Towards Reliable and Energy-Efficient Incremental Cooperative Communication for Wireless Body Area Networks
<p>Three-stage incremental cooperative communication.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Packet error rate (PER) analysis. (<b>a</b>) PER for on-body NLOS communication; (<b>b</b>) PER for on-body LOS communication.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Energy efficiency (EE) analysis. (<b>a</b>) EE for on-body NLOS communication; (<b>b</b>) EE for on-body LOS communication.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Network topology of incremental cooperative critical data transmission in emergencies for static WBANs (InCo-CEStat) and enhanced InCo-CEStat (EInCo-CEStat).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Communication flow diagram of InCo-CEStat, EInCo-CEStat and Co-CEStat.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Stability period and network lifetime.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Number of packets received successfully at the sink.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Number of packets dropped.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Residual energy of the network.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work and Motivation
3. Analysis of Three-Stage Incremental Cooperative Communication
3.1. PER Analysis
3.2. EE Analysis
- (i)
- The probability of successful direct transmission is . Three relays overhear the packet, which consumes receiving energy, .
- (ii)
- The direct link fails, and correctly receives and decodes the message from the source. forwards the packet to the destination with probability , which results in a total energy consumption per bit of .
- (iii)
- In case and links fail and the link is error free. The energy consumption is the same as in (ii).
- (iv)
- In case , and links fail and the link is error free. The energy consumption is the same as in (ii).
- (v)
- The link fails; the link is error free; and decodes and forwards the message to the destination. and links fail, and the link is error free. The probability of this event is , and the energy consumption per bit is the same as in (ii).
- (vi)
- The link fails; and links are error free; and , and links are in error with a total probability of . The energy consumption per bit is .
- (vii)
- The direct link fails; , and are error-free links; whereas, and links are in error with a total probability of . The energy consumption per bit is .
- (viii)
- All four links from the source to the destination and relays fail with probability . The energy consumption per bit for this event is .
4. Simulation Analysis of PER and EE for Three-Stage Incremental Cooperative Communication
4.1. PER
4.2. EE
5. Incremental Cooperative Routing Protocols for WBANs
- The sink limits all nodes to transmit only in their own reserved time slots: if all nodes transmit simultaneously to the sink, a data collision may occur, which ultimately causes the loss of data and energy wastage. Thus, collision avoidance and network coordination are not only important for efficient energy consumption, but also to maintain QoS, as sensed data are always critical in WBANs.
- Half-duplex communication is considered: since the sink does not send data back towards the source nodes, the consideration of half-duplex communication leads to enhanced management of resources; especially energy efficiency.
- All nodes are within the transmission range of each other: we have considered a human body of dimensions 0.9 m × 1.7 m. Thus, all nodes lie within the transmission range of each other.
- The time division multiple access (TDMA) scheme is utilized, and the channel is accessed by nodes in different time slots: being energy efficient, TDMA as a channel access scheme is utilized by nodes in different time slots to avoid data collision.
6. Simulation Results and Discussion
6.1. Network Performance Parameters: Definitions
- Stability period: In WBANs, the stability period is usually defined as a time interval between the start of a network and the time at which the first node dies.
- Residual energy: The average total remaining energy per second of a network is called the residual energy of the network.
- Network lifetime: The total time duration of a network operation, from the network establishment till the death of the last node, is called the network lifetime.
- Throughput: The total number of successfully-received packets per unit time at the sink is called the throughput.
6.2. Network Performance Parameters: Discussions
6.2.1. Stability Period and Network Lifetime
6.2.2. Throughput and Packet Drop Rate
6.2.3. Residual Energy of the Network
6.3. Performance Trade-Offs Made by the Routing Protocols Being Analyzed
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Technique | Feature | Domain | Flaws/Deficiencies | Results Achieved |
Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) [8] | Cooperative routing, Consideration of QoS and energy consumption, Use of Motivated Reinforcement Learning (MRL) algorithm | WSNs, Wildfire monitoring, Shadowing effect of trees | Greater percentage of delayed packets, More average delay to sink, Restricted to a single sink | Better energy consumption, More Network lifetime |
Cloud-assisted Random Network Coding (CRNC-MAC) [9] | Utilization of cloud computing to enhance the performance of the cooperative scheme based on network coding | WBANs, Cloud assisted | Latency in cloud communication and bad channel conditions decrease throughput | Enhanced throughput and energy efficiency in error-prone channels |
Human Energy Harvesting (HEH-MAC) [10] | Human energy harvesting protocol, polling and probabilistic contention | WBANs, Hybrid polling MAC protocol | No comparison with other MAC protocols, no analytical performance evaluation | improved energy efficiency and delay |
Random Linear Network Coded-Aided Cooperative Compressed Sensing (RLNC-ACCS) [11] | compressed sensing and distributed cooperation for reliable data transmission | WBANs, cooperative compressed sensing | Less throughput in error-prone channels | Increased energy efficiency of sensor nodes |
CEH-MAC [13] | Exploits energy harvesting information for communication | WBANs, Cooperative MAC scheme that exploits energy harvesting information | No network channel coding and analytical performance evaluation | Improved energy efficiency and network throughput |
HTC [15] | Scheme for High SNR radio, Energy-harvesting | WSNs, Cooperation-based networks | SNRs of the source-AP link and all source-relay-AP links mutually correlated, essentially different from conventional cooperative networks with independent link SNRs | Impacts of time allocation, relay number and relay position, on the throughput |
MDTED [16] | Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme, Location and Channel-information dependent | Cognitive WSNs, Cooperation-based networks | Based on a single authorization user, number of nodes are fixed, and the value still needs to be computed | Detection Accuracy, Improved collaborative sensing ability |
Cooperative routing [20] | Optimal power allocation according to posture information | WBANs | no consideration for end-to-end delay | Improved energy efficiency |
Probabilistic analysis [23] | Parametric model for health monitoring with probabilistic approach | WBANs | No realistic scenario, no consideration for end-to-end delay | Improved network lifetime |
RE-ATTEMPT [23] | Direct and multi-hop Communication | WBANs | No retransmission of failed data packets, low throughput | Energy Efficient and greater network lifetime |
ZigBee-Based [24] | Zigbee device for fall monitoring, utilizes anycast routing | WBANs | High energy consumption | Low transmission latency and control overhead, reliable data delivery |
Power-efficient MAC protocol [26] | wake-up table for normal communication, on demand external wake-up radio for emergency | WBANs | No QoS analysis, no multi-hop communication | Efficient in terms of power consumption and delay |
CLNC-MAC [29] | Cloud-based coordination by using the RLNC technique | WBANS, cloud-assisted scheme | Increased end-to-end delay, increased complexity | collision avoidance, reliable data delivery with energy efficiency |
PEH-QoS [30] | QoS-aware energy management, only a useful data sequence is transmitted | WBANs, Human energy harvesting WBAN | Higher energy consumption in ECG detection | Improved throughput, detection efficiency, end-to-end delay |
Opportunistic relay protocol [32] | Predefined relaying nodes for data transmission | WBANs | Delayed transmission and extra energy consumption in relaying | Improved packet delivery rate |
Error-Free Links | Failed Links | Remarks |
No link | , , and | No communication; the packet is dropped |
, and | decodes and forwards, but link fails | |
, and | decodes and forwards the data packet, but link fails | |
, , and | , , and | No more available link |
and | and | and links fail |
and | and | and decode and forward the packet, but and link fail |
and | and | and decode and forward the packet, but and links fail |
Parameter | Value |
Packet size | 500 bits |
Overhead | 80 bits |
ACK/NACK | 64 bits |
Transmission power | −12 dBm |
Data rate | 2 Mbps |
50 nJ/bit | |
50 nJ/bit |
Parameters | NLOS | LOS |
(cm) | 10 | 10 |
PL()(dB) | 48.4 | 35.2 |
n | 5.9 | 3.11 |
5 | 6.1 |
Node No. | X-Axis (m) | Y-Axis (m) |
1 | 0.45 | 1.6 |
2 | 0.2 | 1.5 |
3 | 0.7 | 1.5 |
4 | 0.1 | 0.85 |
5 | 0.8 | 0.85 |
6 | 0.2 | 0.5 |
7 | 0.7 | 0.5 |
8 | 0.7 | 0.3 |
Parameter | Value |
Number of nodes | 8 |
Number of sink | 1 |
Initial energy | Cooperative node: 0.3 J |
Normal node: 0.15 J | |
Offered load | 10,000 bits/node |
Average wait time [33] | 4 s/packet |
BER threshold | 0.5 |
Protocol | Routing Technique | Advances Achieved | Price to Pay |
Co-CEStat | Cooperation with two relays | High throughput. (Figure 7) | Decreased stability period and network lifetime. (Figure 6) Low energyefficiency. |
InCo-CEStat | Incremental cooperation with two relays | High energy efficiency. (Figure 9) More throughput than Co-CEStat. (Figure 7) | More PER than EInCo-CEStat. (Figure 8) |
EInCo-CEStat | Incremental cooperation with three relays | Higher throughput than InCo-CEStat.(Figure 7) Less PER. | Decreased stability period. (Figure 6) Low energy efficiency. (Figure 9) |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY) license (
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Yousaf, S.; Javaid, N.; Qasim, U.; Alrajeh, N.; Khan, Z.A.; Ahmed, M. Towards Reliable and Energy-Efficient Incremental Cooperative Communication for Wireless Body Area Networks. Sensors 2016, 16, 284.
Yousaf S, Javaid N, Qasim U, Alrajeh N, Khan ZA, Ahmed M. Towards Reliable and Energy-Efficient Incremental Cooperative Communication for Wireless Body Area Networks. Sensors. 2016; 16(3):284.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYousaf, Sidrah, Nadeem Javaid, Umar Qasim, Nabil Alrajeh, Zahoor Ali Khan, and Mansoor Ahmed. 2016. "Towards Reliable and Energy-Efficient Incremental Cooperative Communication for Wireless Body Area Networks" Sensors 16, no. 3: 284.
APA StyleYousaf, S., Javaid, N., Qasim, U., Alrajeh, N., Khan, Z. A., & Ahmed, M. (2016). Towards Reliable and Energy-Efficient Incremental Cooperative Communication for Wireless Body Area Networks. Sensors, 16(3), 284.