Modeling the Footprint and Equivalent Radiance Transfer Path Length for Tower-Based Hemispherical Observations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence
<p>Illustration of the bi-hemispherical and hemispherical-conical configurations of in situ spectral measurements.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Fractional contribution of the signal coming from each 1° interval of the view zenith angle to the hemispherical irradiance (red diamonds) together with the accumulated contribution of the signal within the FOV (blue circles).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Variation of the transmittance of up-welling radiation at 761.1 nm with the RTPL according to simulations made by MODTRAN 5. The AOD<sub>550</sub> is set as 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5; the sensor height is 20 m and the range of the view zenith angle is 0–72°; the other parameters are set as given in <a href="#sensors-17-01131-t001" class="html-table">Table 1</a>.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Cumulative footprint contours of the flux (red lines) and hemispherical spectral observations made at nadir (black circles) at the Xiao Tangshan EC site for a height above the target surface of 20 m. The blue circular area represents the total surface source area of the conical spectral observations (FOV of 25°). The center of this circle is the location of the EC tower. The cross marks the location of the flux footprint peak.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The variation of the up-welling radiance at top of canopy and atmospheric transmittance at 761.1 nm with the view zenith angle simulated by SCOPE and MODTRAN 5 models (Cab = 40 μg/cm<sup>2</sup>, LAI = 4, LIDF is spherical). The spectral resolution is 0.3 nm, the view zenith angle is 0–89°, the relative azimuth angle is 90° and the sensor height above the target surface is 20 m.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Comparison of irradiance at 761.1 nm corrected using the ERTPL of 1.89H or 2H and the simulated reference irradiance at top of canopy.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The relation between the modelled reference SIF and the modelled SIF retrieved by the 3FLD method using different atmospheric correction methods. SIF<sub>TOC</sub> is the SIF retrieved using radiation simulations at the top of the canopy; SIF<sub>H</sub> is the tower-based SIF retrieved using original spectral simulations at a height of H (20 m) without atmospheric correction; and SIF<sub>corr_H</sub> and SIF<sub>corr_2H</sub> are the tower-based SIF retrieved using atmospherically corrected spectra and RTPL values of H and 2H, respectively.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Simulation
2.2. Footprint of Spectral Observation
2.3. ERTPL Modeling Based on Theoretical Derivation
3. Results
3.1. Matching between the Footprints of Spectral and Flux Observations
3.2. Evauation of the Modeled ERTPL Using Simulations
3.3. Performance of the Atmospheric Correction Using the Modeled ERTPL for SIF Retrieval from the Simulated Dataset
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Description | Value/Range | Unit |
Cab | Leaf chlorophyll a + b content | 20, 40, 60, 80 | μg/cm2 |
LAI | Leaf area index | 1, 2, 4, 6 | m2/m2 |
LIDF | Leaf inclination distribution | Planophile | - |
Erectophile | |||
Plagiophile | |||
Extremophile | |||
Spherical | |||
SZA | Solar zenith angle | 30 | degree |
VZA | View zenith angle | 0–89, in steps of 1 | degree |
RAA | Relative azimuth angle | 0–360, in steps of 10 | degree |
Height | Surface elevation | 20 | m |
Atmospheric Profile | Atmospheric Profile | Mid-latitude summer | - |
AOD550 | Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | 0.1 | - |
Aerosol Model | Aerosol Model | Rural | - |
H2O | Water vapor column | 3 | g/cm2 |
O3 | Ozone column | 300 | Dobson unit (DU) |
Parameter | Description | Value | Unit |
zm | Receptor height | 20 | m |
L | Obukhov length | −100 | m |
σv | Standard deviation of lateral velocity fluctuations | 0.45 | m/s |
u* | Friction velocity | 0.3 | m/s |
h | Planetary boundary layer height | 2000 | m |
u(zm) | Mean wind velocity at measurement height | 0.74 | m/s |
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Liu, X.; Liu, L.; Hu, J.; Du, S. Modeling the Footprint and Equivalent Radiance Transfer Path Length for Tower-Based Hemispherical Observations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Sensors 2017, 17, 1131.
Liu X, Liu L, Hu J, Du S. Modeling the Footprint and Equivalent Radiance Transfer Path Length for Tower-Based Hemispherical Observations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Sensors. 2017; 17(5):1131.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Xinjie, Liangyun Liu, Jiaochan Hu, and Shanshan Du. 2017. "Modeling the Footprint and Equivalent Radiance Transfer Path Length for Tower-Based Hemispherical Observations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence" Sensors 17, no. 5: 1131.
APA StyleLiu, X., Liu, L., Hu, J., & Du, S. (2017). Modeling the Footprint and Equivalent Radiance Transfer Path Length for Tower-Based Hemispherical Observations of Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Sensors, 17(5), 1131.