An Ontology-Underpinned Emergency Response System for Water Pollution Accidents
<p>Study area.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Design architecture of water pollution emergency response.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Overall system architecture.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Water Ontology.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>WaterMonitoring Ontology.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Polluters Ontology.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Regulations Ontology.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Example.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>User interface of the software system.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>An alert case with Water Ontology.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>User interface of early warning.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Architecture and Data
- Alert: The emergency response system has the web service interfaces to get water quality data and hydrology data for pollution discovery. The qualitative ontology model and quantitative mechanistic model work together to assess the water quality risk. The system can present the calculating steps and the predication information for early warning the residential area.
- Source (reason): The monitoring agency needs to confirm the pollution source and reason responsibility. The rules of risk identification, assessment and analysis are formalized by using standard semantic rule language. The polluter database is mapped to polluter ontology for polluter tracing through logical reasoning.
- Regulation (decision): The system also stores the established regulations by using the rule format, since the regulations are applied to achieve reasoning. The regulation files are about counterplan measure, risk prevent and reduction, risk source classification, hydrology adjustment, water control, subsequent pollution responsibility identification, related administrative, economical, and legal punishment, etc.
2.3. The Ontology Model
2.3.1. The Water Ontology
2.3.2. The Polluters Ontology
2.3.3. The Regulations Ontology
2.4. The Mechanistic Model
- , vx is invariant;
- , DX is constant;
3. Implementation
3.1. The Reasoning Rules
- (a)
- ssn:observedProperty(?x, Element): observing element;
- (b)
- ssn:observationResultTime: recorded at the continuous specified time;
- (c)
- MonitoringStation(?o, ?m): water boundary monitoring sites;
- (d)
- WaterCategory(?m, Category): water’s functional category;
- (e)
- ssn:observationResult(?x, ?r): the observed values bound to the observation and measurement result;
- (f)
- sqwrl:makeSet(?sv, ?val): a set of value;
- (g)
- PollutionAlert(?m, Element): alert of the water pollution.
Rule 1 Pollution Alert |
ssn:Observation(?o)∧MonitoringStation(?o,?m)∧WaterCategory(?m,Category)∧ssn:observedProperty(?o,Element)∧ssn:observationResultTime(?o,?t)∧ssn:observationResult(?o,?r)∧ssn:hasValue(?r,?v)∧dul:hasDataValue(?v,?val)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?val)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?t)∧swrlb:greaterThan(?val,StandardValue) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?val,?t,Element)∧PollutionAlert(?m, Element) |
e.g., ssn:Observation(?o)∧MonitoringStation(?o,?m)∧WaterCategory(?m,Category3)∧ssn:observedProperty(?o,NH3N)∧ssn:observationResultTime(?o,?t)∧ssn:observationResult(?o,?r)∧ssn:hasValue(?r,?v)∧dul:hasDataValue(?v,?val)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?val)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?t)∧swrlb:greaterThan(?val,1.0) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?val,?t,NH3N)∧PollutionAlert(?m, NH3N) |
Rule 2 Point Sources Tracing |
PollutionAlert(?m,Element)∧DrainingExit(?m,?d)∧PointSource(?d,?s)∧HasPollutant(?s,Element)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?s)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?s,Element))∧HasPointSource(?m,?s) |
e.g., PollutionAlert(?m,NH3N)∧DrainingExit(?m,?d)∧PointSource(?d,?s)∧HasPollutant(?s,NH3N∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?s)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?s,NH3N)∧HasPointSource(?m,?s) |
Rule 3 Mobile Sources Tracing |
PollutionAlert(?m,Element)∧MobileSource(?m,?s)∧HasPollutant(?s,Element) ∧MobileLocation(?s,?c)∧ssn:observationResultTime(?x,?t)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?s)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?s,?c,?t,Element)∧HasMobileSource(?m,?c) |
e.g., PollutionAlert(?m, NH3N)∧MobileSource(?m,?s)∧HasPollutant(?s,NH3N) ∧MobileLocation(?s,?c)∧ssn:observationResultTime(?x,?t)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?s)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?s,?c,?t,NH3N)∧HasMobileSource(?m,?c) |
Rule 4 Nonpoint Sources Tracing |
PollutionAlert(?m,Element)∧NonPointSource(?m,?s)∧HasPollutant(?s,Element)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?s)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?s,Element) |
e.g., PollutionAlert(?m, NH3N)∧NonPointSource(?m,?s)∧HasPollutant(?s,NH3N)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?s)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?m,?s,NH3N) |
Rule 5 Pollution Early Warning |
PollutionAlert(?m,Element)∧hasLowerSite(?m,?l)∧OneDimEquationOutput(?l,?val)∧hasPredictTime(?t,?pt)∧dul:hasDataValue(?v,?val)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?val)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m)∧swrlb:greaterThan(?val,StandardValue) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?l,?val,?pt,Element)∧PollutionWarning (?l,Element) |
e.g., PollutionAlert(?m,NH3N)∧hasLowerSite(?m,?l)∧OneDimEquationOutput(?l,?val)∧hasPredictTime(?t,?pt)∧dul:hasDataValue(?v,?val)∧sqwrl:makeSet(?sv,?val)∧sqwrl:groupBy(?sv,?m)∧swrlb:greaterThan(?val,1.0) ⇒ sqwrl:select(?l,?val,?pt,NH3N)∧PollutionWarning (?l,NH3N) |
Rule 6 Emergency Response |
PollutionAlert(?m,Element)∧hasWaterIntake(?m,?i) ⇒ EmergencyResponse(?i,?er) |
PollutionWarning(?l,Element)∧hasWaterIntake(?l,?i) ⇒ EmergencyResponse(?i,?er) |
3.2. The Software System
3.3. The Application Demonstration
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Data Category | Type | Vector Characteristic | e.g., | Source | Comment |
(A). Hydrology and water resources | Lakes and reservoir | Non-point | Dam | (1) layers described information of lakes and reservoir elaborated by Wuhan University; (2) data provided by water resources bureau | Off-line data are input by manual entry or excel import. Especially, the main hydrologic data are from another system which monitors the hydrologic of Yangtze River and Han River technically. We imported the data (excel format) to our system once a while when we need. |
Watershed and runoff | Non-point | Hanjiang river | In situ measurement | ||
Profiles of rivers | — | Length, width, flow velocity and information of bed | (1) In situ measurement; (2) historic data; (3) estimated data. | ||
(B). Polluter Data: Plant Effluent | Stationary source | Point | Industrial plant, sewage treatment plant | (1) data from on-line real time monitoring of pollutant source (collected by governments); (2) data measured by plants themselves and submitted to governments; (3) data published on internet by plants themselves. | (1) On-line measurements are automatically acquired by Web services; (2) Off-line data are input by manual entry or through excel; (3) pollutant source data are also from special monitoring data; (4) when measurements are unavailable, data rely on estimation or deduction of experts; (5) unofficial data should be used unless being approved. |
Agricultural non-point source | Non-point | Farmland | Environmental statistics and dedicated investigation (update annually) | ||
Mobile source | Point | Vehicles, transport ships | Reported by citizens | ||
(C). Water quality | Monitoring site | Point | Boundary station | Automatic on-line real time measurement | (1) on-line measurements are automatically acquired by Web services; (2) Off-line data are input by manual entry or through excel; (3) water quality data are also from special monitoring data; (4) the monitoring water quality parameters include temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), manganese, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), petroleum hydrocarbons, phenol, total mercury, total lead, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total copper, total zinc, fluorides, selenium, arsenic, total cadmium, chromium, cyanide, anionic active surfactants, sulphide, and fecal coliforms. |
Monitoring campaign | Point | Routine measurement | (1) regular and special campaign for water quality measurement; (2) historic data and its statistics. | ||
Consumer and producer of water | Point | Water quality test | On-line real time monitoring from water works | ||
Expertise knowledge rule | File | — | GB3838 | Literatures; survey. | Summary of Representative case, Analogies, Professional deduction, Relevant regulations and technique, Manual about warning and treatment of water environment risk |
Logical inference rules | — | InWaterSense base | Expertise knowledge base | ||
Infrastructure data | Geography data | Point & Non-point | Residential area | Provided by Wuhan University | Residential areas include school, downtown, hospital etc. |
Economic data | — | Population | Government reports | ||
Base map | — | Road | Tianditu API | ||
System data | Role users, and configurations of models | — | Administrator | Information provided by water resources bureau | Manual entry |
Remote sensing data | Hyper spectral images | — | Retrieved attributes of target | (1) UAV-based spectrograph, wavelength range spans 400–900 nm; (2) Hyperion of EO1, spatial resolution is 30 m. |
Development Tool | Open Source |
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) | Eclipse 3.6 |
Development framework | SSH (Struts + Spring + Hibernate) |
Web server | Apache Httpd, Tomcat 7.0 |
GIS web container | Geoserver 2.7 |
Database | PostgreSQL, PostGIS |
Testing client browser | FireFox, IE, etc. |
Client data container | OpenLayers |
Programming language | JAVA (JAVA JDK 1.6) |
Semantic framework | JENA |
Reasoner | Pellet 1.5.2 |
Query | Sparql |
Rules | SWRL |
Sensor observation service | 52 north |
Ontology editor | Protégé |
Base map | Tianditu API |
Ontology | Reference |
W3C SSN ontology | |
W3C OWL Time ontology | |
W3C geo location vocabulary | |
INWATERSENSE base ontology | |
Element | Category I | Category II | Category III | Category IV | Category V |
NH3-N (mg/L) | 0.015 | 0.5 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 |
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Share and Cite
Meng, X.; Xu, C.; Liu, X.; Bai, J.; Zheng, W.; Chang, H.; Chen, Z. An Ontology-Underpinned Emergency Response System for Water Pollution Accidents. Sustainability 2018, 10, 546.
Meng X, Xu C, Liu X, Bai J, Zheng W, Chang H, Chen Z. An Ontology-Underpinned Emergency Response System for Water Pollution Accidents. Sustainability. 2018; 10(2):546.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeng, Xiaoliang, Chao Xu, Xinxia Liu, Junming Bai, Wenhan Zheng, Hao Chang, and Zhuo Chen. 2018. "An Ontology-Underpinned Emergency Response System for Water Pollution Accidents" Sustainability 10, no. 2: 546.
APA StyleMeng, X., Xu, C., Liu, X., Bai, J., Zheng, W., Chang, H., & Chen, Z. (2018). An Ontology-Underpinned Emergency Response System for Water Pollution Accidents. Sustainability, 10(2), 546.