In assessing the efficiency of the supply chain, environmental aspects are taken into account:
- (A)
- At the chain level
- (B)
- Only in selected areas
- (C)
- Only in selected units
- (D)
- Only to evaluate selected processes
- (2)
- Dedicated environmental management instruments are used to assess the efficiency and performance of the supply chain.
- (3)
- Scientific assessment methods (including ecological efficiency, management methods, modern concepts) are used to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain.
- (4)
- Is one of the selection criteria (e.g., supplier, partner) an environmental requirement? Please evaluate how often this criterion is used.
- (5)
- How often is the aspect of “green” image taken into account when selecting a supplier/partner? Please assess the grade to be taken into account.
- (6)
- Does your company have environmental certificates:
- (a)
- ISO 1400x
- (b)
- (c)
- other …
- (d)
- does not have
- (7)
- What is the role of your company in the supply chain:
- (a)
- manufacturer
- (b)
- provider
- (c)
- retailer
- (8)
- How long does your company (supply chain) implements the principles of green supply chain/green logistics (environmental aspects):
- (a)
- less than one year
- (b)
- 1–2 years
- (c)
- 3–5 years
- (d)
- over 5 years
- (e)
- does not implement
- (9)
- If your company analyzes the environmental impact of your operations: yes/no?
- (10)
- Which concept of your company/supply chain implements or intends to implement in the future:
- (a)
- green supply chain
- (b)
- sustainable supply chain
- (11)
- To assess of the green supply chain, are used (yes/no);
- KPI (in general, without indicating which elements are included),
- BSC—Balanced scorecard,
- Eco effectiveness,
- LCA—Life Cycle Assessment,
- Others…
- (12)
- What type of business do you represent
- Industry:
- food—conventional,
- food—organic,
- clothing apparel,
- home appliance.
- Retailer:
- sales network of grocery and general merchandise,
- sales network of home appliances,
- sales network of retail-clothing.
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Tools, Instruments | Activities | Others |
KPI (Key Performance Index) [71] | Carbon Assessments and Footprinting [83] | EU Directives and Guidelines, Recommendations, Accreditations, Certifications (ISO) [94] |
End of life Inventory Management [72] | ||
Packaging Assessments (Packaging Environmental Assessment Tool—PEAT [73] | Green vendor selection [84] | Engaging with Suppliers on Sustainability (TESS) [95] |
Eco-performance measuring [85,86] | ||
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) [74] | Environmental rules of suppliers selections [87] | Executive opinion on environmental regulation [96] |
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) [75] | Waste management [87] | Demand for eco-innovative products [97] |
ESCOR [76,77] | Remanufacturing [88] | |
Environmentally Responsible Product Assessment (ERPA) [78] | Financial support for eco-innovation from public programmers [89] | Seed and start-up venture capital for eco-innovative firms (investment per 1000 GDP), [97] |
Material Flow Analysis(MFA) [79] | ||
Environmental Quality Function Deployment (EQFD) [80] | Purity of recyclable materials recovered [90] | Ratio of eco-start-ups to incumbents in the market [97] |
Sustainable Balanced scorecard [81] | Eco cooperation’s form [91] | Emission from in/outbound logistics [97] |
VSM—Value stream mapping [82] | Waste management costs (landfill tariff, etc.) [92] | Emission from raw material sourcing, [97] |
Concentrations of hazardous materials in products and by-products [93] | ‘Green Tax’ as a percentage of government budget [97] | |
Share of eco-innovative firms as a percentage of all firms [97] | ||
Useful product operating life [97] | ||
Indicators (based on: [7,71,97]) | ||
% of orders receives with eco-packing, regulations, certifications, green procurement,) | % recyclable/reusable materials (volume or weight) available at end of product life | Total energy consumed |
Total mass of products produced | ||
Total material consumed (e.g., water, timber, steel, etc.), | ||
% of returned products | % product volume or weight recovered and re-used | Total toxic or hazardous materials used |
% of firms with EMAS or ISO 14001 | The ratio of wastes to all outputs | Total toxic or hazardous waste generated |
% of firms with environmental mission statements | % recycled materials (weight or volume) used as input to manufacturing | Direct material input(DMI), |
Physical trade balance(PTB), | ||
Solid waste emissions % product (weight or volume) disposed in landfills | % product disposed or incinerated Fraction of packaging or containers | Total domestic output(TDO), |
Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) | ||
Emission of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP, reduce of greenhouse gases | Number of purchase of hybrids, electric cars, flex-fuel vehicles | Domestic extraction used (DEU) |
Recycled Material Recovery rate (MRR) | ||
Time required for product recovery | Average energy use per square foot of office space | Core Return Rate (CRR) |
Material productivity of eco innovative firms | Number of eco-investment, eco-innovation, eco-patents | |
Ratio of materials recycled to materials potentially recyclable | Average total life-cycle cost savings associated with design improvements | |
Economic output per unit of material input | Estimated annual risk of adverse effects in humans and biota | |
Purchase and operating cost incurred by the consumer | Average life-cycle cost incurred by the manufacturer | |
The amount of energy cost | ||
compliance cost, non-compliance cost |
Companies Implement or Intend to Implement | χ2 | p-Value | V Cramer | |
Medium-sized companies | Green supply chain | 4.5170 | 0.04132 | 0.37412 |
Sustainable supply chain | 8.3221 | 0.04211 | 0.34216 | |
Large companies | Green supply chain | 7.2361 | 0.03825 | 0.41732 |
Sustainable supply chain | 6.0548 | 0.04413 | 0.38329 |
Source of Variation | F0 | p-Value | F0 | p-Value | |
Companies | Middle-Sized | Large | |||
Criterion 1—one of the selection criteria (e.g., supplier, partner) are environmental requirements | Manufacturers | 0.877 | 0.3516 | 4.668 | 0.047 |
Providers | 1.043 | 0.3146 | 12.259 | 0.0025 | |
Retailers | 13.83 | 0.0009 | 5.277 | 0.039 | |
Criterion 2—“green” image is taken into account | Manufacturers | 2.281 | 0.1346 | 0.212 | 0.645 |
Providers | 1.865 | 0.1828 | 6.670 | 0.018 | |
Retailers | 0.229 | 0.6357 | 0.569 | 0.452 |
n = 481 | % | |
Not Use | Use | |
KPI | 19.67 | 80.33 |
LCA | 45.72 | 54.28 |
BSC | 28.23 | 71.77 |
Eco-effectiveness | 50.09 | 49.91 |
LCA Implementations | |||||||||
Industry | Retailer/Sales Network | ||||||||
Emp. | Food Conventional | Food Organic | Wearing Apparel | Home Appliance | Grocery and General Merchandise | Home Appliance | Wearing Apparel | ||
50–99 | 12.71% | 2.68% | 3.34% | 2.01% | 2.34% | 2.34% | 1.67% | ||
100–199 | 4.35% | 2.34% | 1.67% | 1.34% | 0.33% | 1.67% | 1.34% | ||
200–249 | 7.36% | 1.67% | 1.67% | 1.34% | 2.34% | 0.67% | 0.67% | ||
250–499 | 6.02% | 1.34% | 0.33% | 1.00% | 0.67% | 1.67% | 0.67% | ||
500–999 | 8.03% | 2.01% | 1.67% | 1.67% | 2.01% | 2.01% | 0.67% | ||
≥1000 | 5.35% | 1.67% | 1.67% | 1.67% | 1.34% | 1.67% | 1.00% | ||
BSC Implementation | |||||||||
50–99 | 26.14% | 2.28% | 10.66% | 2.03% | 1.78% | 1.52% | 1.27% | ||
100–199 | 3.55% | 1.52% | 1.27% | 0.76% | 0.25% | 0.76% | 0.76% | ||
200–249 | 4.82% | 1.52% | 1.27% | 1.02% | 1.52% | 0.51% | 0.25% | ||
250–499 | 4.31% | 0.76% | 0.25% | 0.51% | 0.76% | 1.52% | 0.51% | ||
500–999 | 7.36% | 1.02% | 1.52% | 0.76% | 1.52% | 1.02% | 0.76% | ||
≥1000 | 4.82% | 1.52% | 1.02% | 1.02% | 1.27% | 1.78% | 0.76% | ||
KPI Implementation | |||||||||
50–99 | 30.39% | 2.55% | 19.71% | 2.92% | 2.92% | 2.19% | 1.46% | ||
100–199 | 5.84% | 2.55% | 1.46% | 1.09% | 0.73% | 1.46% | 1.09% | ||
200–249 | 8.03% | 1.82% | 1.82% | 1.46% | 2.19% | 0.73% | 0.36% | ||
250–499 | 6.93% | 1.82% | 0.36% | 0.73% | 1.09% | 2.19% | 0.73% | ||
500–999 | 9.49% | 2.19% | 2.19% | 1.09% | 2.19% | 1.82% | 1.09% | ||
≥1000 | 6.20% | 1.82% | 1.82% | 1.46% | 1.82% | 1.82% | 1.09% | ||
Eco-effectiveness indicators | |||||||||
50–99 | 9.12% | 2.19% | 2.19% | 2.55% | 2.92% | 1.82% | 1.46% | ||
100–199 | 5.11% | 2.55% | 2.19% | 1.09% | 0.73% | 1.82% | 1.46% | ||
200–249 | 8.03% | 2.92% | 1.82% | 1.46% | 2.92% | 0.36% | 0.73% | ||
250–499 | 6.57% | 1.46% | 0.36% | 0.73% | 0.73% | 1.82% | 0.36% | ||
500–999 | 9.12% | 2.19% | 1.82% | 1.46% | 2.19% | 1.82% | 0.73% | ||
≥1000 | 5.47% | 1.82% | 1.46% | 1.09% | 1.82% | 1.46% | 0.36% |
General in % | |||||||
Emp. | Leader | Initiator | Imitator | Adapting Changes | Continuer | Innovator | Uncommitted |
50–99 | 0.55 | 7.29 | 32.24 | 18.76 | 27.14 | 8.74 | 15.85 |
≥100 | 1.46 | 21.13 | 36.25 | 9.11 | 16.94 | 22.40 | 18.40 |
50–249 | 1.09 | 15.85 | 49.00 | 23.32 | 34.06 | 19.31 | 23.13 |
≥250 | 0.91 | 12.57 | 19.49 | 4.55 | 10.02 | 11.84 | 11.11 |
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Tundys, B.; Wiśniewski, T. The Selected Method and Tools for Performance Measurement in the Green Supply Chain—Survey Analysis in Poland. Sustainability 2018, 10, 549.
Tundys B, Wiśniewski T. The Selected Method and Tools for Performance Measurement in the Green Supply Chain—Survey Analysis in Poland. Sustainability. 2018; 10(2):549.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTundys, Blanka, and Tomasz Wiśniewski. 2018. "The Selected Method and Tools for Performance Measurement in the Green Supply Chain—Survey Analysis in Poland" Sustainability 10, no. 2: 549.
APA StyleTundys, B., & Wiśniewski, T. (2018). The Selected Method and Tools for Performance Measurement in the Green Supply Chain—Survey Analysis in Poland. Sustainability, 10(2), 549.