Minesweeper rules of engagement: 1️⃣ Numbers don't lie 2️⃣ You can click anywhere (but don't click here...not here either...you definitely should've clicked somewhere else 💀)
Slack solutions with Scott… 🧠 You never know where inspiration will come from. For this project, it all started with this post by Jacob Gross: https://lnkd.in/dxfMHhet . He was on a Windows 95 kick at the time, and wanted to bring Minesweeper back. I thought to myself… I could do that, but let’s do it in Slack! Slack is, of course, “where work happens,” but maybe you need to take a break for a few minutes. Or maybe you need a distraction while waiting for that reply or listening to the subway jam when you are alone in the huddle. 👑 So I spent a few weekends piecing this together and here you go: Minesweeper for Slack! While this doesn’t necessarily solve a business problem, I took this opportunity to further increase my Slack development skills and more importantly, finally learn about this whole Git repository thing that I have put off doing. 🫂 As a result, I have decided to release this to the community in a Github repository. You can grab it at the first link in the comments 🙂 Pull requests and comments/issues are welcomed. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due. Install it into your own workspace and play to your hearts’ content. Just watch your step and don’t step in the proverbial dog poo. Slack Slack Developers