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142097 Laini's Friend Comments

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Miranda Hey I'm a big fan. I got addicted with Lips Touch and just finished the second Dreamdark book. I just thought I'd pop over and BEG for another one? Soon? Please?
:) Thanks

Rebecca hi! i looooooooooooooooooooove your books!!! your such a great author! i was wondering if you would read the stuff i wrote please? it would be really great to get feedback from a published author!
thanks! your goodreads friend and and fan, rebecca

Bradley I hope you are having a good day! =)


Dreamsbane of Tamalor

message 1: by Erin

Erin I see you're so busy reading up the Cybils books....hope you're having a blast with it. :) I can't wait to see the shortlists you guys come up with!

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