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Skip's Reviews > Blackbringer

Blackbringer by Laini Taylor
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bookshelves: e-books, fantasy

3.75 stars, and not as good as her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. This book follows the adventures of a young faery named Magpie, who along with her companions, a murder of crows, and prince Talon (a faery prince from the protectors of Dreamdark.) Together, they set out to stop a truly evil foe, who has escaped the prison to which he was relegated by the champion faery Bellatrix in days long passed. In order to succeed, she has to enlist the help of an ancient djinn. The novel moves along well, and the characters are likable as is the banter and camraderie among them. Neither Magpie, Talon nor Poppy appreciate their skills and strengths. The nature of the evil foe is fairly interesting and inventive.
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Started Reading
August 18, 2016 – Finished Reading
August 19, 2016 – Shelved
August 19, 2016 – Shelved as: e-books
August 19, 2016 – Shelved as: fantasy

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