Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions
<p>Phytoremediation can occur through a series of complex interactions between plants, microbes, and the soil, including accumulation, hyperaccumulation, exclusion, volatilization, and degradation of the target pollutant. Plants also stabilize mobile contaminated sediments by forming dense root mats inside soil.</p> ">
<p>Experimental arrangement of LIBS: 1 – Nd:YAG laser, 2 – modulator of second harmonic frequency, 3 – periscope, 4 – CCD camera, 5 – ablation chamber, 6 – fibre optic system, 7 – monochromator, 8 – ICCD camera.</p> ">
<p>Pictures of sunflower plants in the second, sixth and eighth experimental day after Pb-EDTA application (0, 10, 50, 100 and 500 μM).</p> ">
<p>Changes of (A) fresh and (B) dry weights of sunflower plants exposed to Pb-EDTA. Dry mass was obtained by drying to the constant weight at 105 °C in the oven. All data were obtained by subtraction from control plants. The experiment was carried in triplicates.</p> ">
<p>Changes in total protein content in sunflower plants exposed to Pb-EDTA. All data were obtained by subtraction from control plants. The experiments were carried out in triplicate.</p> ">
<p>Changes of AST and ALT activities in sunflower plants exposed to Pb-EDTA. All data were obtained by subtraction from control plants. The experiment was carried in triplicates.</p> ">
<p>Changes of cysteine, GSH, GSSG and PC2 contents in sunflower plants exposed to Pb-EDTA. All data were obtained by subtraction from control plants. The experiment was carried out in triplicate.</p> ">
<p>Typical LIBS spectrum after application of one laser pulse to a sample of common sunflower leaf exposed to 0.5 mM Pb-EDTA for 3 days.</p> ">
<p>Spatial distribution of lead and magnesium in plant leaves: A – maize (<span class="html-italic">Zea mays</span>), B – sunflower (<span class="html-italic">Helianthus annuus</span>) and C – lettuce (<span class="html-italic">Lactuca sativa</span>) exposed to 0.5 mM Pb-EDTA for 5 days (maize, lettuce) and 3 days (sunflower). Ration scale represents 500 μm, vascular bundles are identified by lines. These plants were exposed to 0.5 mM Pb-EDTA for five days.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Results and Discussion
2.1. Morphological changes
2.2. Total protein content
2.3. Determination of plant enzymes’ activity
2.4. Content of low molecular mass thiols
2.5. Monitoring of lead and magnesium distribution by LIBS
3. Material and Methods
3.1. Chemicals
3.2. Cultivation of plants and sample preparation
3.3. Sample preparation for thiol determination
3.4. High performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
3.5. Automated spectrometric measurements
Urease activity determination – indophenol assay (Berthelot method)
ALT and AST activity determination
Bradford protein assay
3.6. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
4. Conclusions
References and Notes
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Krystofova, O.; Shestivska, V.; Galiova, M.; Novotny, K.; Kaiser, J.; Zehnalek, J.; Babula, P.; Opatrilova, R.; Adam, V.; Kizek, R. Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions. Sensors 2009, 9, 5040-5058.
Krystofova O, Shestivska V, Galiova M, Novotny K, Kaiser J, Zehnalek J, Babula P, Opatrilova R, Adam V, Kizek R. Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions. Sensors. 2009; 9(7):5040-5058.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKrystofova, Olga, Violetta Shestivska, Michaela Galiova, Karel Novotny, Jozef Kaiser, Josef Zehnalek, Petr Babula, Radka Opatrilova, Vojtech Adam, and Rene Kizek. 2009. "Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions" Sensors 9, no. 7: 5040-5058.
APA StyleKrystofova, O., Shestivska, V., Galiova, M., Novotny, K., Kaiser, J., Zehnalek, J., Babula, P., Opatrilova, R., Adam, V., & Kizek, R. (2009). Sunflower Plants as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Lead (II) Ions. Sensors, 9(7), 5040-5058.