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The Forge (2024) Poster


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Real Discipleship?
njsee5627 August 2024
Forge had all the right elements. A compelling plot, believable actors, a relevant issue, a feel-good ending, a takeaway to emulate. The Kendrick brothers have improved their game since "facing the giants". This movie is as much about discipleship as it is answered prayer. In War Room, prayer takes center stage. In Forge, it is running in the background. Having discipled men for years, the movie felt too "perfect". Discipleship is a lot messier. Not all follow through, not all respond. Not everything gets buttoned up. I am happy for the Forge groups that will form as a result of this movie. I really enjoyed it. Just wish it was more real.
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Not for the faith of heart
darkjak-705-34407724 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'm not a "Christian" and find most their productions peak cringe. But this movie is a game changer, not for outsiders...but generations that have been torn down by post modernist culture that fragments and isolates our youth with degenerate attitude and interests. Isaiah has just been out of high school for about a year and is going nowhere fast. This is where the mom steps up not wanting him to fall out of manhood like his father. So she presses to "bring out the man" by assuring him of responsibility & commitments he must bring if he wants to live with her. However, it's not until he runs into a fitness equipment supplier that offers mentorship, that he can be depended on if he only treat others how he wants to be treated, respectfully. Now Isaiah has always done life one day at a time, but he never knew who and what to what towards. This man who offers him work & mentorship shows him there IS an all encompassing father who wants us to succeed for His glory. This is the change in perspective Isaiah needs to quit his flippant lifestyle and focus on a higher power, a father of love that knew him way from the start. The Forge is a pact of men started by the owner to contribute and keep each other accountable on this loving figurehead. This inspires Isaiah to call out to prayer and serve beyond himself. But it's not easy, as Isaiah learns we must forgive those that trespassed against us to cleanse us of ongoing bitterness in our focus. This movie brings a message of hope through discipling our youth and transgressors not with judgement...but with love, respect, and selflessness.
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Outstanding production and message
itsboutchristmas24 August 2024
There's a serious theme, which underlies this Kendrick brothers effort and, without creating a spoiler, I have to underscore the message, more of a tagline from the end of the movie and it goes very near to the heart of this movie and as we look at our society on a longitudinal basis and see what's been missing for oh so many years and it will take dedicated people to live out the message ensconced in this movie, which is oh so well put together. In fact I'm going to review it in my mind and consider several of the characters and determine how they fulfill the meaning of their names, especially Isaiah and Joshua! As to spoilers I've not given any serious details, but skirted on the edges of the drama and I hope I've teased people into watching at least once and paying for others, so this brilliant message reaches oh so many more people and the theme is inculcated in our society as it's creators intended! Be blessed!
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"Be the fountain, not the drain..."
zennith25 August 2024
This quote from the movie will make sense if you see it. The definition of a forge is "to make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it." Through the process you can create something useful out of something less useful. You can sharpen it to make a fine blade for a weapon or a tool. In Ephesians ch. 6 it talks about the "sword of the Spirit being the word of God". These themes are referenced in this wonderful movie. This movie is uplifting, encouraging, inspirational, and filled with heart. It tells the story of redemption for a young man who is living life by his own terms without much care or concern for others. However, he is challenged to rethink his choices and realizes life is richer when you live it in community with others, and that there is a heavenly Father who is waiting for him (us) to reach out and be in relationship with him. As he learns these truths and starts living life to the fullest he is encouraged to not keep these truths to himself and to go and disciple others. The principle actors played by Priscilla Shirer, Cameron Arnett, and Aspen Kennedy all do a superb job; as does the rest of the cast. There are a couple of characters from a previous Kendrick brothers movie "War Room" who reprise their roles in this film. Though the movie isn't a sequel to War Room, it was fun seeing a few characters crossover, especially the powerful prayer warrior Miss Clara Williams. I recommend this movie to anyone, especially if you have liked other Kendrick brother movies. Their first movie was in 2003. Over the last 20 years they have aged like a fine wine and each film has gotten better and better. Note: you might need a few tissues just in case, my eyes might have watered a little bit :)
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Excellent movie that hit close to home for me
ykjdh23 August 2024
This is so good I plan on seeing it again.

Looking back I couldn't help but think about all the people who took an interest in me and helped shape the way I'd be as a successful person. The Forge is the kind of film that hits close to home in the sense of hope. The world is a selfish place to live these days and without the guidance for our young people it's easy to see where they could end up.

While it is a faith based movie- no secret in the advertising, I found it had something for everyone. This is a true underdog Rocky story with humor and I found myself cheering that conclusion.

The Kendricks have always made good movies in my opinion and this is another perfect movie you can take your family too. Warning: you might actually really enjoy it.

It's good to see characters from past Kendrick movies all pop up here. It's like they're all in the same universe and pushing along together. The story is simple, a young no direction man lands a job that turns into a mentorship and changes his life physically and spiritually. Cameron Arnett is terrific as the role model here in a very moving and powerful story. A definite winner.
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Beautifully Written
firstbelove25 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The film had such a powerful message about Jesus Christ, His Love for those who need to know Him as Father. It talked about the importance of discipleship, forgiveness, prayer and salvation. It was a tearjerker and so inspiring as an audience member but also as a believer. It was convicting in some moments, humorous and touching. Did it have a soundtrack I'm not too familiar with, yes but did it fit the film, yes. Are there robots in the film, yes, but did it take away the message from the film, no. I'm glad about the ministry. I came out of the theatre encouraged and empowered as a follower of Christ. I hope many more will see this film and start thinking about ministering to others to Christ Jesus because we need Him for this generation, now more than ever. God bless you all! God loves you all!
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Amazing Movie
mlgonzales-4149623 August 2024
This movie hit close to home for me having a teenage boy at home. It was inspiring, motivating, and overall one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. I cried for different reasons throughout the movie. I recommend this movie to everyone!!! They also did a great job bringing back some of our favorite characters from War room to help deliver the unity and faith. Allowed you to feel the power of prayer and having a great support system not only for women but men as well. It is ok to ask for help no matter who you are, you should not fight alone because there is always someone out there willing to pray with you.
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Message of Hope
boysmum-8237226 August 2024
I really enjoyed this movie. It was inspiring and thought provoking. It deals with the issue of forgiveness, which isn't always as easy as it looks in the film, but it gives a real message of hope, as well as one of love and teamwork. I am glad they are putting movies like this in main stream theaters. It was nice to be able to go to the movies and watch a film without all the horrific violence and cursing that nearly all the movies geared for adults have these days. If you want to watch a movie that will make you feel better as you walk out of the theater, than when you walked in, this one is for you.
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Surprisingly interesting.
dukeb0y25 August 2024
You know I was really surprised. I expected this movie to be a dud. It concerns a young black kid in the hood. Playing video games like all kids.

(Hey I got a in-law who plenty of time for video games and no time for a job).

And he gets a mentor, at the new job. His mother said get a job or pay rent. Now there was a lot of humor in this movie I didn't get. And quite frankly it is way too long. Chop off 40 minutes and it would be much much better.

The acting was good. Also someone was filmed inside a real factory and I really enjoyed that. Anyway probably one time watch for me but pretty good for a Christian movie. I was surprised.
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This should be a men's Bible study not a movie
sandralexa4 September 2024
I'll preface this with I love Jesus with all my heart and will pay to see just about any faith based film. There were some nice lessons in here that would make for a great men's Bible study or small group but this film.. it was a cheese fest. It was so lame it was comical. The people sitting next to me (I believe also Christians) were cracking jokes and them making me chuckle at the absurdity of some of these scenes was the highlight of my night! The Chosen and other quality faith films show how it can be done. You can spread the gospel through this medium in powerful ways but not like this... The script, some of the acting, the sword, the action/drama in the factory.. oh just awful. I don't know how a believer can stomach this film. Forget bringing someone on the fence about faith or unbeliever.. it will be two hours of guaranteed awkwardness.
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A must see for all ages!
mmtva27 August 2024
A must see for younger generations that are struggling to find their way. And a call to older generations to invest in the younger. The Forge has plenty of humor, love, hope, and a story line that will keep your attention every moment. You won't want to miss a single detail as connections are made and you are taken from the ordinary to the extraordinary. You'll see how bitterness can bring a person down and how an opportunity can lead to hope, restoration, and growth. Having confidence in who you are changes everything. You will leave wanting to be better yourself and to help others also be and do better in life.
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"Overfaithed", but not bad
stevencsmovies5 September 2024
Over the years, the Kendrick brothers have brought Christian movies to the forefront. I wouldn't call myself religious, so I know these movies aren't really aimed toward me. Still, I gotta do my duty as a movie critic and see every movie I'm able to, to feed my never-ending love of movies, and for you guys of course. Their newest movie is actually a spin-off of their earlier film WAR ROOM, which I actually watched afterwards, for research purposes. THE FORGE is a movie about 19-year-old Isaiah (Aspen Kennedy), an irresponsible boy who plays basketball with his friends and plays video games "too much". Raised by a single mom (Priscilla Shirer) who has had it with his bull, gives him 1 month to find a job. This leads Isaiah to meet Joshua (Cameron Arnett), an older man who gives him a job and becomes his mentor, in the company and in life. You can definitely tell the director is a preacher. I know the powerful religious message is important, but it completely overshadows any resemblance of a movie. This felt exactly like WAR ROOM, with lower stakes. Sermons and melodramatic praying out loud for most of it, then they remembered it needs to be more than just a bible study, so they have a nearly impossible task that the company needs to accomplish, or they lose the business. The balance between message and movie was way off to one side. I will say though the acting is very good, leading to me getting a little emotional during some scenes (leave my heartstrings alone). While THE FORGE has many obvious tropes, I think Christians will enjoy this sermon, not as much for film critics. No wonder it doesn't have a critic's score on Rotten Tomatoes yet.
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Out of touch film, written by two old white guys.
thelifeofjustinj29 August 2024
This is a, out of touch film written by two old white guys. The, Kendrick Brothers are at it again with their racism and bigotry. Not surprising. This time telling African American men that they shouldn't dress in urban attire. I don't support sagging pants. But urban attire is fine with me as long, as it's neat. The, Kendrick brothers are trying to spread a message that your clothes determines your heart. Which is against the Bible, they supposedly adore so much. The main character changes his entire dress style, because he is now a Christian. Outdated and out of touch. But once again not surprising from the Kendrick Brothers.
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A movie that teaches to hold onto faith.
DarkVulcan2926 August 2024
The story centers around Isiah (Aspen Kennedy) a smart 19-year-old who seems to have real direction in his life, applies for a job at Moore's Fitness. And the owner Joshua (Cameron Arnett) takes him under his wing, in hopes to steer in the right direction, but the question is will he?

I really like this movie, teaches us to hold onto our faith, and never overdoes it. At times it does not feel like a movie, but real people in real time. And the performances are really good, when somebody feels good or sad, you the audience feels it with them. It also reminds us to hold onto our faith in life, through good and rough times.
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BEST movie of the YEAR
denzelfire26 August 2024
I loved it and I'm going to see it again and take my nephew he's angry and bitter towards his dad I'm still praying that God works it out he had let bitterness and anger set in and my brother is the same way and I know they both love each other !! This movie is Inspiring, relatable, never a dull moment, great chemistry with the actors ! And NO sex, guns, gangs, foul language, just men supporting men! Teaching young me life skills and Jesus skills. I saw my nephew and me in this film 🎥, it showed the black community in a positive way not the slums , welfare, and ghetto side that's not most of us !
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jamita-624143 September 2024
Oh you must go see, especially for our young men. We have catered a lot around what men aren't doing and what the future looks like with the young men living a life of crime and no purpose that we've forgotten that our men were boys who just might need healing. The church has forgotten that we are to love. What does that look like? Show me the way to salvation and then guide to live saved. Too often we missed that. I love this movie so much. Equipping a person on how to walk their salvation out to giving confidence to minister to the heart of someone else. This is what the church is. Go watch!
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Top 10 Christian Movies
lmath-976081 September 2024
Potential to be #1. The content was enjoyable, creative and engaging. The purpose of the film does motivate a change in a person's viewpoint. Some of the scenes become a bit overly sentimental. A drama with too much sentimental moments can sometimes overwhelm the film time leaving no room for other content to be developed. Some scenes are preachy but it comes with the genre. I would've liked to see a particular scene developed more, it was just left and never brought up again. A potential need for a sequel on this film. I would be excited to see those aspects of the film developed more in another film.
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Be a Fountain, Not a Drain!!!! POWERFUL
trestar-272762 September 2024
This movie is a straight 10/10 a true masterpiece. The Kendrick brothers did it again bringing viewers there best film to date. I thought War Room and Courageous were great films and my favorites but this one takes the cake and is my new favorite out of the mix. The message was clear and to the point such a great way to speak on discipleship, leadership, forgiveness, a true walk with Christ our savior, community, etc. The pacing of the movie was always straight forward. The cinematography and visuals were great, as well as the actors followed by a great story that set the tone of the film. This is now one of my favorite films as there so much in the film I can relate to in my life now and in my past that God has freed me from. This film I would highly recommend 🔥🙏🏿💯
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More trash films from Alex K.
mwalker-8949625 August 2024
It is so bad, but what was I expecting. If you have had the unfortunate experience of having to sit through this or any of the other Alex Kendrick's movies, you will l ow what to expect. I don't understand how this guy continues to secure financing for his films. Pacing, story and costumes are hideously awful. The cinematography is the real crime here. If you are going to be boring, cringe and pushing an agenda (that has been pushed down our throats SO many times) at least be pretty to look at. Who lit this and shot it? Little excuses to be so dreadfully dull and ugly in this day and age. Shot on IPHONE vibes. Save your money and time and skip this one.
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Excellent! Disciplining/Mentoring is so Needed
chandrab-6596324 August 2024
This movie is outstanding! The message of wiser men discipling young men is very timely & necessary! They show practical things to do and how to live to help someone reach their God given potential. Seeing Isaiah's transformation on screen is powerful! It's realistic and deals with traumatic events of rejection and unforgivenness which every human has experienced. It shows healthy ways to express emotion, listen to someone in pain then be transparent about how God causes growth through painful trials. There is power, healing & growth on the other side of pain. Accept Jesus as Savior and Lord!!
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Bring some tissue!
lilybroggi24 August 2024
This film was wonderfully made. There are moments that you were laughing and then moments that you were definitely crying. Such a beautiful thing to see the growth and development of the character, Isaiah. This movie was very much inspired by the Holy Spirit. It had a great storyline. The focus was on Jesus and the importance of discipleship. It was filled with scripture to lead unbelievers to Christ. It showed a true example of what discipleship actually is. The most important thing of all is that it glorified our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. The message of this film was very clear, Jesus saves lives and discipleship is what helps us in changing our lives for Him.
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An emissary of healing
mktroutman25 August 2024
Firstly, the production quality was strong and the storyline was realistic and relatable. Sometimes faith-based movies provide preachy cautionary tales, but this one had a clear, hard-hitting message about us healing, and doing doing the work on ourselves then paying it forward.

This was a powerful story about forgiveness in broken relationships, maturing into manhood and accountability, brotherhood and support systems, teamwork, discipliship in faith, and mentorship.

I went with our church group which was comprised of people of different ages and backgrounds, but what we had in common was how we all had many past emotional and spiritual hurts and crippling traumas that needed healing. This film touched on so many of them that had a few of us in tears at certain points and cheering at other points and discussing afterwards how will incorporate some of the principles demonstrated in the film into our own lives.

If you or someone you know is need of emotional, mental, or spiritual healing, this film will be a great entry point.
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This movie has substance.
mrsaint-5953424 August 2024
There is not enough movies with a proper, Christian message that have decent acting. It's a good movie for everybody, especially for young men to watch. It will give them something to think about. Both my 13 year old son and my 11 year old daughter enjoyed the movie and had nice things to say about certain parts of it. I like the message of this movie and think that the creators should do a sequel. The Forge shows what the concept of "each one teach one" really means. It demonstrates the purpose of discipleship and brotherhood. I recommend this movie to non Christians as well. I think everybody can take a valuable lesson from this film.
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drjeffhockings-954762 September 2024
Phenomenal movie. One of the best by the Kendrick Brothers. My wife and I laughed and cried. This is a must watch for grandparents, parents and teens. The acting was so good and believable. Very original storyline with a couple great surprises. The transformation of the main character was done masterfully and we feel a new young star was born. Great combination of the importance of strong, Godly men and strong female prayer warriors. The only criticism is that the Kendrick Brothers don't make more movies. All of their movies are incredible and we need more of them in this current world gone mad. Praise God.
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landon-432422 September 2024
The Forge is an amazing movie hands down, it is an amazing story with emotion and spiritual power. Perfect for all ages, I found it to be very encouraging and inspiring, Praise be to God. The Kendrick brothers movies have evolved so much since "Facing the Giants" I can't wait to see more movies like this, the world needs more movies like this. The emotion displayed was a treat to watch, that alone turned this movie into a personal favorite on my list of favorite spiritual movies. To men all around the world, find your people, find the people God wants you to be around, make disciples of the Lord, spread his love.
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