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6 Reviews
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Possessed (2014)
Horror, satire and flamenco, a claymation gem from Spain!
26 August 2015
This was a very fun film. It is one part Spain culture satire, one part horror film tribute, but over all, is an enjoyable dark comedy.

Trini is the greatest flamenco dancer the world has known and is married to Gregorio, the best and most liked bull fighter in Spain. After Gregorio's death, Trini becomes depressed and their son, Damien, starts acting evilly, and showing symptoms of being possessed.

We also follow the story of Father Lenin, an intrepid catholic priest working for a corrupt bishop. Father Lenin will soon have to put his faith to test and seek his own redemption.

The film is satirical in nature and i could understand that some jokes are too local or can lose some meaning in the translation to other languages, but i don't think it makes it less enjoyable. It also looks very well, although animation is a little rough in some scenes, specially in the ones that make use of CGI. Some scenes can be offensive to sensitive persons because it has a little of racial stereotypes, religion criticism, graphic death scenes and "nudity", but is all part of the dark comedy experience.

I liked the story, the references to other films and pop culture, the art direction, and it made me laugh out loud through out the whole film. A great animated film from Spain.
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A dark story of the loss of a father.
23 April 2013
I saw this in a film festival, and i was fortunate to be in a Q&A chat with Lucia Carreras, the director of the film.

This is a dark film with a sad story about Pilar, a woman whose father just died and has to deal with the depression caused by it. The loss of her father is a deep wound for her, and throgh her memories we get to discover and understand the relationship between the two. Her brother, José is trying to help her feel better and is concerned about the way she is acting.

The things i liked the most about the film were: the photography, which is superbly done by Germán Lammers; the acting of Cecilia Suarez (Pilar) and how she manages to convey so much emotion with little dialog; and the music, which along with the color tones in each scene, builds the mood perfectly.

Just a couple of times i felt like the movie was dragging a little too long, but that didn't prevent me from enjoying it and getting involved with the story.

Is a great first full-lenght film by Lucia Carrera and i'm eager to see what will she do next.
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7 Boxes (2012)
Thrilling, funny, entertaining film
23 April 2013
I saw this movie in a festival in town a couple of weeks ago, and i wasn't sure of what i was going to see.

I was hooked on the screen from the first scenes and never let me down. The film is about a boy, Victor, who works in a market carrying merchandise in a dolly. He needs money but hasn't got any jobs yet, until he gets an offer to carry 7 boxes with unknown contents for a 100 dollar payment, and that gets him into complicated situations where his life could be in danger.

The characters are very real, and the situations, some are funny, some are thrilling, but is an exciting story as a whole. I loved the camera work and the acting of the cast.

A very entertaining film, and a nice surprise from Paraguay.
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Honestly, is great!
21 August 2011
Didn't have high expectations about this film after watching the trailer, which, by the way, doesn't do it justice. It seemed like a typical Mexican comedy, but believe me, is not. The script is great, the humor is intelligent, there is very good acting and is just really funny.

Angel is a honest man who loses his job and is struggling to find a new one. By accident, he gets involved with a band of harmless crooks and develops a plan to solve their money problems.

It deals with the values of friendship and honesty, without getting preachy and letting each character make his choice. The whole theatre was laughing and everybody enjoyed it.
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Abel (2010)
The boy who mistook himself for his father...
26 July 2010
I was looking forward to watch this film since the first time I saw the trailer. It seemed like an interesting idea and it didn't look like the kind of story Mexican cinema is used to show.

And it, indeed, is a peculiar story. There are some awkward and funny situations as a result of a boy acting like his own father, but on the other hand, the drama of a delusional kid who doesn't really know who he is and feels the need to fill the father role in his family. The real conflict begins when the real dad decides to finally show up after a two year absence.

I liked how the characters are portrayed and also the acting, especially from Christopher Ruíz-Esparza (the boy who plays Abel). The story is told with a good balance between comedy and drama and is really enjoyable.
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Coraline (2009)
Creepy, in a really creative way.
31 January 2009
When i saw a teaser of this film i didn't imagine it would be a fantasy/horror movie for kids. That's great because there aren't many, and it must be difficult to display a colorful world with the right amount of frightening elements not to leave a child having bad dreams up to adulthood.

Coraline is a girl who wishes she'd had more attention from her parents, a prettier place to live and better neighbors. After she discovers the entrance to an apparently enhanced version of her reality, she'll soon find out that too much perfection can't be real.

Good and imaginative story, delighting visuals, creepiness from the beginning and a couple scary scenes make this an enjoyable film.
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