Metal Oxide Sensors for Electronic Noses and Their Application to Food Analysis
<p>Scores plot of a PCA on sardine data using the six-element gas sensors array. A vertical line separating fresh samples from medium and aged ones and ellipses grouping fresh, medium and aged samples had been added for easy identification (reprinted from [<a href="#b29-sensors-10-03882" class="html-bibr">29</a>] with permission from Elsevier, copyright 2007).</p> ">
<p>PCA plot based on E-nose measurements of (a) UHT milk and (b) pasteurized milk showing ageing of milk over 8 and 3 days respectively (reprinted from [<a href="#b37-sensors-10-03882" class="html-bibr">37</a>] with permission from Elsevier, copyright (2001).</p> ">
<p>Predicted <span class="html-italic">versus</span> E-nose-measured values of egg quality indices from quadratic polynomial step regression models (a) Haugh unit and (b) yolk factor (reprinted from [<a href="#b46-sensors-10-03882" class="html-bibr">46</a>] with permission from Elsevier, copyright 2009).</p> ">
<p>Score plot of the first two canonical variables of the linear discriminate analysis based on the intensity of mass to charge ratio of 34 wines. The symbols represent the six geographical origins of Sauvignon Blanc wines samples. Loire (♦), Marlborough (▴), South Australia (Δ), Tasmania (•), Victoria (+), Western Australia (○) (reprinted from [<a href="#b80-sensors-10-03882" class="html-bibr">80</a>] with permission from Elsevier, copyright 2009).</p> ">
<p>Score plot of eight different beer brands measured with a MOSES II E-nose (a) without pre-separation unit and (b) with pre-separation unit consisted of thermostated gas chromatography column installed between the headspace sampler and the sensor array (reprinted from [<a href="#b71-sensors-10-03882" class="html-bibr">71</a>] with permission from Elsevier, copyright 2000).</p> ">
:1. Electronic Nose and Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Sensors
2. Application of MOS to Food
2.1. Meat
2.2. Fish
2.3. Milk and Dairy Products
2.3.1. Adulteration/ contamination of milk and off-flavors
2.3.2. Ageing of milk
2.3.3. Ripening of cheese and cheese types
2.3.4. Lactic acid bacteria
2.3.5. Off-flavors in cheese
2.3.6. Geographical origin of dairy product
2.4. Eggs
2.5. Grains
2.6. Fruits
2.7. Olive Oils
2.8. Alcoholic Drinks
2.8.1. Discrimination of wines by denomination of origin and vineyard
2.8.2. Aging of wines and beers
2.8.3. Classification of alcoholic drinks
2.8.4. Detection of aromatic compounds and off-favors in wines
2.9. Non-Alcoholic Beverages
2.10. Other Food
3. Conclusions
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Commodity | Test | No. of MOS sensors | Material | Commercial (C) or experimental (E) E-nose | Ref. |
Meat | Freshness and type of meat | 4* | SnO2 | C | [19] |
Microbiological contamination | 7 | SnO2 thick film | E | [20] | |
Origin of meats | 6 | SnO2 | C | [22] | |
Taints | 5 | SnO2 | E | [25] | |
Fish | Freshness | 6 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [27] |
6 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [28] | ||
6 | SnO2 | E | [29] | ||
Milk and dairy products | Adulteration/ Contamination | 10 | SnO2 | C | [32] |
12* | SnO2 | C** | [33] | ||
Off-flavor | n.d. | n.d. | E | [35] | |
12* | SnO2 | C** | [43] | ||
Milk and dairy products | Aging/ripening | 5 | SnO2 thin film doped with Pd, Pt, Os, Ni | E | [37,38] |
18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [39] | ||
5 | n.d. | C** | [40] | ||
Cheese type | 6 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [41] | |
Bacterial strains | 12 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [42] | |
Origin of caseinates | 18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [44] | |
Origin of milk | 18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [45] | |
Eggs | Freshness | 8 | n.d. | E | [46] |
4 | SnO2 | E | [47] | ||
12 | SnO2 thick film | C | [49] | ||
Grains | Contamination by toxin | 6* | SnO2 | C* | [51] |
10 | SnO2 | C | [50] | ||
Off-flavors | 4* | SnO2 | E | [52] | |
4* | SnO2 | E | [53] | ||
Fruit | Ripening changes | 10 | SnO2 | C | [54] |
2 | SnO2 | E | [56] | ||
10 | SnO2 | C | [59] | ||
5 | SnO2 | E | [60,61] | ||
12 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [62] | ||
Varieties | 16 | SnO2 thin film doped with Cr, Pt | E | [63,64] | |
Microbial contamination | 6 | n.d. | C | [55] | |
Shelf life | 18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [57] | |
10 | SnO2 | C | [58] | ||
Olive oil | Authenticity | 6 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [66] |
Taints | 18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [68,69] | |
Alcoholic beverages | Denomination of origin and vineyard discrimination | 4 | WO3 | E | [84] |
16 | SnO2 thin film doped with Cr, In | E | [85] | ||
10 | SnO2 | C | [86] | ||
4 | SnO2 thin film doped with Pt, Pd | E | [87,88] | ||
Aging of wines and beers | 16 | SnO2 thin film doped with Cr, In | E | [72] | |
20 | SnO2 | E | [89] | ||
12 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [77] | ||
Alcoholic beverages | Classification of drinks | 12 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [78] |
6 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [90] | ||
6 | SnO2 | E | [73] | ||
6* | SnO2 | C | [71] | ||
18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [91] | ||
Off-flavors and aromatic compounds | 12 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [79] | |
18 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [91] | ||
16 | SnO2 | E | [93] | ||
16 | SnO2 thin film | E | [95] | ||
16 | SnO2 | E | [94] | ||
Non alcoholic beverages | Grading | 4 | SnO2 | E | [97] |
10 | SnO2 | C | [98] | ||
Quality/process control | 6 | SnO2 | E | [100] | |
12 | SnO2 | E | [99] | ||
4 | SnO2 thin film doped with Au, Pt | E | [101] | ||
5 | SnO2 thin film doped with Au, Pt, Pd | E | [102] | ||
6 | WO3, SnO2 | C | [103] | ||
Other food | Shelf life of nuts | 10 | SnO2 | C | [105] |
Shelf life of vegetables | 5* | n.d. | E | [104] | |
Bacterial species classification | 6 | SnO2, CTO, WO3 | C | [107] |
Compound | E-nose sensor type | Linear regression: a×conc. + b | Detection limit (μg L−1) | ||
a | b | r2 | |||
4-Ethylphenol | SY/G | 6.80E-3 | −1.02 | 0.99 | 101.2 |
SY/Gh | 6.05E-3 | −1.13 | 0.99 | 138.4 | |
SY/gCT | 6.08E-3 | −1.34 | 0.99 | 43.8 | |
4-Ethylguaiacol | SY/Gh | 6.75E-4 | −0.59 | 0.81 | 93.5 |
SY/gCT | 6.60E-4 | −0.37 | 0.78 | 91.1 |
© 2010 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Berna, A. Metal Oxide Sensors for Electronic Noses and Their Application to Food Analysis. Sensors 2010, 10, 3882-3910.
Berna A. Metal Oxide Sensors for Electronic Noses and Their Application to Food Analysis. Sensors. 2010; 10(4):3882-3910.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBerna, Amalia. 2010. "Metal Oxide Sensors for Electronic Noses and Their Application to Food Analysis" Sensors 10, no. 4: 3882-3910.
APA StyleBerna, A. (2010). Metal Oxide Sensors for Electronic Noses and Their Application to Food Analysis. Sensors, 10(4), 3882-3910.