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Fin AI Agent resolutions

What Fin AI Agent resolutions are and how they will be measured and charged.

Beth-Ann Sher avatar
Written by Beth-Ann Sher
Updated over 2 months ago

This article refers to our new pricing plans. For information about one of our legacy plans, please log in to view these articles instead, or contact us through the Messenger.

You have access to Fin AI Agent on every core plan. Whenever Fin provides a satisfactory answer, this is considered a resolution. We’ll go into what this means and how it’s measured below.

Price per resolution

Fin AI Agent is priced at $0.99 per resolution (United States Dollars).

This ensures that you only pay when Fin does what you care about most; resolving a customer’s question.

Using Fin AI Agent is optional. AI Agent is included on every plan, but you won't be billed for Fin if you’re not using it. You can also set usage reminders and hard limits to ensure you’re happy with how many resolutions Fin is able to provide.

Resolution definition

A resolution is counted when, following Fin’s last answer in a conversation, the customer confirms the answer provided is satisfactory (hard resolution) or exits the conversation without requesting further assistance (soft resolution).

Customers can confirm an answer is satisfactory by:

  • Pressing the That helped 👍 quick reply.

  • Entering an affirmative response such as 'Yes', 'Sure' etc.

Customers can request further assistance by:

  • Pressing the Get more help quick reply.

  • Entering a response that suggests their query is unresolved.

  • This includes asking clarifying questions or asking to speak to human support.

A customer has 24 hours to come back to the conversation where Fin provided the answer and select if it helped or not. If after 24 hours the customer did not request further assistance, this will be considered a soft resolution.

Billing for resolutions

Fin resolutions are billed on your usual billing date. We count a resolution when a conversation reaches either a 'soft resolution' or 'hard resolution' state. This includes both resolutions resolved by Fin AI Agent and resolutions resolved by Custom Answers.

We include all conversations that initiate within the start of a billing cycle and extend up to 1 day before the end of the billing cycle. Conversations which started on the last day of the billing cycle will therefore be included on your next invoice.

The resolution figure that appears on your Subscription page and invoice may be up to 48 hours old relative to Intercom reporting. Any resolutions omitted from an invoice due to this delay will appear on the subsequent invoice.


Can there be multiple resolutions in a conversation?

You will only be charged for one resolution per conversation during a billing period, even if Fin AI Agent resolves multiple queries in that conversation.

What happens if a teammate joins the conversation?

When a teammate joins a conversation where Fin AI Agent is involved:

  • If the customer has already received an answer from Fin and they haven't explicitly asked to 'Get more help' or speak to your team, the conversation is considered 'resolved' and you would be charged for this.

  • If the customer has asked to 'Get more help' or speak to your team, the conversation is considered 'unresolved' and you would not be charged for this.

  • In cases where Fin provides an AI answer, customer asks a follow up question and before Fin can answer again teammate joins the conversation and answers, this will still be considered a resolution.

How do I turn Fin AI Agent off?

To turn Fin AI Agent off and avoid any charges, simply remove Fin from any live Workflows. This will stop Fin from replying to your customers and resulting in Fin AI Agent resolutions.

Are Custom Answers billed as Resolutions?

This depends on your current subscription. If you are on one of our current pricing plans, Custom Answers and AI Answers are both billed as Resolutions.

Learn how to manage your Fin AI Agent usage by setting reminders and hard limits.


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