Digital Transformation of Agriculture through the Use of an Interoperable Platform †
<p>Specific data model for agricultural plot management.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>General vision of the proposed architecture.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Data model from Internet of Things (IoT) level to applications.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Layout of the case study.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Evaluation of platform scalability.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Response time for operations with different operating methods.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Response time according to the layers that form the platform.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Evolution of the humidity of an apricot crop based on set water levels.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Evolution of efficient irrigation, comparing soil moisture and water contribution by the hydrant.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- Problem detection: The implementation of new technologies such as satellite images, variable application algorithms, drones, high-tech sensors, mobile applications, and GPS guides, allowing for the assessment of crop status and the detection of problems (improper fertilizer use, water stress, changing weather conditions, and pest monitoring) before they start to interfere with crop performance;
- Productivity improvement: The sensorization of crops allows for the establishment of patterns of planting and fertilization depending on factors such as the type of seeds and soil conditions, to improve crop production levels;
- Improvement in decision making: By analyzing and monitoring agronomic parameters, crop water needs, and precipitation forecasts, it is possible to identify which areas of land need more water and schedule irrigation to vary the volume of water applied without imposing water stress on the crop;
- Behaviour analysis: As a result of continuous crop monitoring and the analysis of the relationships among different elements, such as yield, energy efficiency, and the agricultural practices used, the most beneficial actions and those that must be eliminated or modified can be identified.
- Scalability and flexibility:The platform, instead of being locked to a single provider, is up to date with protocols, technologies, and features that vary rapidly. It is network-independent and can be integrated to work with all vital technological systems;
- Interoperable: The platform offers a wide range of IoT agents that facilitate the connection with devices that use standardized IoT protocols, such as Lightweight Machine to Machine (LWM2M) over Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), or UltraLight (UL) over HTTP/MQTT, with the possibility of using parameterizing agents to integrate any other type of future protocols. At the application level, the platform is open to integration with other third-party platforms using both API and data model based on NGSI-LD.
- Semantic enrichment: The use of the data model to homogenize the management of the different elements that are part of a farm;
- Efficiency and competitiveness: The model allows precise and timely decisions to be made in terms of management and agricultural processes. The ability to automatically document the health status of the crop or natural resources provides an efficient and effective diagnosis technique for managers.
1.1. Information Models Applied to Agriculture
- Scalability: Millions of sensors continuously generating large amounts of information;
- Heterogeneity: There is a wide variety of sensors;
- Dynamism: The high speed of generation produced the need to generate data models that allow for better use and dissemination of the information from these devices.
- Controlled vocabulary (a set of preselected terms or words for a specific domain): An example is AGROVOC vocabulary, promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and available in multiple languages.
- Miscellaneous ontologies: Crop Ontology, AgroPortal, Dairy Farming Ontology (DFO), AgOnt, CIARD Ring, and Vest.
- Data exchange standards: AgriOpenLink, AgroXML, and AgroRDF; specific ontologies: SSN (for sensor discovery) and Cotton Ontology (diseases and pests that affect cotton).
1.2. IoT Solutions in the Agricultural Sector
- Improvements in productivity: Through the sensorization of crops to provide values in real time, the farmer can apply irrigation, pesticides, and fertilizers only when they are needed. For example, Araby et al. [17] proposed the integration of the IoT and machine learning to predict diseases in horticultural crops before they appear, allowing the farmer to apply the necessary defense mechanisms, thus improving productivity and reducing the use of pesticides. Trilles et al. [18] presented a low-cost sensor-equipped platform, SEenviro, which applies a disease model for alert management in vineyards;
- Detection of undetected problems: Using satellite images or drones, harmful agronomic factors, previously untreated, can be detected and mapped in crops using remote-sensing techniques. For example, De Rango et al. [19] monitored crops using the images provided by a drone to see if they had parasites and to decide if subsequent treatment was necessary, representing a new technique for the coordination and control of the drone fleet in precision agriculture (PA);
- Monitoring the behavior of plants: Through the use of artificial intelligence to analyze the entire dataset obtained from crops to make future predictions, the PLANTAE platform [20] is a system capable of managing the agricultural process and simultaneously using machine-learning techniques to detect possible diseases in plants. Other works, such as that of Choudhury et al. [21], monitored the behavior of plants to avoid pests and diseases. Through the use of a mobile applications, farmers report events that improve the models of diseases used;
- Efficient water management: Crop water adjustments should avoid water stress. Riquelme et al. [22] showed how the use of cloud services involving the FIWARE platform allows for the improvement of the management of water used for irrigation in areas with water deficits. Another project to be considered, also based on FIWARE, is the SWAMP platform [23]. Its primary objective is to develop innovative methods based on the IoT for the intelligent management of irrigation water, using the semantic characteristics provided by a context engine based on the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) Event Processing Architecture;
- Improvement in greenhouse management: By monitoring its different components, Zamora- Izquierdo et al. [24] proposed a flexible platform capable of meeting the needs of hydroponic crops in a greenhouse with complete recirculation. For this FIWARE-based deployment, Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) communications were used, with NGSIs being used as a means to represent the information. Somov et al. [25] constructed a system to monitor both the conditions established in a greenhouse and the behavior of plants for the prediction of the growth rate of tomatoes in different environments.
2. Proposed System
2.1. Proposed Data Model
- Devices, represented by AgriDevice, are the devices that provide information to the plot and are classified based on the parameters studied: AgriDSoil, those that obtain soil values (soil moisture probes, temperature and soil dissolution); AgriPlant, those that measure the evolution of the crop (leaf/trunk diameter, stem water potential, and dendrometers); and AgriAtmosphere, which are the devices that record the atmospheric conditions (temperature, humidity, radiation, and wind speed). These data are used to optimize agricultural decisions;
- Water, represented by AgriWater, indicates the type of water used and the parameters that affect irrigation. AgriAnalysis manages the water analysis conducted at different points of the water distribution network of the farm. These analyses are usually necessary for fertilization and irrigation, since they describe the quality and quantity of nutrients carried by the water;
- Soil, represented by AgriSoil, indicates the type of soil present in the plot. This entity can be more detailed by indicating the AgriHorizon, which includes the different characteristics of the layers (horizons) that define the ground;
- Cultivation, represented by AgriCrop, defines the crop and the variety, AgriVariety, with which the plot is associated. The crop is determined by the different phenological phases that determine its growth; AgriPhenology provides the crop coefficients and their duration over time. The phenology is determined by the variety of the crop and the climatic zone, AgriZone since the zone influences the optimal climatic conditions for the development of the crops.
- The information model is based on graphs and focuses on information. The concept of Relation appears. Entities can have properties and relations. Instances of each of the entities can be the object of the properties or relationships;
- All data types in NGSI-LD can be associated with unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) corresponding to well-established semantic identifiers;
- It allows one to make references to vocabularies: all terms are defined unequivocally. This allows users to refer to their information definitions;
- The model and query language is more constrained;
- The use of JSON-LD allows us to operate with linked data to unify vocabularies;
- There were syntactic differences: the metadata dictionary is no longer needed, GeoProperty is used instead of geo:json, JSON-LD @context is included, TemporalProperty is used instead of DateTime, and an “object” field is used to encode the relation target.
2.2. System Architecture
3. Case Study in an Irrigation Community
3.1. Scenario
3.2. Equipment and Implementation
4. Evaluation and Validation
4.1. Information Broker Evaluation
- The publication/subscription model enables the reduction of the number of queries because it is not necessary to make periodic queries to receive updates to the data stored on the platform. The creation time is longer since it has to be adjusted to the proposed data model;
- The management of external context suppliers is a process that speeds up access to the information, making the process more transparent for the final client. The broker’s mission is to act as a proxy between the client and the context provider. For this reason, search and consultation times are shorter compared with the rest of the operations.
4.2. Evaluation of Platform Usage
4.3. Use of the Platform at the Agricultural Level
5. Conclusions
- A homogeneous data model was proposed that meets the specific needs of agriculture, such as efficient water management. This model was validated on the platform using an NGSI-LD broker. The application of this model in an irrigation community provides its managers with the capacity to manage the agronomic information and its relationship with the devices that provide information to improve irrigation water;
- The platform was validated using metrics to check its behavior. Firstly, the scalability of the main component, the NGSI-LD broker, was analyzed based on the average use of the CPU (83.21%) and memory (56.39%). At the latency level, measures were recorded on the most relevant operations of the broker, highlighting among them the average time, 510.28 ms, of the creation of a context provider. The platform was validated as a whole, showing the time delay from the moment the device receives the information and when it is received by the platform (2.97 s); and from the moment the action is performed (31.17 ms);
- At the user level, the platform was validated in several apricot tree plots, improving the management of the water used. This improvement was achieved because of the definition of optimal irrigation thresholds for each crop and by generating filter notifications that, under certain conditions, allow the hydrants to be adjusted, thus enabling efficient water use.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Facilities | Quantity | Sensors |
Header reservoir | 1 | Reservoir level, filtered outlet pressure and reservoir inlet, ph, turbidity |
ammonium, nitrate, conductivity, phosphates, potassium, chlorides | ||
Reservoirs | 6 | Reservoir level |
Wells | 8 | Water temperature and flow, pressure, and level deepwater |
Filters | 7 | Inlet and outlet pressure, cleaning flow, output flow |
WWTP | 1 | Network and solar pumping flow, network and solar pumping pressure |
wind speed, radiation |
Operating Modes | Create | Modify | Search | Consult | Delete |
Entity | |||||
Mean Value | 17.76 | 37.31 | 30.72 | - | 36.56 |
Confidence Interval | 1.46 | 2.99 | 2.63 | - | 2.56 |
Suscription | |||||
Mean Value | 257.95 | - | - | 18.57 | 16.18 |
Confidence Interval | 2.23 | - | - | 1.54 | 1.56 |
Context Provider | |||||
Mean Value | 510.28 | - | 27.51 | - | 262.45 |
Confidence Interval | 5.25 | - | 1.37 | - | 6.39 |
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Share and Cite
López-Morales, J.A.; Martínez, J.A.; Skarmeta, A.F. Digital Transformation of Agriculture through the Use of an Interoperable Platform. Sensors 2020, 20, 1153.
López-Morales JA, Martínez JA, Skarmeta AF. Digital Transformation of Agriculture through the Use of an Interoperable Platform. Sensors. 2020; 20(4):1153.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLópez-Morales, Juan Antonio, Juan Antonio Martínez, and Antonio F. Skarmeta. 2020. "Digital Transformation of Agriculture through the Use of an Interoperable Platform" Sensors 20, no. 4: 1153.
APA StyleLópez-Morales, J. A., Martínez, J. A., & Skarmeta, A. F. (2020). Digital Transformation of Agriculture through the Use of an Interoperable Platform. Sensors, 20(4), 1153.