Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Emotion Recognition from Multichannel EEG Recordings
<p>An overview of the proposed machine learning framework for emotion recognition based on EEG signals.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The two-dimensional model of emotions: valence–arousal plane.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Top three feature sets. Boxplot of CART accuracy on each DEAP, DREAMER, MAHNOB, AMIGOS and SEED emotion dataset. <span class="html-italic">X</span>-axis represents the dataset name. <span class="html-italic">Y</span>-axis indicates the classification accuracy. Black dot in the figure represents average classification accuracy of each participant across 4-folds.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Topography of normalized EEG FD features for high/low valence. GM denotes the grand mean of each FD feature across all the datasets. KFD—Katz’s fractal dimension, PFD—Petrosian fractal dimension, HFD—Higuchi’s fractal dimension.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Topography of normalized EEG FD features for high/low arousal. SEED dataset does not have arousal class. GM denotes the grand mean of FD each feature across all the datasets.KFD-Katz’s fractal dimension, PFD-Petrosian fractal dimension, HFD-Higuchi’s fractal dimension.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Emotion-Related EEG Datasets
2.2. EEG Signal Preprocessing
2.3. EEG Feature Extraction
2.3.1. Statistical Features
2.3.2. Wavelet Analysis
2.3.3. Fractal Dimension
2.3.4. Hjorth Parameters
2.3.5. Higher Order Spectra
2.4. Emotion and EEG Feature-Classification Techniques
2.5. EEG Feature-Classification Accuracy
2.6. Statistical Analysis: Comparing Feature-Classification Performance between EEG Feature Sets
2.7. EEG Scalp Topography Related to Emotion Processing
3. Experimental Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CART | Classification and Regression Tree |
DWT | Discrete Wavelet Transform |
DEAP | Dataset for Emotion Analysis using Physiological signals |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
EDA | Electrodermal Activity |
EMG | electromyogram |
ERP | Event Related Potential |
ERO | Event Related Oscillation |
FD | Fractal Dimension |
GM | Grand Mean |
GSVM | Gaussian Radial Basis Fucntion Support Vector Machine |
GSR | Galvanic Skin Resistance |
HFD | Higuchi’s fractal dimension |
HOC | Higher Order Crossing |
HOS | Higher Order Spectra |
KFD | Katz’s Fractal Dimension |
KNN | K-Nearest Neighbor |
PFD | Petrosian fractal dimension |
PNS | Peripheral Nervous System |
RF | Random Forest |
RR | Respiration Rate |
SD | Standard Deviation |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
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Public Dataset Name | Pub.
Year | Sample Size (N) | Gender Ratio (Mean Age ± SD) | Total Trials or Videos | Trial/ Video Dura. | Rec. Ses. | # EEG Channels /Device /Fs | Emotional States | Rating Scale Ranges (Thres.) |
MAHNOB -HCI | 2011 | 27 | 11M
/16F (NS ± NS) | 20 | 34.92 to 117 s | 1 | 32/ BioSemi Active II /256 Hz | Valence & Arousal | 1–9 (4.5) |
DEAP | 2012 | 32 | 16M/16F (26.9 ± NS) | 40 | 60 s | 1 | 32/ BioSemi Active II /512 Hz | Valence & Arousal | 1–9 (4.5) |
SEED | 2015 | 15 | 7M/8F (23.27 ± 2.37) | 10 | ∼240 s | 3 | 62/ ESI Neuro Scan /1000 Hz | Positive & Negative | −1, 0, & 1 (NA) |
AMIGOS | 2018 | 40 | 27M/13F (28.3 ± NS) | 16 | <250 s | 2 | 14/ Emotive EPOC /128 Hz | Valence & Arousal | 1–9 (4.5) |
DREAMER | 2018 | 23 | 14M/9F (26.6 ± 2.7) | 18 | 65–393 s | 1 | 14/ Emotiv EPO /128 Hz | Valence & Arousal | 1–5 (2.5) |
Feature Set | Features | No. of Features |
Statistical | Mean (), Median (), Standard deviation (), Skewness, Kurtosis, Mean of absolute values of 1st difference (), Mean of absolute values of 2nd difference (), Normalized 1st difference (), and Normalized 2nd difference () | 9 |
Wavelet | Mean and standard deviation of the absolute values of the coefficients in each of the 12 scales (with Morlet as mother wavelet). | 24 |
Fractal dimension (FD) | Katz’s fractal dimension (KFD), Petrosian fractal dimension (PFD), and Higuchi’s fractal dimension (HFD). | 3 |
Hjorth parameters | Mobility (), and Complexity (). | 2 |
Higher order spectra (HOS) | Bispectrum magnitude (), Sum of logarithmic amplitudes of Bispectrum (), Sum of logarithmic amplitudes of diagonal elements in the bispectrum (), and 1st-order spectral moment of amplitudes of diagonal elements of the bispectrum (). | 4 |
Feature Set | Classifier | Dataset Name | Average | ||||
Combined-ALL | GSVM | 73.09 ± 0.060 | 86.56 ± 0.063 | 78.23 ± 0.080 | 76.94 ± 0.076 | 96.73 ± 0.024 | 82.31 ± 0.084 |
CART | 76.38 ± 0.072 | 88.44 ± 0.066 | 82.08 ± 0.081 | 78.47 ± 0.087 | 97.08 ± 0.022 | 84.49 ± 0.075 | |
Statistical | GSVM | 69.62 ± 0.066 | 83.74 ± 0.064 | 75.47 ± 0.077 | 74.47 ± 0.082 | 96.14 ± 0.035 | 79.89 ± 0.093 |
CART | 75.02 ± 0.086 | 88.26 ± 0.067 | 81.67 ± 0.097 | 78.19 ± 0.087 | 97.01 ± 0.020 | 84.03 ± 0.078 | |
Wavelet | GSVM | 69.11 ± 0.064 | 82.10 ± 0.075 | 71.94 ± 0.079 | 72.34 ± 0.070 | 93.39 ± 0.047 | 77.78 ± 0.089 |
CART | 77.34 ± 0.066 | 87.99 ± 0.066 | 82.57 ± 0.082 | 79.12 ± 0.084 | 96.78 ± 0.023 | 84.76 ± 0.070 | |
Fractal dimension | GSVM | 75.69 ± 0.065 | 83.94 ± 0.065 | 80.91 ± 0.078 | 76.83 ± 0.084 | 96.40 ± 0.030 | 82.75 ± 0.074 |
CART | 78.18 ± 0.079 | 87.59 ± 0.067 | 83.98 ± 0.087 | 79.07 ± 0.084 | 96.50 ± 0.030 | 85.06 ± 0.066 | |
Hjorth parameters | GSVM | 73.23 ± 0.068 | 82.20 ± 0.066 | 78.82 ± 0.069 | 71.57 ± 0.067 | 96.32 ± 0.023 | 80.43 ± 0.088 |
CART | 70.52 ± 0.063 | 80.86 ± 0.065 | 75.33 ± 0.071 | 70.21 ± 0.070 | 94.25 ± 0.037 | 78.23 ± 0.089 | |
Higher order spectra | GSVM | 73.78 ± 0.073 | 83.31 ± 0.076 | 79.39 ± 0.081 | 72.23 ± 0.086 | 96.83 ± 0.028 | 81.11 ± 0.088 |
CART | 72.18 ± 0.076 | 83.68 ± 0.069 | 78.27 ± 0.087 | 72.98 ± 0.082 | 95.66 ± 0.037 | 80.56 ± 0.086 |
Feature Set | Classifier | Dataset Name | Average | |||
Combined-ALL | GSVM | 75.83 ± 0.072 | 90.35 ± 0.072 | 80.55 ± 0.081 | 79.49 ± 0.093 | 81.56 ± 0.053 |
CART | 78.82 ± 0.076 | 92.02 ± 0.065 | 83.21 ± 0.082 | 81.00 ± 0.092 | 83.76 ± 0.050 | |
Statistical | GSVM | 72.51 ± 0.085 | 88.92 ± 0.072 | 77.46 ± 0.084 | 77.10 ± 0.103 | 79.00 ± 0.060 |
CART | 77.38 ± 0.092 | 91.76 ± 0.068 | 83.72 ± 0.084 | 80.94 ± 0.087 | 83.45 ± 0.053 | |
Wavelet | GSVM | 71.60 ± 0.079 | 87.62 ± 0.089 | 75.65 ± 0.095 | 77.15 ± 0.096 | 78.01 ± 0.059 |
CART | 78.83 ± 0.077 | 91.60 ± 0.067 | 84.14 ± 0.082 | 81.20 ± 0.087 | 83.94 ± 0.048 | |
Fractal dimension | GSVM | 77.48 ± 0.072 | 88.99 ± 0.074 | 82.80 ± 0.079 | 79.10 ± 0.088 | 82.09 ± 0.044 |
CART | 79.90 ± 0.086 | 91.60 ± 0.067 | 85.58 ± 0.085 | 81.11 ± 0.087 | 84.55 ± 0.045 | |
Hjorth parameters | GSVM | 75.62 ± 0.069 | 87.02 ± 0.083 | 80.70 ± 0.075 | 75.28 ± 0.099 | 79.66 ± 0.047 |
CART | 73.14 ± 0.071 | 86.07 ± 0.085 | 76.94 ± 0.080 | 74.21 ± 0.107 | 77.59 ± 0.050 | |
Higher order spectra | GSVM | 75.83 ± 0.079 | 88.35 ± 0.082 | 81.13 ± 0.083 | 76.77 ± 0.091 | 80.52 ± 0.049 |
CART | 75.36 ± 0.081 | 88.69 ± 0.081 | 79.62 ± 0.086 | 76.79 ± 0.098 | 80.11 ± 0.051 |
Condition | p-Value | Cliff’s Delta Effect Size | ||
Arousal | Valence | Arousal | Valence | |
FD vs. Wavelet | 3.31 × 10−3 | 3.53 × 10−2 | 0.045 | 0.022 |
FD vs. Statistical | 6.85 × 10−8 | 1.31 × 10−9 | 0.063 | 0.061 |
FD vs. Hjorth Parameters | 2.13 × 10−19 | 1.22 × 10−21 | 0.397 | 0.420 |
FD vs. Higher order spectra | 3.01 × 10−19 | 1.53 × 10−21 | 0.261 | 0.277 |
Combined-ALL | 3.93 × 10−4 | 1.25 × 10−3 | 0.058 | 0.045 |
Research Study | Features Employed Classification Method | Best Accuracy (%) Achieved | ||||
Topic and Russo, [19] | HOLOfm CNN-SVM | V:76.61 A:77.72 | V:88.20 A:90.43 | - | V:87.39 A:90.54 | V:88.45 A: - |
Topic and Russo, [19] | TOPOfm CNN-SVM | V:76.30 A:76.54 | V:81.96 A:84.92 | - | V:80.63 A:85.75 | V:70.37 A: - |
Siddharth et al. [52] | RGB colored image CNN-ELM | V:71.09 A:72.58 | V:78.99 A:79.23 | V:80.77 A:80.42 | V:83.02 A:79.13 | - |
Li et al. [53] | Spatial map GRELM-SVM | V:62.00 A: - | - | - | - | V:88.00 A: - |
Katsigiannis et al. [15] | PSD SVM | - | V: 62.49 A:62.17 | - | - | - |
Miranda et al. [17] | PSD, SPA SVM | - | - | - | V:57.60 A:59.20 | - |
This study | FD-CART | V:78.18 A:79.90 | V:87.59 A:91.60 | V:83.98 A:85.58 | V:79.07 A:81.11 | V:96.50 A: - |
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Yuvaraj, R.; Thagavel, P.; Thomas, J.; Fogarty, J.; Ali, F. Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Emotion Recognition from Multichannel EEG Recordings. Sensors 2023, 23, 915.
Yuvaraj R, Thagavel P, Thomas J, Fogarty J, Ali F. Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Emotion Recognition from Multichannel EEG Recordings. Sensors. 2023; 23(2):915.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYuvaraj, Rajamanickam, Prasanth Thagavel, John Thomas, Jack Fogarty, and Farhan Ali. 2023. "Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Emotion Recognition from Multichannel EEG Recordings" Sensors 23, no. 2: 915.
APA StyleYuvaraj, R., Thagavel, P., Thomas, J., Fogarty, J., & Ali, F. (2023). Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Emotion Recognition from Multichannel EEG Recordings. Sensors, 23(2), 915.