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Carrie's Reviews > The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships

The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner
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did not like it

I don’t care for self-help books and this one was no different. The advice seems obvious and condescending. My biggest issue with the book is the underlying assumption that the person feeling anger is just dealing with themselves wrong; it does not adequately take into account the possibility that the anger is a proportional response to someone making entirely inappropriate and unreasonable demands. My abusive ex-husband gave this to me to read so I would be more accommodating and pleasant regardless of how he treated me. I’ve honestly almost never been angry since we divorced and I never see him. The problem was his behaviour, not my emotions and this book could not comprehend that scenario.
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February 23, 2022 – Shelved

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Lina This is exactly the kind of scenario I thought of when reading this book. There was a section at the beginning of this book where the author basically tells women that we should be better to our husbands even when they're not that good with us (just a rough memory, I haven't got a quote with me). I'm actually shocked how many women found this book great and amazing. Maybe we're just not the target audience. Even so, I can't stand this book and cannot justify the rubbish stuff told in some parts of it. I couldn't even finish it.

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