Functional Connectivity Methods and Their Applications in fMRI Data
<p>Estimated connectivity for the ROIs based on the AAL parcellation. Panel (<b>a</b>) depicts the cross-correlation for the average time series of the ROIs, panel (<b>b</b>) depicts the partial cross correlation for the average time series of the ROIs, panel (<b>c</b>) depicts the cross correlation for the time series of the ROI data projected with the first PC, panel (<b>d</b>) depicts the partial cross correlation for the time series of the ROI data projected with the first PC, and panel (<b>e</b>) represents the RV coefficient with each ROI retaining the principal components that explain 20% of its variability.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Binary Graphs obtained from the thresholded connectivities matrices of <a href="#entropy-24-00390-f001" class="html-fig">Figure 1</a>. For all panels, the white color indicates an edge between the ROIs. Panel (<b>a</b>) is the graph obtained by thresholding the cross correlation of the average time series of the ROIs, panel (<b>b</b>) depicts the graph from the thresholded partial cross correlation for the average time series of the ROIs, panel (<b>c</b>) depicts the graph obtained by thresholding the cross correlation for the time series of the ROI data projected with the first PC, panel (<b>d</b>) depicts the graph obtained by thresholding the partial cross correlation for the time series of the ROI data projected with the first PC, and panel (<b>e</b>) represents the graph obtained by thresholding the RV coefficient.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Seed- based connectivity of the left pars opercularis. Figure shows sagittal slices with voxels that have a significant connection with the seed ROI depicted in red.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Sagittal view of the ordered principal components’ maps from first (<b>top</b>) to fifth (<b>bottom</b>).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Sagittal view of the independent components’ maps ordered based on increasing amounts of uniquely explained variance from first (<b>top</b>) to fifth (<b>bottom</b>).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Methods for Functional Connectivity
2.1. Seed-Based Analysis
- (i)
- Choose a seed region or voxel;
- (ii)
- Correlate the time series of the region or voxel with all other voxels in the brain. If the seed is a region, average the time series of the region prior to correlating that with all other voxels in the brain. Use one of the measures described in Appendix A;
- (iii)
- Display the 3D volumes of the correlation measure or display the thresholded correlations (just the ones that are significant). Note: To determine significance, we need to account for multiple comparisons. Bonferroni and FDR are widely used procedures.
2.2. Decomposition Methods
2.2.1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
2.2.2. Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
2.3. Computational Aspects
2.4. A Hybrid Method
2.5. Brain Networks
- Characteristic path length. Paths are the sequences of distinct nodes that represent the potential flow of information between pairs of brain regions with shorter paths, implying stronger potential for integration. The length of a path estimates the potential for functional integration between brain regions. One of the most commonly used measures of functional integration is the average shortest path length between all pairs of nodes in the network, which is defined as the characteristic path length [15]. Paths between disconnected nodes are defined to have infinite length, which is a problem when calculating this measure, especially in sparse networks such as in functional connectivity. In practice, we take the average only between the existing paths, which can be a problem. For a discussion on this issue please refer to reference [29].
- Degree distribution. A measure of centrality, the degree of an individual node is equal to the number of links connected to that node, i.e., the number of neighbors of the node. The degree distribution is, therefore, the distribution of the degrees of all the nodes in the network. In functional connectivity, nodes with a high degree are interacting functionally with many other nodes in the network [29] and are referred to as hubs.
- Clustering coefficient. A measure of segregation, the clustering coefficient is the fraction of the node’s neighbors that are also neighbors of each other, which in graph theory is the fraction of triangles around an individual node. The presence of clusters in functional networks suggests an organization of statistical dependencies indicative of segregated functional neural processing, which is the ability for specialized processing to occur within densely interconnected groups of brain regions. The mean clustering coefficient for the network reflects, on average, the prevalence of clustered connectivity around individual nodes. The mean clustering coefficient is normalized individually for each node and can disproportionately be influenced by nodes with a low degree.
3. Real Data Example
3.1. Single-Subject Examples
3.1.1. ROI-Based Connectivity
- (a)
- Cross correlation of the average time series in each ROI;
- (b)
- Partial correlation of the average time series in each ROI;
- (c)
- Cross correlation of the time series of the ROI data projected into the space of its first principal component;
- (d)
- Partial correlation of the time series of the ROI data projected into the space of its first principal component;
- (e)
- For each ROI, we consider the principal components that account for 20% of the ROI variability and calculate the RV coefficient as described in Equation (8).
3.1.2. Network Summary Measures
3.1.3. Volume-Based Connectivity
4. Multiple-Subject Functional Connectivity
4.1. Group ICA
- Subject-level data reduction. In this step, reduction is applied in the temporal domain. For each subject , the reduced data is given by
- Data reduction of the aggregated subject-level data. Data reduction is applied to the matrix to obtain a matrix , where K is the number of components to be obtained and is a -reducing matrix that is in practice obtained by principal components;
- Estimation of independent sources. An ICA decomposition is applied to the matrix X, as described in Section 2.2.2.
4.2. Tensorial ICA
5. Statistical Network Models
6. Summary
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Methods to Quantify Correlation
Appendix B. Calculation of Network Measures
- Degree of a node. The degree of a node i is the sum of all the links connected to the node and is defined as
- Shortest path length. The shortest path length measures the shortest distance between nodes i and j and is defined as:
- Characteristic path length. Let be the average distance between node i and all other nodes. The characteristics path length is defined as
- Number of triangles. The number of triangles of a node i is defined as
- Clustering coefficient. The clustering coefficient of the network is defined as
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(a) Av. CCorr | (b) Av. Pcorr | (c) PC1 Ccorr | (d) PC1 Pcorr | (e) RV | |
CPL | 2.137 | 5.029 | 1.508 | 3.9685 | 1.8789 |
DG | 34.193 | 1.313 | 69.518 | 1.386 | 4.217 |
CC | 0.640 | 0.072 | 0.825 | 0.179 | 0.820 |
Inf | 2963 | 11,239 | 2964 | 11,789 | 12,366 |
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Shahhosseini, Y.; Miranda, M.F. Functional Connectivity Methods and Their Applications in fMRI Data. Entropy 2022, 24, 390.
Shahhosseini Y, Miranda MF. Functional Connectivity Methods and Their Applications in fMRI Data. Entropy. 2022; 24(3):390.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShahhosseini, Yasaman, and Michelle F. Miranda. 2022. "Functional Connectivity Methods and Their Applications in fMRI Data" Entropy 24, no. 3: 390.
APA StyleShahhosseini, Y., & Miranda, M. F. (2022). Functional Connectivity Methods and Their Applications in fMRI Data. Entropy, 24(3), 390.