A Novel Prairie Dog-Based Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Improved Control, Better Transient Response, and Power Quality Enhancement of Hybrid Microgrids
<p>Graphical representation of the complete research study illustrating the primary ideas.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Burrow of prairie dogs [<a href="#B50-sensors-23-05973" class="html-bibr">50</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>a</b>) Exploration strategy. (<b>b</b>) Exploitation strategy.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Block diagram representation of the flowchart of the PDO algorithm.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Mechanism of duty cycle generation for inverters with proposed PDO method: (<b>a</b>) PV, (<b>b</b>) FC, and (<b>c</b>) battery.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Simulink model of HRES-based MG.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>PV voltage.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>PV current.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>PV power.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>PV power vs. voltage.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>PV current vs. voltage.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>FC voltage.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>FC current.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>FC power.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>FC fuel consumption.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Battery voltage.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Battery current.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Battery SOC.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>Swell Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 19 Cont.
<p>Swell Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 19 Cont.
<p>Swell Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Unbalanced Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 20 Cont.
<p>Unbalanced Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 20 Cont.
<p>Unbalanced Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Oscillatory Transient Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 21 Cont.
<p>Oscillatory Transient Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 21 Cont.
<p>Oscillatory Transient Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>Notch Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 22 Cont.
<p>Notch Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> "> Figure 22 Cont.
<p>Notch Condition: (<b>a</b>) DC-link voltage, (<b>b</b>) terminal voltage, (<b>c</b>) voltage deviation, (<b>d</b>) frequency, (<b>e</b>) power factor, (<b>f</b>) THD, (<b>g</b>) grid active power, (<b>h</b>) grid reactive power, (<b>i</b>) grid apparent power, (<b>j</b>) grid voltage for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed, and (<b>k</b>) grid current for PDO, TEO, BCO, and PI superimposed.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. General Background
1.2. Motivation
1.3. Literature Review
- PDO is very capable of maintaining a well-balanced exploration and exploitation strategy.
- Compared to the other algorithms, PDO has good efficiency and better abilities.
- For real-world optimization issues with uncertain global optima, PDO is competent for predicting global optimum.
- In comparison to other popular optimization techniques that have been studied, PDO exhibits more stable convergence.
- Each clique performs optimization tasks within its domain or boundary, making effective use of the division of labour in the PDO.
- The digging strength (DS) and predator impact (PE) qualities, which specifically affect the PDO updating process, are included in the models of the forage and burrow-building activities (exploration), communication, and anti-predation (exploitation) activities.
1.4. Major Contributions
- Design, simulation, and optimal control of PV-, FC-, and battery-based HRESs for MG application with PQ enhancement in MATLAB/Simulink environment and application of suggested robust PDO algorithm to dynamically tune the PI gain parameters for ensuring improved PQ, system efficacy, and reliability.
- Verification of the efficiency and validation of the proposed controller by subjecting the HRES-based MG system to severe intentional PQ disturbances such as voltage swell, unbalanced load, oscillatory transient, and notch conditions. Furthermore, the evaluation of system characteristics and dynamics by comparing the proposed PDO technique with the traditional TEO algorithm, BCO algorithm, and PI controller.
- Comprehensive contrast study of different system characteristics at the grid side subjected to numerous PQ faults (swell, unbalanced load, oscillatory transient, and notch) such as active power, reactive power, apparent power, voltage deviation, power factor, frequency, THD, DC-link voltage, grid voltage, and grid current for the conventional and proposed techniques along with critical analysis of obtained numerical values for the suggested PDO technique and the conventional TEO, BCO, and PI methods by tabulating all control gain parameters (Kp and Ki) and system parameters (terminal voltage (Volt), DC-link voltage (volt), voltage deviation (p.u.), active power (watt), reactive power (Var), apparent power (VA), THD (%), power factor, frequency (Hz), grid voltage (p.u.), and grid current).
1.5. Paper Organization
2. Microgrid Component Modelling
2.1. Photovoltaic
2.2. Fuel Cell
2.3. Battery
2.4. Boost Converter
2.5. Buck/Boost Converter
3. Controller Unit
3.1. Proportional Integral (PI) Controller
3.2. Bee Colony Optimization (BCO)
- With a waggle dance before leaving the nectar spot, it can begin enlisting the help of its hive friends.
- Without using any additional bees from the beehive, it can continue foraging at the discovered nectar supply.
- It can become a loose follower and fully turn its back on the food source.
3.3. Thermal Exchange Optimization (TEO)
3.4. Proposed Prairie Dog Optimization (PDO)
3.4.1. Basic Concepts
Inspiration of PDO
Habitat and Burrowing
Social Organization
Communication and Anti-Predation
3.4.2. Mathematical Model Formulation and Algorithm of PDO
Assumptions and Implementation
- Each prairie dog is a member of one of the coteries that make up the colony, each of which has prairie dogs.
- The groups of prairie dogs are further divided into identical subgroups.
- Every coterie resides in a colony ward, or the problem search space equivalent.
- Each ward has a minimum of ten burrow entrances, which increases to a hundred as nest building activities take place.
- An antipredation call and a call for a new food supply (a new burrow being built) are two separate noises that are used.
- Only individuals from the same coterie engage in foraging, burrow construction (exploration), communication, and anti-predation (exploitation) behaviours.
- The exploration and exploitation actions are repeated (number of coteries) times since other coteries in the colony are working on the same things at the same time.
Fitness Function Evaluation
PDO Pseudo-Code
Algorithm 1: Pseudo-Code of PDO |
Initialization Set the PDO parameters: n, m, , ε Set and as ϕ Initialize the candidate solutions and While do For ( to m) For ( to n) do Calculate the fitness of Find the best solution so far () Update Update and Update , If () then {foraging activities} Else if then {burrowing activities} Else if then {food alarm} Else {antipredation alarm} End If End For End For End While Return the best solution End |
3.4.3. Implementation of PDO Algorithm for Optimal Tuning of the PI Gain Parameters
4. Matlab/Simulink Model and Results Discussion
4.1. Simulink Model and Description
4.2. Simulation Results and Discussion
4.2.1. HRES Performance on Supply Side
4.2.2. HRES Performance under Fault Scenarios at Grid Side
Scenario A: Swell Condition
Scenario B: Unbalanced Condition
Scenario C: Oscillatory Transient Condition
Scenario D: Notch Condition
5. Conclusions and Future Scope
5.1. Conclusive Remarks
5.2. Comparative Numerical Value Analysis Justifying Efficacy of Proposed Method
5.3. Future Directions
- Only single-objective continuous optimization issues have been solved by the proposed PDO, and scientists may consider creating the binary version of the technique.
- PDO’s multi-objective form may also be established.
- Researchers may also explore the idea of enhancing and hybridizing PDO with other available techniques.
- PDO can be expanded to address additional discrete or continuous real-world issues, which is a potential effort for researchers to embark on.
- Several distributed generating technologies, such as wind, biomass, microturbines, etc., can be integrated with PV and FC to expand the capacity of supplying power.
- Other energy storage units such as supercapacitors, flywheels, compressed air, etc. can be utilized and their response can be studied.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
List of Acronyms | |||
HRES | Hybrid Renewable Energy Source | PEIs | Power Electronics Interfaces |
MG | Microgrid | PID | Proportional Integral Derivative |
PQ | Power Quality | DVR | Dynamic Voltage Regulator |
PDO | Prairie Dog Optimization | DS | Digging Strength |
PV | Photovoltaic | PEM | Proton Exchange Membrane |
FC | Fuel Cell | KVL | Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law |
PI | Proportional Integral | PWM | Pulse Width Modulation |
BCO | Bee Colony Optimization | s | Prairie Dogs |
TEO | Thermal Exchange Optimization | Coterie | |
RESs | Renewable Energy Sources | ITAE | Integral Time Absolute Error |
CHP | Combined heat and power | OFs | Objective Functions |
AC | Alternating Current | SOC | State of Charge |
DC | Direct Current | THD | Total Harmonic Distortion |
List of Symbols | |||
terminal current of the PV module | |||
current generated by the PV cell (photocurrent) | |||
diode saturation current | |||
charge of an electron | |||
diode voltage | |||
number of PV cells | |||
Boltzmann constant | |||
actual temperature in Kelvin | |||
output voltage of PV | |||
shunt resistance | |||
output voltage of FC | |||
activation overvoltage of FC | |||
concentration overvoltage of FC | |||
voltage drop across output resistor of FC | |||
number of stacked cells of FC | |||
universal gas constant (JK/kmol) | |||
Faraday constant | |||
mole fraction of the species of hydrogen | |||
mole fraction of the species of oxygen | |||
mole fraction of the species of water | |||
terminal voltage of battery | |||
internal open-circuit voltage source of battery | |||
internal resistance of battery | |||
current through battery | |||
duty cycle | |||
proportional gain of PI controller | |||
integral gain of PI controller | |||
error function of PI controller | |||
normalized value of a partial or full solution | |||
highest value of the overall partial/complete solution | |||
number of forward passes | |||
promoted solution | |||
number of bees that are recruiters | |||
heat transfer coefficient | |||
heat flow area | |||
high temperature | |||
constant temperature | |||
temperature coefficient | |||
heat loss from the surface | |||
density | |||
specific heat | |||
number of coteries | |||
number of prairie dogs | |||
dimensional space by a vector | |||
dimension | |||
prairie dog in a coterie’s dimension | |||
introduces the stochastic property to confirm exploration | |||
lower bounds of the dimension | |||
fitness function value for each PD’s location | |||
evaluates the effects of the most effective solution currently acquired worldwide | |||
best solution currently available globally | |||
location of a random solution | |||
randomized cumulative effect of all prairie dogs in the colony | |||
experiment’s specialized food source alarm | |||
coterie’s digging strength | |||
modest number that signifies disparities that occur among the PDs | |||
introduces the stochastic property to confirm exploration | |||
current iteration | |||
maximum number of iterations | |||
small value that denotes the level of food quality available | |||
random number | |||
predator effect |
Appendix A
PV Panel | PEMFC | Boost Converter | Battery | Utility Grid | PDO Algorithm |
Max. power: 164.85 watt, parallel strings: 50, cells per module: 72, OC voltage: 43.5 volt, SC current: 5.25 amp, light-generated current: 5.2764 A, shunt resistance: 125.0069.05 ohm, series resistance: 0.62818 ohm | Nominal stack power: 60,000 watt, resistance of fuel cell: 0.46801 ohm, Nernst voltage of cell: 1.1243 volt, system temperature: 321 kelvin, air supply pressure: 1 bar | Inductance: 254 mH, capacitance: 42 µF | Nominal voltage: 600 volt, rated capacity: 80,000 Ah, initial state of charge: 40%, battery response time: 0.03 s | Phase to phase voltage (RMS): 400 volt, frequency: 50 Hz, phase angle of phase-a: 0 degree | Number of coteries (m): 30, number of prairie dogs: 100, maximum number of iterations: 1000, specialized food source alarm (ρ): 0.1 KHz, stochastic property (r): (−1 or +1), random number (rand): (0 to 1) |
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Control Strategy/Algorithm | Merits | Demerits |
Proportional Integral |
Harris Hawks Algorithm |
Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm |
Genetic Algorithm |
Particle Swarm Optimization |
Atom Search Optimization |
Salp Swarm Optimization |
Aquila Optimization |
Fuzzy Logic Controller |
Adaptive Network Fuzzy Inference |
Green Leaf-hopper Flame Optimization |
Chaotic Butterfly Optimization |
Artificial Neural Network |
Support Vector Machine |
Model Predictive Control |
Multi-Agent System |
Amended Penguin Optimization |
Squirrel Search Algorithm |
Type of Controller → System Values ↓ | PI | BCO | TEO | Proposed PDO | ||||
PI Controller Gains | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki |
0.087 | 0.0032 | 0.167 | 0.0061 | 0.461 | 0.0054 | 0.557 | 0.0089 | |
Terminal Voltage (Volt) | 445 | 436 | 431 | 408 | ||||
DC-Link Voltage (Volt) | 378 | 367 | 364 | 353 | ||||
Voltage Deviation (p.u.) | 1.25 | 1.2 | 1.1 | 1.03 | ||||
Active Power (Watt) | 57,000 | 55,500 | 53,450 | 48,200 | ||||
Reactive Power (Var) | 890 | 921 | 948 | 977 | ||||
Apparent Power (VA) | 57,150 | 55,640 | 53,300 | 48,050 | ||||
THD (%) | 6.09 | 5.83 | 5.15 | 4.67 | ||||
Power Factor | 0.91 | 0.94 | 0.965 | 0.98 | ||||
Frequency (Hz) | 45.47 | 46.45 | 48.2 | 49.1 | ||||
Grid Voltage (p.u.) | 1.287 | 1.19 | 1.089 | 1.02 | ||||
Grid Current | 0.862 | 0.895 | 0.92 | 0.945 |
Type of Controller → System Values ↓ | PI | BCO | TEO | Proposed PDO | ||||
PI Controller Gains | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki |
0.087 | 0.0032 | 0.134 | 0.0087 | 0.249 | 0.0071 | 0.432 | 0.0046 | |
Terminal Voltage (Volt) | 378 | 385 | 392 | 397 | ||||
DC-Link Voltage (Volt) | 332 | 338 | 343 | 348 | ||||
Voltage Deviation (p.u.) | 0.90 | 0.93 | 0.97 | 0.99 | ||||
Active Power (Watt) | 43,700 | 44,550 | 47,450 | 49,500 | ||||
Reactive Power (Var) | 941 | 966 | 975 | 993 | ||||
Apparent Power (VA) | 43,510 | 44,530 | 47,280 | 49,450 | ||||
THD (%) | 6.23 | 5.14 | 4.56 | 4.02 | ||||
Power Factor | 0.87 | 0.89 | 0.91 | 0.95 | ||||
Frequency (Hz) | 46.71 | 48.23 | 49.13 | 49.59 | ||||
Grid Voltage (p.u.) | 1.48 | 1.39 | 1.18 | 1.01 | ||||
Grid Current | 2.85 | 2.23 | 1.57 | 1.01 |
Type of Controller → System Values ↓ | PI | BCO | TEO | Proposed PDO | ||||
PI Controller Gains | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki |
0.087 | 0.0032 | 0.149 | 0.0093 | 0.483 | 0.0089 | 0.798 | 0.0091 | |
Terminal Voltage (Volt) | 361 | 373 | 381 | 400 | ||||
DC-Link Voltage (Volt) | 317 | 324 | 335 | 350 | ||||
Voltage Deviation (p.u.) | 1.16 | 1.14 | 1.09 | 1.01 | ||||
Active Power (Watt) | 47,910 | 49,630 | 50,560 | 51,100 | ||||
Reactive Power (Var) | 934 | 956 | 969 | 984 | ||||
Apparent Power (VA) | 48,040 | 49,806 | 50,720 | 51,340 | ||||
THD (%) | 5.98 | 4.51 | 4.12 | 4.05 | ||||
Power Factor | 0.795 | 0.819 | 0.83 | 0.89 | ||||
Frequency (Hz) | 49.01 | 49.25 | 49.66 | 49.96 | ||||
Grid Voltage (p.u.) | 1.62 | 1.51 | 1.19 | 1.01 | ||||
Grid Current | 4.0 | 3.1 | 1.61 | 1.05 |
Type of Controllers → System Values ↓ | PI | BCO | TEO | Proposed PDO | ||||
PI Controller Gains | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki | Kp | Ki |
0.087 | 0.0032 | 0.129 | 0.0098 | 0.321 | 0.0082 | 0.673 | 0.0067 | |
Terminal Voltage (Volt) | 378 | 386 | 392 | 398 | ||||
DC-Link Voltage (Volt) | 336 | 341 | 345 | 350 | ||||
Voltage Deviation (p.u.) | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1.02 | 1.001 | ||||
Active Power (Watt) | 46,700 | 47,030 | 48,100 | 49,100 | ||||
Reactive Power (Var) | 948 | 962 | 976 | 990 | ||||
Apparent Power (VA) | 46,110 | 46,820 | 48,280 | 49,920 | ||||
THD (%) | 5.15 | 4.23 | 3.48 | 2.96 | ||||
Power Factor | 0.94 | 0.955 | 0.961 | 0.987 | ||||
Frequency (Hz) | 51.57 | 51.05 | 50.83 | 50.16 | ||||
Grid Voltage (p.u.) | 0.58 | 0.73 | 0.86 | 1.02 | ||||
Grid Current | 1.35 | 1.215 | 1.05 | 1.01 |
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Share and Cite
Sahoo, G.K.; Choudhury, S.; Rathore, R.S.; Bajaj, M. A Novel Prairie Dog-Based Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Improved Control, Better Transient Response, and Power Quality Enhancement of Hybrid Microgrids. Sensors 2023, 23, 5973. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135973
Sahoo GK, Choudhury S, Rathore RS, Bajaj M. A Novel Prairie Dog-Based Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Improved Control, Better Transient Response, and Power Quality Enhancement of Hybrid Microgrids. Sensors. 2023; 23(13):5973. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135973
Chicago/Turabian StyleSahoo, Gagan Kumar, Subhashree Choudhury, Rajkumar Singh Rathore, and Mohit Bajaj. 2023. "A Novel Prairie Dog-Based Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Improved Control, Better Transient Response, and Power Quality Enhancement of Hybrid Microgrids" Sensors 23, no. 13: 5973. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135973
APA StyleSahoo, G. K., Choudhury, S., Rathore, R. S., & Bajaj, M. (2023). A Novel Prairie Dog-Based Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm for Improved Control, Better Transient Response, and Power Quality Enhancement of Hybrid Microgrids. Sensors, 23(13), 5973. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135973