Online Batch Selection for Enhanced Generalization in Imbalanced Datasets
<p>The mean increase in Balanced Accuracy (on the <b>top</b>) and F1-score (on the <b>bottom</b>) for the four datasets among all the different data-transformation techniques.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The training curves of the models for three different data-transformation methods (ROS at the <b>top</b>, SMOTE at the <b>middle</b>, Adasyn at the <b>bottom</b>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- A novel set of algorithms consisting of the original BSBS scheme that achieve better F1-score and balanced accuracy on four different imbalanced datasets.
- An analysis of 11 different data-transformation methods and their interaction with the proposed batch selection algorithms, as well as a comparison with 2 state-of-the-art online sampling methods.
- The proposal of a hybrid method that combines the proposed algorithms with the best data transformation techniques, without affecting the convergence rate of the original algorithm.
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Batch Selection with Biased Sampling
- Sampling a batch of samples according to a distribution P
- Applying the update with regard to the chosen optimizer algorithm (i.e., SGD)
Algorithm 1: Batch Selection with Biased Sampling |
Parameters: dataset D, number of epochs T, number of datapoints N, batch size B, loss momentum lm, number of datapoints to be swapped k, indexes of samples inds. Initializations: inds = [0, …, N − 1], lm = 0.7 |
3.2. BSBS with Re-Enters
3.3. Noisy BSBS
Algorithm 2: BSBS with re-enters |
Parameters: dataset D, number of epochs T, number of datapoints N, batch size B, loss momentum lm, number of datapoints to be swapped k, indexes of samples inds, swapped times ST, re-enter threshold E. Initializations: inds = [0, …, N − 1], lm = 0.7 |
Algorithm 3: Noisy BSBS |
Parameters: dataset D, number of epochs T, number of datapoints N, batch size B, loss momentum lm, number of datapoints to be swapped k, indexes of samples inds, standard deviation of noise . Initializations: inds = [0, …, N − 1], lm = 0.7, = 0.2 |
4. Experimental Framework
- 1.
- The dataset is processed by a data-transformation method (of the ones mentioned above). For example, we apply ROS on the ozone dataset and the samples of the minority class are duplicated in order to reach the number of samples of the majority class
- 2.
- The transformed dataset, then, is fed to the neural network to start the training process and apply NBSBS-R.
- 3.
- At the start of each epoch a noise mask is computed and applied to the dataset. The only exception is the first epoch, where we do not have any loss values yet.
- 4.
- Then, the usual training of a neural network ensues, where stochastic gradient descent (or some variant) is applied to every batch at that epoch.
- 5.
- At the end of each epoch, the new losses are stored, and the samples are evaluated either as easy or hard. Finally, the easy samples are swapped out and a new epoch starts.
4.1. Metrics
4.2. Hyperparameter Tuning
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Ozone Level Detection
5.2. Adult
5.3. Default of Creditcard Clients
5.4. MNIST
5.5. Effects on the Convergence
5.6. Comparison with Other Sampling Methods
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ROS | Random Oversampling |
RUS | Random Undersampling |
k-NN | K-Nearest Neighbors |
SMOTE | Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique |
ENN | Edited Nearest Neighbors |
OCC | One-Class Classification |
SVDD | Support Vector Data Description |
SVM | Support Vector Machines |
OS | Online Sampling |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
BSBS | Batch Selection with Biased Sampling |
BL | Batch Loss |
LL | Low Loss (set) |
HL | High Loss (set) |
EMA | Expontential Moving Average |
NBSBS-R | Noisy BSBS with Re-enters |
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Methods | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Oversampling | - More data useful for NNs - Can add synthetic data | - Increases learning time - Preprocessing computational cost |
Undersampling | - Removal of redundant samples - Less storage needed | - Can discard useful data |
Cost sensitive learning | - Better with larger datasets | - Difficult hyperparameter tuning |
Online Sampling | - Less preprocessing - Scalable to very large datasets | - Longer training time |
Layer | Units | Activation |
Dense | 100 | ReLU [45] |
Dense | 30 | ReLU |
Dense | 2 | Softmax |
Dataset Transformation | BSBS(k) | Re-Enters | Noisy | Accuracy | Balanced Accuracy | F1-Macro | ROC-AUC |
None | - | - | - | 96.96 | 51.79 | 52.43 | 88.63 |
0.1 | ✓ | ✓ | 97.13 | 57.26 | 59.86 | 89.32 | |
RUS | - | - | - | 76.45 | 78.24 | 51.87 | 87.96 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 81.97 | 81.49 | 81.97 | 88.06 | |
ENN | - | - | - | 96.96 | 52.45 | 53.41 | 88.46 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 97.07 | 62.58 | 64.67 | 89.47 | |
ClusterCentroids | - | - | - | 64.60 | 77.24 | 45.64 | 86.74 |
0.1 | - | - | 64.71 | 77.32 | 45.73 | 87.14 | |
Tomek Links | - | - | - | 96.96 | 52.42 | 53.34 | 88.77 |
0.15 | - | - | 97.18 | 56.73 | 59.54 | 89.07 | |
ROS | - | - | - | 93.77 | 83.60 | 66.79 | 90.26 |
0.1 | ✓ | ✓ | 95.56 | 84.21 | 67.98 | 90.30 | |
SMOTE | - | - | - | 94.15 | 82.52 | 67.38 | 90.19 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 95.72 | 83.49 | 70.40 | 90.31 | |
Adasyn | - | - | - | 93.93 | 83.15 | 66.79 | 90.21 |
0.2 | - | - | 94.69 | 83.79 | 67.97 | 90.44 | |
Borderline-SMOTE | - | - | - | 94.75 | 80.12 | 67.81 | 90.61 |
0.2 | ✓ | - | 96.10 | 80.30 | 70.20 | 90.40 | |
KMeans-SMOTE | - | - | - | 95.13 | 79.14 | 67.77 | 89.60 |
0.1 | ✓ | ✓ | 95.94 | 77.82 | 69.38 | 89.66 | |
SMOTEENN | - | - | - | 91.34 | 82.44 | 64.50 | 89.86 |
0.15 | ✓ | ✓ | 93.50 | 83.56 | 67.17 | 89.92 | |
SMOTETomek | - | - | - | 94.21 | 82.09 | 66.99 | 90.29 |
0.1 | ✓ | ✓ | 95.18 | 82.87 | 68.13 | 90.32 |
Dataset Transformation | BSBS(k) | Re-Enters | Noisy | Accuracy | Balanced Accuracy | F1-Macro | ROC-AUC |
None | - | - | - | 84.41 | 78.39 | 78.43 | 89.82 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 84.01 | 79.83 | 78.52 | 89.57 | |
RUS | - | - | - | 81.20 | 81.35 | 77.21 | 89.69 |
0.1 | - | ✓ | 82.35 | 81.41 | 77.59 | 89.47 | |
ENN | - | - | - | 82.31 | 81.38 | 77.83 | 89.65 |
0.1 | - | ✓ | 82.51 | 81.14 | 77.72 | 89.57 | |
ClusterCentroids | - | - | - | 77.96 | 79.31 | 74.08 | 86.90 |
0.15 | - | - | 78.24 | 79.22 | 74.47 | 86.39 | |
Tomek Links | - | - | - | 84.38 | 78.94 | 78.39 | 89.78 |
0.15 | ✓ | ✓ | 83.71 | 80.47 | 78.10 | 89.52 | |
ROS | - | - | - | 80.74 | 81.33 | 76.81 | 89.84 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 82.01 | 81.04 | 77.13 | 89.63 | |
SMOTE | - | - | - | 81.16 | 81.23 | 77.14 | 89.66 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 82.55 | 81.87 | 77.26 | 89.52 | |
Adasyn | - | - | - | 79.26 | 80.96 | 75.79 | 89.47 |
0.15 | ✓ | ✓ | 81.48 | 80.92 | 76.45 | 89.39 | |
Borderline-SMOTE | - | - | - | 78.49 | 80.91 | 75.02 | 89.06 |
0.15 | ✓ | - | 80.68 | 81.09 | 76.08 | 89.19 | |
KMeans-SMOTE | - | - | - | 82.26 | 80.23 | 77.42 | 89.33 |
0.15 | ✓ | ✓ | 82.43 | 80.42 | 77.58 | 89.89 | |
SMOTEENN | - | - | - | 81.36 | 81.17 | 76.94 | 89.53 |
0.15 | ✓ | - | 80.50 | 81.28 | 76.98 | 89.37 | |
SMOTETomek | - | - | - | 80.69 | 81.33 | 76.83 | 89.62 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 82.23 | 81.30 | 77.34 | 89.71 |
Layer | Units | Activation |
Dense | 100 | ReLU |
Dense | 30 | ReLU |
Dropout (0.5) | - | - |
Dense | 2 | Softmax |
Dataset Transformation | BSBS(k) | Re-Enters | Noisy | Accuracy | Balanced Accuracy | F1-Macro | ROC-AUC |
None | - | - | - | 82.06 | 66.00 | 68.45 | 77.52 |
0.15 | - | ✓ | 81.62 | 67.95 | 69.56 | 76.58 | |
RUS | - | - | - | 77.66 | 70.73 | 69.21 | 77.37 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 77.77 | 71.28 | 69.02 | 76.93 | |
ENN | - | - | - | 80.36 | 70.42 | 70.47 | 77.50 |
0.15 | ✓ | - | 80.12 | 70.61 | 70.98 | 77.26 | |
ClusterCentroids | - | - | - | 47.10 | 61.06 | 46.64 | 73.18 |
0.15 | - | ✓ | 49.87 | 61.89 | 48.94 | 73.08 | |
Tomek Links | - | - | - | 82.00 | 66.77 | 69.03 | 77.51 |
0.15 | ✓ | ✓ | 81.74 | 67.55 | 69.37 | 77.15 | |
ROS | - | - | - | 77.46 | 70.67 | 69.10 | 77.54 |
0.1 | - | ✓ | 77.45 | 71.18 | 69.24 | 76.74 | |
SMOTE | - | - | - | 81.74 | 67.97 | 69.72 | 77.25 |
0.2 | - | - | 81.45 | 68.30 | 69.56 | 76.85 | |
Adasyn | - | - | - | 81.75 | 67.74 | 69.63 | 77.03 |
0.15 | ✓ | - | 81.38 | 68.48 | 69.31 | 76.58 | |
Borderline-SMOTE | - | - | - | 81.76 | 68.05 | 69.69 | 77.33 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 81.42 | 68.46 | 69.71 | 76.94 | |
KMeans-SMOTE | - | - | - | 81.68 | 67.87 | 69.53 | 76.99 |
0.1 | ✓ | ✓ | 81.71 | 68.06 | 69.69 | 76.93 | |
SMOTEENN | - | - | - | 78.74 | 70.17 | 69.32 | 76.58 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 79.71 | 70.10 | 69.81 | 76.42 | |
SMOTETomek | - | - | - | 81.76 | 67.50 | 69.37 | 77.42 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 81.75 | 67.79 | 69.59 | 77.09 |
Layer | Units | Activation |
Conv2D | 32 (3 × 3) | ReLU |
Conv2D | 64 (3 × 3) | ReLU |
MaxPooling | - | - |
Flatten | - | - |
Dense | 128 | ReLU |
Dropout (0.5) | - | - |
Dense | 10 | Softmax |
Dataset Transformation | BSBS(k) | Re-Enters | Noisy | Accuracy | Balanced Accuracy | F1-Macro | ROC-AUC |
None | - | - | - | 98.92 | 98.91 | 98.91 | 99.98 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 99.09 | 99.08 | 99.08 | 99.99 | |
RUS | - | - | - | 96.86 | 96.85 | 96.85 | 99.68 |
0.15 | - | ✓ | 98.08 | 98.08 | 98.07 | 99.97 | |
ENN | - | - | - | 89.21 | 89.24 | 88.42 | 95.09 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 98.77 | 98.76 | 98.76 | 99.98 | |
ClusterCentroids | - | - | - | 96.02 | 95.99 | 96.03 | 99.90 |
0.2 | - | ✓ | 97.83 | 97.81 | 97.83 | 99.96 | |
Tomek Links | - | - | - | 98.90 | 98.89 | 98.89 | 99.98 |
0.2 | - | ✓ | 99.09 | 99.08 | 99.08 | 99.99 | |
ROS | - | - | - | 99.00 | 98.99 | 98.99 | 99.98 |
0.1 | ✓ | ✓ | 99.17 | 99.16 | 99.16 | 99.99 | |
SMOTE | - | - | - | 98.97 | 98.96 | 98.96 | 99.98 |
0.2 | ✓ | - | 99.12 | 99.11 | 99.11 | 99.99 | |
Adasyn | - | - | - | 98.93 | 98.92 | 98.92 | 99.98 |
0.2 | ✓ | ✓ | 99.10 | 99.09 | 99.09 | 99.99 | |
Borderline-SMOTE | - | - | - | 98.91 | 98.90 | 98.90 | 99.97 |
0.2 | ✓ | - | 99.07 | 99.06 | 99.06 | 99.99 | |
KMeans-SMOTE | - | - | - | 98.90 | 98.89 | 98.89 | 99.98 |
0.2 | ✓ | - | 99.09 | 99.08 | 99.08 | 99.99 | |
SMOTEENN | - | - | - | 80.36 | 80.50 | 78.84 | 89.84 |
0.1 | ✓ | - | 98.79 | 98.78 | 98.78 | 99.98 | |
SMOTETomek | - | - | - | 98.97 | 98.96 | 98.96 | 99.98 |
0.2 | - | ✓ | 99.13 | 99.12 | 99.12 | 99.99 |
Methods | Ozone | Adult | Credit Card | MNIST |
Online Batch Selection [21] | 58.27 | 76.92 | 68.91 | 98.32 |
Submodular [29] | 59.22 | 77.46 | 68.87 | 99.09 |
NBSBS-R (ours) | 59.86 | 78.52 | 69.56 | 99.08 |
Methods | Ozone | Adult | Credit Card | MNIST |
Online Batch Selection [21] | 57.12 | 76.88 | 67.75 | 98.64 |
Submodular [29] | 57.18 | 77.97 | 67.21 | 99.07 |
NBSBS-R (ours) | 57.26 | 79.83 | 67.95 | 99.08 |
Methods | Ozone | Adult | Credit Card | MNIST |
Online Batch Selection | 38.4 ± 0.7 | 217 ± 1.5 | 79.4 ± 1.4 | 527.4 ± 2.2 |
Submodular | 29.1 ± 0.6 | 156.7 ± 1.5 | 67.5 ± 1.1 | 408.3 ± 1.2 |
NBSBS-R (ours) | 9.0 ± 0.9 | 45.9 ± 1.346 | 38.1 ± 1.2 | 204.5 ± 2.7 |
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Ioannou, G.; Alexandridis, G.; Stafylopatis, A. Online Batch Selection for Enhanced Generalization in Imbalanced Datasets. Algorithms 2023, 16, 65.
Ioannou G, Alexandridis G, Stafylopatis A. Online Batch Selection for Enhanced Generalization in Imbalanced Datasets. Algorithms. 2023; 16(2):65.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIoannou, George, Georgios Alexandridis, and Andreas Stafylopatis. 2023. "Online Batch Selection for Enhanced Generalization in Imbalanced Datasets" Algorithms 16, no. 2: 65.
APA StyleIoannou, G., Alexandridis, G., & Stafylopatis, A. (2023). Online Batch Selection for Enhanced Generalization in Imbalanced Datasets. Algorithms, 16(2), 65.