Impact of Node Speed on Energy-Constrained Opportunistic Internet-of-Things with Wireless Power Transfer
<p>The pattern of wireless charging when node speed is slow. During the period that a node is in the charging coverage of the WCS, it receives energy from WCS continuously. Once a node is out of the charging range, on the other hand, it takes a long time to receive energy from WCS again.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Two-dimensional Markov chain of which the horizontal and vertical state dimensions represent the number of remaining units of energy and the relative distance to the nearest WCS normalized by node speed, respectively.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>a</b>) The CCDF of inter-meeting time under different node speed <span class="html-italic">v</span> (meter/slot); (<b>b</b>) expected throughput as a function of node speed <span class="html-italic">v</span> (meter/slot). Parameters: Network size <span class="html-italic">S</span> = 400 (in meter<sup>2</sup>), battery capacity <span class="html-italic">L</span> = 10 (units of energy), the maximum number of simultaneous transferable nodes <span class="html-italic">u</span> = 1, the maximum transferable energy per slot <span class="html-italic">E</span> = 3 (in units of energy), the number of nodes <span class="html-italic">n</span> = 10, and the number of WCSs <span class="html-italic">m</span> = 1.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Throughput vs. battery capacity <span class="html-italic">L</span>. The same parameter setting as in <a href="#sensors-18-02398-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a> is used unless specified.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Throughput vs. node density <span class="html-italic">n</span>. The same parameter setting as in <a href="#sensors-18-02398-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a> is used unless specified.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>The CCDF of inter-meeting time of practical mobility models. The same parameter setting as in <a href="#sensors-18-02398-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a> is used unless specified.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Wireless Power Transfer
1.2. Applying Wireless Power Transfer to Wireless Networks
1.3. Contributions and Organization
- Inter-meeting time vs. Throughput: Higher node speed reduces the frequency of lengthy inter-meeting times between a node and a WCS and eventually improves the throughput. The inter-meeting time is interpreted as an energy-starving duration. We explain the phenomenon through the stochastic distribution of the inter-meeting time in Proposition 1.
- Node speed vs. battery capacity: A slow-moving node stays in the charging coverage for a long time. It saves enough energy to endure a lengthy inter-meeting time if its battery capacity, the maximum amount of energy stored in the battery, is large enough. In Proposition 2, we show that a fast-moving node achieves the same throughput when the battery capacity becomes infinite.
- Throughput scaling law: In Proposition 3, we prove that the throughput scaling is given as (We recall that the following notation: (i) means that there exists a constant c and integer N such that for . (ii) means that and .) where n and m denote the number of nodes and WCSs respectively, and c is a constant (). As the network becomes denser, the throughput depends on the ratio and becomes independent of node speed.
2. Models and Metrics
2.1. Network Description
2.2. Two-Phase Routing
- Mode switch. In the beginning of each slot, a node becomes a transmitter or a receiver with probability q or , respectively. Without loss of generality, we set .
- Phase 1. In odd slots, let us consider node ℓ becomes a transmitter. If there is at least one receiver within transmission range r, node ℓ forwards its packet to one of them. This receiver node can be the destination of node ℓ.
- Phase 2. In even slots, let us consider node ℓ becoming a receiver. If there is at least one transmitter within transmission range r and one of them has a packet whose destination is node ℓ, it forwards the packet to node ℓ. This transmitter can be the source of node ℓ.
2.3. Recharging Mechanism by Wireless Charging Stations
3. Stochastic Modeling of Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Internet-of-Things
3.1. Two-Dimensional Markov Chain
- State transition by node mobility: The state transitions to the up or down arise when the relative distance d (6) becomes shorter or longer, respectively. Let denote the probability that the relative distance d is changed from a to b, i.e.,The mobility model follows a time-invariant Markov process of which the transition probabilities are constant regardless of slot t, and can be simply expressed as by omitting the index t. The exact form of is in Appendix A.1 with its derivation. All transition probabilities are constant regardless of the residual energy status.
- State transition by data transmission: The state transition to the left happens when node ℓ transmits a packet to one of neighbors nodes. Let denote a probability that an active node can transmit its packet as
- State transition by energy charging: The state transition to the right arises when the node is recharged by a WCS. This event only happens when the node is selected by one of WCSs is in the charging coverage, and these are only stipulated on the lowest state transition (). Recall that each WCS can charge up to u nodes in a given slot. We define a charging probability as the probability that node ℓ becomes one of u selected nodes, i.e.,A node in the charging coverage thus receives k units of energy with probability .
3.2. Steady State Probability and Throughput
4. Performance Evaluation of Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Internet-of-Things
4.1. Inter-Meeting Time and Throughput
4.2. Battery Capacity and Throughput
4.3. Node Density and Throughput
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
WPT | Wireless power transfer |
IoT | Internet-of-things |
WCS | Wireless charging station |
D2D | Device-to-device |
RF | Radio-frequency |
WCV | Wireless charging vehicle |
i.i.d. | Independent and identically distributed |
QoEP | Quality of energy provisioning |
MCS | Modulation and coding scheme |
CDF | Cumulative distribution function |
CCDF | Complementary cumulative distribution function |
V2X | Vehicular-to-everything |
BM | Brownian motion |
RWP | Random way point |
BMAP | Batch Markovian arrival process |
QBD | Quasi-birth-death |
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Derivation of Transition Probability Pi,j (7)
- If ,
- If ,
- If ,
Appendix A.2. Derivation of Charging Probability pc (9)
Appendix A.3. Proof of Proposition 1
Appendix A.4. Comparison with Practical Mobility Models
Appendix A.5. Proof of Proposition 2
Appendix A.6. Proof of Proposition 3
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v = 0.5 | v = 1.0 | v = 1.5 | v = 2.0 | v = 2.5 | v = 3.0 | v = 3.5 | v = 4.0 | v = 4.5 | v = 5.0 | v = 5.5 | v = 6.0 | |
0.9985 | 0.9953 | 0.9903 | 0.9845 | 0.9780 | 0.9714 | 0.9649 | 0.9585 | 0.9534 | 0.9492 | 0.9471 | 0.9457 |
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Ko, S.-W.; Kim, S.-L. Impact of Node Speed on Energy-Constrained Opportunistic Internet-of-Things with Wireless Power Transfer. Sensors 2018, 18, 2398.
Ko S-W, Kim S-L. Impact of Node Speed on Energy-Constrained Opportunistic Internet-of-Things with Wireless Power Transfer. Sensors. 2018; 18(7):2398.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKo, Seung-Woo, and Seong-Lyun Kim. 2018. "Impact of Node Speed on Energy-Constrained Opportunistic Internet-of-Things with Wireless Power Transfer" Sensors 18, no. 7: 2398.
APA StyleKo, S.-W., & Kim, S.-L. (2018). Impact of Node Speed on Energy-Constrained Opportunistic Internet-of-Things with Wireless Power Transfer. Sensors, 18(7), 2398.