A Method Combining Discrete Cosine Transform with Attention for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Matching
<p>Overall framework of the proposed method.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The details in the feature extraction module. (<b>a</b>) The structure of the blocks. BN is short for Batch Normalization. (<b>b</b>) The structure of the enhanced frequency channel attention (eFCA).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The flowchart of DCT-guided sparse attention. For self-attention, <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Q</mi> </semantics></math>, <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">K</mi> </semantics></math>, and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">V</mi> </semantics></math> all come from the feature map to be updated. For cross-attention, <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Q</mi> </semantics></math> comes from the feature map to be updated, while <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">K</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">V</mi> </semantics></math> come from the other one.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Examples of the datasets [<a href="#B51-sensors-25-01345" class="html-bibr">51</a>,<a href="#B52-sensors-25-01345" class="html-bibr">52</a>,<a href="#B53-sensors-25-01345" class="html-bibr">53</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Box plots of ablation experiment results. The dots represent outliers of the results, and the orange lines indicate the median. (<b>a</b>) Box plot of PCK results. (<b>b</b>) Box plot of ACE results.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The line charts show the proportion of results that met different PCK thresholds. The x-axis represents the set PCK thresholds, and the y-axis represents the proportion of images in the dataset that satisfied each threshold. (<b>a</b>) Results on the DSIFN dataset. (<b>b</b>) Results on the LEVIR-CD dataset.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Visualization of some results from the DSIFN dataset and the LEVIR-CD dataset. The two groups on the left were from the DSIFN dataset, while the two groups on the right were from the LEVIR-CD dataset. The green dots indicate correctly matched keypoints, and the red dots indicate incorrectly matched keypoints.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>This is a visualization of qualitative comparison, with correct matching keypoints represented in green and incorrect matching keypoints represented in red.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- 1.
- We introduce a novel method for integrating DCT-based frequency channel attention into the CNN backbone, enhancing the feature robustness and discrimination in multi-temporal remote sensing scenarios.
- 2.
- We propose a frequency-guided sparse attention mechanism to enhance coarse-scale features. By narrowing the attention scope, this module minimizes noise introduced by the temporal difference region and simultaneously reduces the computational complexity.
- 3.
- Through comprehensive experiments, we validated that our DCT-integrated approach outperformed existing image matching frameworks in terms of the robustness and efficiency on multi-temporal remote sensing datasets.
2. Related Works
2.1. Image Matching Methods for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
2.2. Deep Learning-Based Image Matching Methods for General Tasks
2.3. DCT in Deep Learning
3. Method
3.1. DCT-Enhanced Multi-Scale Feature Extraction
3.2. DCT-Guided Coarse-Scale Matching
- 1.
- Vanilla attention:
- Each query pixel attends to all pixels.
- Feature dimension: d.
- Computational complexity: .
- 2.
- Our DCT-guided sparse attention (DSA):
- Each query pixel attends to k windows, each containing pixels.
- Total number of windows: .
- Selected windows per query: .
- Pixels per window: .
- Feature dimension: d.
- Number of DCT basis (constant): m.
- Computational complexity:
- –
- DCT compression: .
- –
- Window similarity calculation: .
- –
- Attention calculation:
- –
- Total:
- Image size: .
- Window size: .
- Selected windows: .
- DCT basis: .
3.3. Fine-Scale Matching
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
4.1. Experimental Setup
4.2. Datasets
4.3. Matching Experiment Evaluation Metrics
- 1.
- The success rate is calculated by
- 2.
- The percentage of correct keypoints is calculated by
- 3.
- The average corner error is calculated by
4.4. Ablation Study and Discussion
4.5. Comparative Experiments and Discussion
4.5.1. Quantitative Comparison
4.5.2. Qualitative Comparison
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Approach | Params | SR (%) ↑ | PCK > 80 (%) ↑ | ACE (pix) ↓ |
1 | Baseline | 4.09 M | 89.06 | 83.33 | 6.92 |
2 | Baseline + eFCA | 4.10 M | 93.75 | 89.94 | 5.25 |
3 | Baseline + DSA | 5.69 M | 96.09 | 85.76 | 4.08 |
4 | Baseline + eFCA + DSA (ours) | 5.70 M | 98.44 | 94.44 | 2.23 |
No | Approach | Params | SR (%) ↑ | PCK > 80 (%) ↑ | ACE (pix) ↓ |
4 | Baseline + eFCA + DSA (ours) | 5.70 M | 98.44 | 94.44 | 2.23 |
5 | Baseline + FCA + DSA | 5.70 M | 96.86 | 90.58 | 3.73 |
No | Approach | Params | SR (%) ↑ | PCK > 80 (%) ↑ | ACE (pix) ↓ | RT (ms) ↓ |
4 | Baseline + eFCA + DSA (ours) | 5.70 M | 98.44 | 94.44 | 2.23 | 66.39 |
6 | Baseline + eFCA + VanillaAttn | 8.05 M | 99.21 | 92.56 | 2.66 | 108.24 |
Approach | Params | SR (%) ↑ | PCK (%) ↑ | ACE (pix) ↓ | RT (ms) ↓ |
RIFT | - | 87.50 | 72.03 | 13.41 | - |
OFM | - | 70.83 | 62.03 | 10.62 | - |
Super | 13.32 M | 89.58 | 58.05 | 11.14 | 91.43 |
LoFTR | 11.56 M | 97.92 | 76.73 | 6.73 | 193.05 |
DeDoDe | 13.52 M | 85.42 | 64.87 | 10.67 | 155.72 |
Ours | 5.70 M | 100 | 81.92 | 4.27 | 70.90 |
Approach | Params | SR (%) ↑ | PCK (%) ↑ | ACE (pix) ↓ | RT (ms) ↓ |
RIFT | - | 90.63 | 70.47 | 10.48 | - |
OFM | - | 92.18 | 83.72 | 5.92 | - |
Super | 13.32 M | 98.44 | 75.95 | 5.78 | 172.43 |
LoFTR | 11.56 M | 98.44 | 90.41 | 2.04 | 656.35 |
DeDoDe | 13.52 M | 89.06 | 72.36 | 8.27 | 406.30 |
Ours | 5.70 M | 99.22 | 88.48 | 2.98 | 198.39 |
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Share and Cite
Zeng, Q.; Hui, B.; Liu, Z.; Xu, Z.; He, M. A Method Combining Discrete Cosine Transform with Attention for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Matching. Sensors 2025, 25, 1345. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051345
Zeng Q, Hui B, Liu Z, Xu Z, He M. A Method Combining Discrete Cosine Transform with Attention for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Matching. Sensors. 2025; 25(5):1345. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051345
Chicago/Turabian StyleZeng, Qinyan, Bin Hui, Zhaoji Liu, Zheng Xu, and Miao He. 2025. "A Method Combining Discrete Cosine Transform with Attention for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Matching" Sensors 25, no. 5: 1345. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051345
APA StyleZeng, Q., Hui, B., Liu, Z., Xu, Z., & He, M. (2025). A Method Combining Discrete Cosine Transform with Attention for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Matching. Sensors, 25(5), 1345. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051345