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Wild Things: YA Grown-Up discussion

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Book Club Nominations > MAY Nominations: Fantasy Theme

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message 1: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 342 comments Okay, I will start the ball rolling here by nominating a book I just bought, the first in the series. For Category 2, Fantasy, it is A Living Nightmare by Darren Shan and is the first one in the Cirque du Freak vampire series.

What was funny is that I'm a grandmother, and I was talking to another grandmother when I was buying it. She was buying it, too, had it recommended by yet another adult. Her grandson was with her and just shook his head at us. LOL!

message 2: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 1332 comments OK How about this:

Cat. 2:
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

Angela Sunshine (angelasunshine) Cat. 1 The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

message 4: by Jennifer W, WT Moderator (new)

Jennifer W | 1289 comments Mod
Cat 1: Penny from Heaven by Jennifer Holm

message 5: by K.S.R. (last edited Apr 09, 2010 01:10PM) (new)

message 6: by Pamela (new)

Pamela When in the description it's described as a "true fantasy classic..." I knew this would be the one I'd nominate: SO....for Category 2:

The Princess Brideby William Goldman

LOVE the movie....always wanted to read the book....

message 9: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Pamela wrote: "When in the description it's described as a "true fantasy classic..." I knew this would be the one I'd nominate: SO....for Category 2:

The Princess Brideby William Goldman

LOVE the ..."

Pamela, we already read The Princess Bride. You should check out the discussion :)

message 10: by Pamela (new)

Pamela OOOOOPs.....sorry. I was just looking at the books I haven't read yet. I normally do check the bookshelf but I got so excited....well...you know how that goes...I respectfully rescind my nomination...(chuckle!)

message 11: by Pamela (new)

Pamela SO....I have another one from the kids' bookshelf that looks pretty interesting and I believe would fit Category 2:

The Twenty-One Balloonsby William Pene Du Bois

....and as a BONUS it's a Newbery Medal Winner...so it MUST be great!

message 12: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Pamela wrote: "SO....I have another one from the kids' bookshelf that looks pretty interesting and I believe would fit Category 2:

The Twenty-One Balloonsby William Pene Du Bois

....and as a BONUS it's a Newbery Medal Winner..."

It is great! One year I had about 30 kids pass it around. It is a fun story. Also, it has interesting comparisons to UP the Pixar movie.

message 13: by Kaion (last edited Apr 10, 2010 09:11PM) (new)

Kaion (kaionvin) Ooo, The Twenty-One Balloons is on my to-read list, but isn't it more adventure/general rather than fantasy?

Likewise, I'd consider Life as We Knew It to be science fiction.

I nominate Dragon Sword and Wind Child by Noriko Ogiwara for Category 2.

message 14: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Kaion wrote: "Ooo, The Twenty-One Balloons is on my to-read list, but isn't it more adventure/general rather than fantasy?"

You are correct. I don't think there is any fantasy except that balloons carry his house... It probably would fit category 1 better.

message 15: by Pamela (new)

Pamela hmmmmm....sounds like pick on pam day. I have obviously not read the book and it sounded like a fantasy to me....The Library Journal reviewed it as, "An absurd and fantastic tale....Truth and fiction are cleverly mingled." I guess you would have to have read it to know that for sure. It appeared to me that he had gone to some fantastical place and met fantastical people....so I chose fantasy. My bad...strike 2 for me....sigh. Once for impatience and once for ignorance...

I nominate The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene Du Bois as a CATEGORY 1 choice and strike it from Category 2.

message 16: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Pam- not pick on you day. Promise :)

He does go somewhere, but it isn't magical (from what I can remember... although if you read it and I am wrong you can pick on me). It is more of an action/adventure than anything.

See, now you have to read it! :)

message 17: by Pollyanna (new)

message 18: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Pollyanna wrote: "Category 2: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman"

Loved it!
It is a book that crosses many genres: horror, fantasy, action, mystery... fun book!

message 19: by Pollyanna (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) I have read stardust and Coraline and enjoyed both, I love Gaiman's writing style.

message 20: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Pollyanna wrote: "I have read stardust and Coraline and enjoyed both, I love Gaiman's writing style."

Me too! Have you listened to any of his audiobooks? He does them himself and they are so much fun.

I haven't read Stardust yet, is it good?

message 21: by Pollyanna (new)

Pollyanna (polly8) I have never listened to an audiobook, I might have to give it a go. I enjoyed Stardust, I saw the film first and loved it and then loved the book too.

message 22: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Pollyanna wrote: "I have never listened to an audiobook, I might have to give it a go. I enjoyed Stardust, I saw the film first and loved it and then loved the book too."

His or Jim Dale's audiobooks would be the best to start with.

message 23: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 342 comments Kellee wrote: "Pollyanna wrote: "I have read stardust and Coraline and enjoyed both, I love Gaiman's writing style."

Me too! Have you listened to any of his audiobooks? He does them himself and they are so much ..."

I agree, Kellee. Gaiman is as wonderful to listen to as read. I even enjoyed his commentary on the behind-the-scenes look at the making of Coraline, the movie.

message 25: by Arya (new)

message 26: by Amy (new)

Amy Category Two: Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

message 27: by Arya (new)

Arya (izlandzadi) | 686 comments Oooh YAY!! I have been wanting to read Hush Hush!

message 28: by Amy (new)

Amy I just finished it but would love to read it again. It was great!

message 29: by Paula (last edited Apr 13, 2010 06:10PM) (new)

Paula (pauldajo) Category 2: Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones

message 30: by Quill (new)

Quill | 1 comments Fantasy/Sci Fi reads for May
1. The Lightning Thief
2. Uglies
3. Gregor the Overlander

message 31: by Amy (new)

Amy I loved The Lightening Thief and the Uglies. Excellent series!

message 32: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 1332 comments I love The Lightning Thief series. I am going to pick up The Titan's Curse from the library soon!

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

I nominate the "Lightning Thief" it is on my to read list.

message 34: by Kaion (new)

Kaion (kaionvin) People, the group has already read Uglies and The Lightning Thief- confer with the bookshelf.

message 35: by Angela Sunshine (new)

Angela Sunshine (angelasunshine) Quill wrote: "Fantasy/Sci Fi reads for May
1. The Lightning Thief
2. Uglies
3. Gregor the Overlander"

Quill, the first two have been read already. If you want to nominate the third book, you need to say which category it's for and include the author. If you don't add those bits, your nomination won't be added for the vote!

message 36: by Shauna (new)

Shauna | 15 comments I will add "Gregor the Overlander" by Suzanne Collins for category 2.
If you haven't read this series, it is a Great One by the author of "Hunger Games"

message 37: by Arya (new)

Arya (izlandzadi) | 686 comments Oooh I would totally re-read Gregor the Overlander! Ms. Collins is SUCH a great writer!

message 38: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 342 comments Arya wrote: "Oooh I would totally re-read Gregor the Overlander! Ms. Collins is SUCH a great writer!"

Good to hear this strong recommendation for Gregor the Overlander series by Collins. I, too, love her Hunger Games series.

message 39: by Arya (new)

Arya (izlandzadi) | 686 comments She is an awesome writer. I have yet to read a book by her that I did not immensely enjoy. Though the Gregor the Overlander books seemed to be writen for a slightly younger crowd (no romance until the end) there was plenty of action, humor and "prophecy fulfillment" to hold my interest. I STRONGLY recommend you read them. You will fall in love with the Underworld!

message 40: by vicki_girl (new)

vicki_girl | 157 comments Category 1: Beautiful by Amy Reed.

message 41: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Fiona,

Will the polls be up soon?

message 42: by Kimberly (last edited Apr 24, 2010 08:03PM) (new)

Kimberly (kimberly_b) Karey wrote: "Cat 1: Secret Speakers and the Search for Selador's Gate by K.S.R. Kingworth"

I'm not sure if nominations are still open, but I just had to say I second Secret Speakers and the Search for Selador's Gate! I have really been wanting to read it.

message 43: by Nat (new)

Nat (natk1) Fantasy: Graceling or Fire by Kristin Cashore

Science Fiction: Unwind by Neal Shusterman

message 44: by Arya (new)

Arya (izlandzadi) | 686 comments Graceling was good!

message 45: by ℕℰЅЅᎯ (new)

ℕℰЅЅᎯ (serene31) | 1 comments Cat. 2

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

message 46: by Leslie (new)

Leslie (lesld) | 27 comments Category 2:

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

message 47: by Jennifer W, WT Moderator (new)

Jennifer W | 1289 comments Mod
We read Graceling as a monthly read not too long ago. Feel free to find the old posts and add your comments!

message 48: by Felina (new)

Felina Category 1: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor.

message 49: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 1332 comments May is Saturday!!!!!

message 50: by Donna (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 1332 comments I just can't belive it moves sooooo quickly!

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