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Partners är forskningsinstitutioner som har ett långsiktigt och nära samarbete med Institutet för Framtidsstudier. För närvarande samarbetar vi nära med följande institut:

The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

The goal of the Centre is to encourage and support debate and deeper rational reflection on practical ethics. The Centre as a whole will not promote a particular philosophy, approach, solution or point of view, though its individual members may give an argument to a substantive conclusion as a basis for dialogue, engagement and reflection. It is the method of rational analytic practical ethics that we aim to advance.
Read more about Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

The Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs

The Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs (CEPPA) promotes exploration into important ethical issues arising in public life. Its field of interest comprises ethics, social and political philosophy, and the philosophical dimensions of public affairs. The Centre houses research projects, outreach projects, seminars, conferences, academic visits, fellowships, publishing, and public discussion on topics within its field of interest.
Read more about CEPPA

The Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace

The Centre is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. It is based in the Philosophy Department at Stockholm University and directed by Helen Frowe, who is a Wallenberg Academy Research Fellow at Stockholm. The purpose is to explore the ethics of war and mechanisms for peace in the 21st century.
Read more about The Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace

The Centre for Effective Altruism

The Centre for Effective Altruism acts as a springboard for the effective altruism movement. It aims to: promote and strengthen effective altruism as an idea and a community, help figure out how best to advance the wellbeing of all, and inspire people to take action based on that knowledge.
Read more about the Centre for Effective Altruism

Center for Advanced Internet Studies

The aim of the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) is to actively participate in the responsible shaping of the social, political and economic changes triggered by digitalization and to promote the dialogue between science and society. The CAIS sees itself as a place for innovative interdisciplinary research and as a stimulus for a critical public that is confronted with the opportunities and risks of digitization and wants to reach a normative model for life in a digital society.
Read more about the Center for Advanced Internet Studies

Centre for Moral, Social and Political Theory

The Centre for Moral, Social and Political Theory, at the Australian National University, is a collaborative partner of the Climate Ethics and Future Generations program. The Centre aims to become a world-leading forum for exposition and analysis of the evolution, structure, and implications of our moral, social and political life.
Read more about Centre for Moral, Social and Political Theory