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Bahrain Latitude and Longitude Map

Bahrain's latitude and longitude is 26° 00' N and 50° 33' E . Below is the map of Bahrain showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it.
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Description : Find Bahrain latitude and longitude map showing comprehensive details including cities, roads, towns, airports and much more. Disclaimer

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The latitude and longitude of Bahrain is 26° 00' North and 50° 33' East respectively.
Situated among a group of thirty three islands which are located near the east coastline of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain has got distinctive weather because of its latitude and longitude .

Bahrain has a particular type of weather as a result of its location in a certain latitude and longitudinal area. Climate in Bahrain has mainly two trends. Summer weather is very hot and highly humid and weather in winter is very pleasant with mild, cool and clear climate. Rainfall in Bahrain mainly occurs during the winter season. During summer, the humid weather is made cool by the 'Al Barah' winds.

Al Manamah 26°10'N 50°30'E
Al Muharraq 26°15'N 50°40'E
Awali 26°00'N 50°30'E
Manama/Al Manamah 23°10'N 50°30'E

Last Updated on: November 8th, 2017