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calendar icon Oct 2, 2024

Wichita Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 57 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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Norbert Kuchenmeister from Henry, Illinois and Ely, Minnesota (10/30/2003)
"A marathon that Witchita can be proud of" (about: 2003)


The 2003 Witchita Marathon was a very well organized and enjoyable marathon experience. The course was well laid out, well marked, varied and interesting. The streets were all patrolled, safe and free of concern - so well, in fact, that after the race I found myself walking across the walkways without even looking for traffic.

The water stations were super and staffed by many interesting and enthusiastic volunteers. Music was provided and both water and Gatorade was available at 2-mile intervals. An added plus were energy bits, bananas and orange slices at the later stations.

The facilities at the Derby Recreation Center for the start was great. It was warm, spacious, and provided easy access to rest rooms, water and other amenities. The singing of the Star Spangled Banner prior to the start brought tears to my eyes.

There were not a lot of spectators along the route, but they were present at key areas plus at all of the water stations. Any lack of spectator support was made up for at the finish which was spectacularily handled in a true stadium environment. The finish was truly awesome with a loop around the field perimeter before entering the chute to a personal announcement to the crowd. If there was anything negative I would only add - the running on the astro-turf in the stadium. The soft spongee turf almost landed me on my nose. But, I would never want this changed since the +'s far outweighed any minor difficulties on my part.

The indoor awards presentations after the race were handled in a motivating manner and were an excellent climax to a beautifully run marathon.

I thank everyone involved for creating an awesome event which I will personally cherish for a long time. Congratulations for a job well done.


J. H. from Kansas City area (10/25/2003)
"A very fun race, well organized and supported" (about: 2003)


Probably the fact that I ran my PR at this race has significantly biased my opinion, but I loved this race, every step of it. I would break this race into three phases: the early part of the race through Derby's neighborhoods, the middle of the race on the Air Force base, and the last 8 miles heading to downtown Wichita. I was initially worried that the middle part was going to be a long lonely stretch because your friends and family are not allowed on the base except at the half-marathon point, but there were a number of GI's who came out and cheered us on, so it wasn't as desolate as I had feared. The rest of the course was well-protected from traffic by local law enforcement. The aid stations were well stocked and well staffed. The fact that the last part of the marathon was very flat was also very helpful! Add to this that it was the most beautiful marathon weather (2003) one could hope for: clear, cool and windless. It was a great day and a very enjoyable race.


David Garza from Dallas, Texas (10/21/2003)
"Great" (about: 2003)


I have no real complaints, I had such a good time I want to go back every year. The Air Force Base was cool, and the home stretch along the river, over the bridge and into the stadium was perfect. Weather and the station workers were great. And it's a neat little town too if you are planning on staying a day or two. Loved the 'staggered start', even the shirt is good looking. Only advice to the director for next is to have the volunteers know where the next potty stop is (even though it was in our handouts, my brain turns to mush when I run) - and check the course for roadkill.


J. R. from Tulsa, OK (10/21/2003)
"Well organized marathon" (about: 2003)


This was my 8th and smallest marathon. I was very impressed by the organization on race day. It was as well run as any other mathon I have been in. I was pleasantly suprised by how supportive the fans and volunteers were. The course was relatively flat with some rolling hills early and I liked the ending. The 8 plus miles in the Air Force base was rather long.


A. K. from Decatur, GA (10/21/2003)
"Everyone was very friendly" (about: 2003)


I ran Wichita to count as my Kansas marathon (50 States Club). Everyone (volunteers and runners) were super friendly. The water/aid stations were well stocked. None of the info mentioned this, but they had bananas, oranges, Gatorade bars at several of the later stations. The temperature started at around 50 then ended around 86. I was expecting strong winds, but it was only about 5 miles an hour. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a small marathon.


D. J. from Mead CO (10/20/2003)
"Great small marathon" (about: 2003)


Wichita is a beautiful city, the course was great (the Air Force base portion was the best), and the spectators and volunteers were very friendly and enthusiastic. I especially liked being able to hang around in the athletic club before the marathon start, rather that sitting around on a curb as is usually the case. The starting temperature couldn't have been better. But, as the morning wore on, the heat and humidity quickly took their toll on my endurance. I would suggest that the marathon start one hour earlier to take advantage of the cool weather, to avoid the humid heat, and to accomodate out-of-state weenies like me. All in all, this was a very good marathon. Thanks!


K. W. from Tulsa, Oklahoma (10/20/2003)
"Definitely Run It!" (about: 2003)


I was really surprised that more people did not run this one. The course is rolling hills the first 10 miles and then relatively flat towards the end. It seemed made for P.R.'s Unfortunately, the weather was abnormal and a little warm at the end. The aid stations were well-manned. I have run many of this size and there were more spectators than I expected. At least, the people waiting for their runners to pass were supportive of others. Apparently, the race director took some of the runners comments from the previous year and tried to correct them, specifically I noticed that the course was well marked and there were people at every place that someone might go off course. The host hotel was in close proximity to the finish, which was great, but did not allow for late check-out. However, they did make their locker room available.


A Runner from lawrence, ks (12/17/2002)
"Great organization and lucky with the weather" (about: 2002)


This was my first Kansas marathon and the only things I was expecting were a flat course, strong headwinds and adequate organization. There were lots of buses at the finish area providing rides to the start. there was plentiful of parking at the finish area too. at the start area they open up a community center. we're talking a top of the line place with a large 2 or 3 court basketball floor and a second level 1/8th mile running track. it was cold outside so it was really nice to have a roomy place to keep warm with plenty of toilets. The course is rather flat. I've run boston and Atlanta which are hugely hilly. Kansas city which is hilly. This one is more like Baystate. Quite flat but not as flat as say jersey shore. It's fast if you get the right wind. I think we got lucky in 2002 with a mild easterly wind which is at your back from 18 to 21 and for most of the race it just kept us cool. Normally i would expect a strong wind from the north west at this time of year which would make this a tougher marathon. The water stops are very close to exactly every 2 miles and were adequately manned. I did have to take a mid race toilet break but didn't find a portojohn until mile 18. you won't find any woods along the course to use as a privacy substitute. The stadium finish was nice and the announcer called out our names. Lots of refreshments though nothing outstanding but better stuff than you'll find at boston. I wasn't expecting many spectators but was surprised at the lack of spectators in the downtown area in the last 3 miles. Traffic control was great. The bike path was confusing. Stay on it as best you can until you finally encounter someone telling you to head a different direction. My time 3:22:59.


A Runner from Douglas, WY (10/21/2002)
"A must stop for Kansas bound marathoners" (about: 2002)


From a runner and a walker, this is a well organized marathon with a user friendly course. It has an early start for the slower marathoners allowing them to finish with the faster competitors. I have run 29 marathons and my wife has 9 marathon finishes under her walking shoes. We rate this as a: 'Must Do'. The only negative comment we have is...the need for additonal course markings on the bike path. A few more arrows in this area would have helped us feel more confident with our direction of travel. This is a fun marathon on an enjoyable course with well supported aid stations. The after marathon massage is always welcome and a big thanks to the local law enforcement who made it safe. It may not be a Chicago or Boston but we find these small marathons much more enjoyable. My wife sends a thank-you to the massage team for her first ever after marathon massage.


Five Alive from Denver, Colo. (10/20/2002)
"Well-organized marathon" (General Comments)


For a race that drew about 350 participants, this was an extremely well-organized and efficient marathon. Don't go if you're expecting all the bells and whistles of a Chicago or a San Diego. This was has a quaint feel to it and you'll get the bang for your buck. I agree with the comment below about the bike paths once you leave the base. Thank goodness there were other runners to follow to figure out the direction we needed to go.
I've dubbed this one the 'Roadkill Marathon.' Saw three dead skunks and a dead deer along the way. Nothing like the smell of dead skunk to knock you out of our mid-marathon daze!
Great race, even if the course itself is rather plain and uninspiring. Race crew and volunteers were great. Consider this one for your Kansas stop.


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