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Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1.5

Night of Cake & Puppets

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In this stand-alone companion to the New York Times bestselling Daughter of Smoke & Bone series comes the story of Mik and Zuzana's fantastical first date—as a gorgeously illustrated gift edition with bonus content included.

Petite though she may be, Zuzana is not known for timidity. Her best friend, Karou, calls her "rabid fairy," her "voodoo eyes" are said to freeze blood, and even her older brother fears her wrath. But when it comes to the simple matter of talking to Mik, or "Violin Boy," her courage deserts her. Now, enough is enough. Zuzana is determined to make the first move, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan. It's a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik all over Prague on a cold winter's night before leading him to the treasure: herself! Violin Boy is not going to know what hit him.

New York Times bestselling author Laini Taylor brings to life a night only hinted at in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy—the magical first date of fan-favorites Zuzana and Mik. Originally published as an ebook, this new print edition will include breathtaking black and white illustrations, plus bonus content in a gorgeous package perfect for new and current fans of the series.

256 pages, Hardcover

First published November 26, 2013

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About the author

Laini Taylor

40 books39.2k followers
Hi! I write fantasy books. My latest is STRANGE THE DREAMER, about a young librarian, a mythic lost city, and the half-human children of murdered gods. Check it out :-) Before that I wrote the DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE trilogy, which has been translated into 32 languages. It's about a blue-haired art student raised by monsters, a broken angel, and a war that has raged for 1000 years in another world. I also wrote LIPS TOUCH: THREE TIMES, which was a National Book Award finalist, and the DREAMDARK books. As well as various short stories and novellas.

Thanks for reading!!



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,854 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,618 reviews11.2k followers
December 1, 2017
OMG! I loved this little book so much! And I want y'all to see the beautiful cover when you take off the dust jacket and the inside front pages. There are also beautiful illustrations through-out the book but I haven't added them.

This is a sweet story of Zuzana and Mic ♥ Karou is in it as well.

I loved it so much and like I said before, it's a short little book but it's so freaking awesome! I highly recommend it if you love Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

Happy Reading!

Mel ♥

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for karen.
4,011 reviews172k followers
October 1, 2018
okay, so this is just a perfect, sweet love story. and i don't usually go in for perfect, sweet love stories, but i loved these characters in the first two smoke & bone books, and here they are allowed to experience their first meeting and first kiss without any pesky tensions like supernatural war or death mucking it all up for them.

and it is so charming.

two sweet quirky kids finding love and magic in a snowstorm in prague. and there is cake! and it is written by laini taylor with all of her gliding lyricism and humor; what could be better than that? she writes the love story i want to live and it never once felt treacly to me, and i am hypersensitive to barfy treacle.

and dana - i know you don't like these characters, 'cuz they are all whimsy and bubbles, but if you just read this and pretend they are two dudes, i think you will really like it. try it!! TRY IT!!!! DANA TRY IT!!!

come to my blog!
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,986 reviews13k followers
August 25, 2022
Cute. Cute. Cute.

I really enjoyed this!

Question: Is it necessary to read this for the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy?

Answer: No. It's not necessary but if you have a heart and you like it to be happy then you should read this!!!!

Mik and Zuzana were my favorite characters in the trilogy, so I was more than happy to come along on the night where it all began!

Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
757 reviews1,469 followers
September 21, 2023
|| 4.5 stars ||

Oh, this is what a love story should be! It had me kicking my feet up in the air, twirling my hair, giggling like a maniac and squealing like a 14-year old girl who just saw Harry Styles for the first time (and no, we will not talk about the fact that I would still squeal like that at 21 for that man, because it’s definitely besides the point. Anyyyway….)

This story felt so beautifully magical (which is funny since Mik and Zuzana are technically the only characters in the series who are not magical), and I couldn’t help but swoon and sigh dramatically at the pure and sweet love between these two.
It’s not easy to explain what made this so lovely, but it was truly a perfect mixture of sweetness, good humour and gorgeous writing.

Mik and Zuzana are honestly the most adorable couple ever! They’re both so cute, and they go so well together.
Zuzana is such a sassy little spit-fire, and it was amazing to see her matched with someone so gentle and preciously perfect for her. I had constant heart eyes while seeing these two being so ridiculously in love with each other!

I also loved that Zuzana was the one who made the first move and came up with this elaborate scheme to woo her lover rather than just sit around and wait to be noticed! It’s so typically her, and I adore that about her. I also adored that Mik went along with it instantly, while, of course, making his own adorably sweet gesture at the end.

Lastly, I really loved the glimpses of Zuzana and Karou’s friendship we got here. There is no doubt in my mind that they are fiercely loyal and dedicated to each other and their interactions are always hilarious. They have an amazingly realistic and true friendship!

All in all, this novella was laugh-out-loud hilarious, endearingly innocent, utterly adorable, sugary sweet, and stunningly magical! It really felt like a fairy tale!

'Daughter of Smoke & Bone' trilogy:
1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone - 4.5 stars
2. Days of Blood and Starlight - 5.0 stars
3. Dreams of Gods and Monsters - 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,123 reviews1,166 followers
October 9, 2015

I may be stricken with the forever in awe syndrome for this author goddess called Laini Taylor.

I didn’t expect to like this novella as much as I did the main trilogy but if it’s possible, I may have even liked this a bit more or perhaps just in a totally different category. While every book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series always has this bittersweet tone from beginning to end, this is purely sweet and adorable and thus the title is truly very fitting. (Jonnie, are you reading this? There’s cake!)

Here, we learn of the story of the night Zuzana finally decided to let Mik know her feelings for him through an elaborate treasure hunt involving puppets and magic and the treasure is of course, the lovely rabid fairy (in the figurative sense) aka Zuzana. At the near end of the hunt, a surprise involving a super special cake (the dark, chocolate kind) and more await Zuzana.

Told in alternating POVs of Mik and Zuzana, this wonderful, fantastic short read will make you laugh, swoon and fall in love and I learn that when in love, even the most formidable girl will blush and will feel the need to use <3 in her text messages.

No wonder, I always use <3. Teehee! <3 <3 <3

Oh and there are a lot of blushing especially from Mik. Lol!

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Evelyn! <3
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
February 8, 2017
“Life doesn't need magic to be magical.”

How sweet it is ! Zuzana and Mik are my favorite characters from Daughter and Smoke & Bone. Zuzana took a big part of the story and I wanted to see her being happy. And I finally got thier short story and catched up their love lives since the main series didn't mention them much.

Zuzana has a plan for Mik. If he truly wants her, he has to find her. This concept was kinda weird for me at first. But this was Laini Taylor ! And her book can't be simple. So this book is full of rainbows and candies and sweetness. As I mentioned before, Laini Taylor didn't just write her books, she crafted it, she built it like a piece of art and made me feel every element and word she put in them thoroughly. It successfully reach the deepest part of my heart and warm it up.

“It’s like losing gravity and falling into space – the moment of pitching headlong when the endlessness of space asserts itself and there is no more down, only an eternity of up, and you realize you can fall forever and never run out of stars.”

Literally touching. Perfect. I couldn't have asked for more.

Profile Image for Beenish.
397 reviews448 followers
February 27, 2021
5★ | Life doesn’t need magic to be magical.
(But a little bit sure doesn’t hurt.)

OMG! 😍
Me: Novellas shouldn't be long.
Also me: Why was this is so short?

I can't even... This was BEAUTIFUL! the humour and the romance and the tiny little scuppy magic. Those cute notes in Latin, and best-friend-goals-texts with Karou. ALL WAS PERFECT! I don't think I've ever rated a novella with 5★. This though, totally deserves it!

this book really lightened my mood! It gave me so many smiles and giggles that I'm just all happy! Ughh I love it!❤️

My Reviews of:
Daughter of Smoke and Bone 3.99...★
Days of Blood and Starlight 4.5★
Dreams of Gods and Monsters 3.5★

Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,045 reviews13.1k followers
February 16, 2020
This was sweet and written really nicely! I don't remember the original trilogy very much at all so I didn't quite understand the timeline but Laini Taylor is such a brilliant writer and the art in here is gorgeous. Even though a few lines of dialogue were corny and un-teenager-like, it really made me want to reread Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,290 reviews8,934 followers
September 19, 2017
9/19/17: Got my beauteous hardback in the mail last week and forgot to post about it. DEFINITELY worth adding to the rest of the collection.

So in DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE, we know that Zuze is mackin' on Mik, and we know that they're together *waggles eyebrows* when Karou gets back from her gallivanting, but we don't know the details . . . here are the details . . .

It's told in dual POVs (which I love), and it opens with a (HILARIOUS) flashback into Zuzana and Karou's early friendship. This flashback establishes that Zuzana came by her insanity honestly, and involves an undead fox Cossack that her grandfather caught.


"Caught it," Karou repeated. "And where do grandfathers catch . . . undead fox Cossacks?"
"In Russia, of course."
"Of course."

This thing is positively RIFE with one-liners:

"My height triggers the puppy-kitten reflex--Must touch--and I've found that since you can't electrify yourself like a fence, the next best thing is to have murderer's eyes."

In reference to her grandfather's nickname for her:

It's for mucholapka podivna, or Venus flytrap, in honor of my 'quiet bloodthirst' and 'patient cunning' in my lifelong war with Tomas.
"Even if you're not miniature like me--four foot eleven in a good mood, as little as four foot eight when in despair . . . "
"for fun and evil"
"That's not my heartbeat pounding in my throat. That's confidence."

Getting the picture? I loved this novella.

I thought I was going to love, LOVE, L-O-V-E it, and now I'm thinking that maybe it seemed to meander in places b/c it's impossible to maintain the level of hilarity that was established at the beginning. It's 79 pages long, and I feel like it could have been cut down to 60-65.

Regardless of length though, it was pure awesomeness. READ IT!

My other reviews for this series:

Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #1)
Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2)
Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #3)
Profile Image for Arah-Lynda.
337 reviews602 followers
November 2, 2016
It was bound to happen at some point. I have never before acquired one of these ½ books or companion books if you prefer. So why now? We are talking Laini Taylor here, goddess of words, high priestess of literary magic. And I needed a fix. It has been a long time since I finished The Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy and I had a deep hankering for more of this woman’s magic pen.

So enter Night of Cake & Puppets, which is really just a little novella about the night that Zuzana and Mik got together. Here it is and it is delightful.

No need to worry about fallen angels or marauding chimaera. No Karou and Akiva around to steal the spotlight.

Better still, an elaborate, little treasure hunt of sorts is afoot; one that is set in winter and winds through the picturesque streets of Prague. Our violin boy, Mik, starts out with a clue left to him in secret by Zuz, who is determined to finally have a conversation with the musician she cannot seem to stop thinking about. If he interprets and follows her clue correctly he will surely find another. A little bit of magic may even unfold as Zuz has a small handful of scuppies left.

Mik is doing great and Zuz is preparing herself for the end game when she suddenly realizes that the tables have been turned and now she is the one following questionable directions.

There are puppets, sometimes they even embrace and there is most assuredly cake.

Who knows there may even be a kiss or two before Mik and Zuz part company for the night. You will just have to read it and enjoy a sip or two of Laini’s delectable words for yourself. Even if they are, oh so sadly, served in an all too small teacup.

Sigh………….I still want more.
Profile Image for Ashley.
847 reviews602 followers
December 28, 2023
Star Rating: —> 5 Stars


My loves! I got them back for a novella! Zuzana & Mik... This book was a rabid fairy whimsical DREAM!
I am twirling around in the proverbial snow (with peacock footprints around me! and origami butterflies taking flight! And fireworks igniting in my heart! ) right now.

This was nothing short of brilliant, heartwarming, & hilarious!

I loved seeing more Mik POV, he's absolutely hysterically, whimsically funny & the perfect puzzle piece fit for Zuzana, as she is for him!

And holy crap was this beautiful. Jim Di Bartolo's art is INCREDIBLE & SO totally my aesthetic and so boy, was that a freakin' TREAT! All of the illustrations take on a sort of dark whimsy (think Gaiman-esque)... ANDILOVEIT.

This story was pure perfection. Karou was such a welcome presence, through her texts to Zuze, as well... I missed her! 😭😭😭 (and yet I had JUST started, & JUST finished the trilogy only last week lol).

100% recommend to any & all of the fellow Daughter of Smoke & Bone lovers out there! 😊
Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,482 reviews11.3k followers
December 17, 2020
I can't decide if Zuzana is annoying or not. The novella is uber sweet, possibly syrupy sweet, and yet fit my holiday mood just right. Illustrations are gorgeous, and I am going to say it again, there should have been graphic novels made of the whole series.

The audio narrator reads this story with a "Czech" accent, making it sound as if Melania Trump is reading it to you. That's an experience in itself.
Profile Image for ♛ may.
823 reviews4,367 followers
July 22, 2019
book #1 completed! for the reading rush, under the challenge of: "read a book in the same spot the entire time"

laini taylor has full rights to be the director of my grand epic love story, we'll be in touch, thanks

buddy read with emily 😍
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,081 followers
September 1, 2016
You realize you can fall forever and never run out of stars.

4.5 stars. Magical. Magical. Magical. Laini Taylor is absolutely magical. Her words are beautiful, her characters are quirky, and I am in love with the atmospheric charm.

I want my own Night of Cake & Puppets.

Are you an adult who loves to read and chat about young adult books? Join us over in the Rated YA-MA group!

Profile Image for Christy.
4,339 reviews35.4k followers
April 4, 2014

 photo 928fd419-9cb3-40c4-bd28-047daf050c1e_zpsd0160b80.jpg

Laini Taylor’s writing is incredible. Beautiful and magical. And so is this novella.

Fans of her Daughter of Smoke and Bone series know Karou’s best friend Zuze. I loved her in the first two book so I was excited to read her novella. Zuze was great, but Mik’s pov made this novella for me!

 photo 146c8da3-1e2e-4280-b185-81e5cb2b0456_zpsbbdaae3e.jpg

With the third book in the series coming out soon, I am glad I read this now. I am even more excited to jump back into this fantastical world! For those who haven’t read this series, I’m not even a huge fantasy reader and it’s a favorite of mine, so pick it up!

 photo 2f04dc22-f113-4e1b-848a-1a9ae1a29ad1_zps7defe5f6.jpg
Profile Image for Romie.
1,197 reviews1,370 followers
October 7, 2017
That simply was the cutest thing ever. I think that's something we can all agree on.

I love Mik and Zuzana in the original trilogy so I was more than happy when I learned this story was a thing and that it was being published in physical form. I just knew I needed it.

It's the one story you need to read when you want something cute, adorable, fluffy, you name it. I needed more Mik and Zuzana in my life, I really wanted to know how they came to be an actual couple and they're goals. Honestly.

If Laini Taylor wants to write more books about them, I'm okay with that. Please.

Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines on TT & Substack).
1,132 reviews19k followers
April 24, 2017
This is a purely sweet romance between Zuzana and Mik. That’s honestly it. And I absolutely loved it. It’s cute, it’s lovable, and it’s heartwarming.

While Daughter of Smoke and Bone is narrated in third person, Night of Cake and Puppets is told in first person. It’s a seamless transition for her, somehow. This woman really is incredibly talented.

My favorite part was the humorous narrative voice. Zuzana and Mik each have distinct voices, of course, but each are funny in their own ways.
Even if you're not miniature like me--four foot eleven in a good mood, as little as four foot eight when in despair.

I also totally loved that Zuzana was the one to instigate their relationship. It’s more fitting for her personality, and I loved that Laini Taylor didn’t give way to the temptation to write some sexy meeting.
Me, sweep him off his feet? I know. The laws of the jungle and romance novels would have it the other way around, but I’m not going to wait one more second for that.

Laini Taylor’s romantic couples are really made for me. One of my biggest issues with YA romance is the constant “hot alpha male and cute naive girl” trope. As an avid hater of the hot alpha male trope, I am so grateful that Laini Taylor does not write hot alpha males. Her main guy characters are usually fairly sweet and nerdy types, which is way, way more attractive to me. Since I can’t get caught up in the swoon session over a guy’s hotness, her personality-filled guys really work for me. Her main girl characters also neatly avoid the naive girl trope. Zuzana isn’t some dainty flower. Neither are Karou or Liraz.

Definitely recommended to fans of DOSAB.
Profile Image for Jay H (Hiatus).
279 reviews183 followers
April 26, 2024
4.5 Stars

Whenever I say I hate novellas never do I mean this book. This was such a cute book. The love story was everything. I already loved Zuzana but this novella just made me love her a lot more!!

“I start to wonder if I’m being creepy. I mean, I am creeping. Does creep-ing automatically make one creep-y? Or are there dispensations for…romance? I bet all stalkers believe they’re being romantic. I did it for love, officer.”

Don't worry babe sometimes you need to stalk your crush to get them to fall involve with you. All's fair in love and war😭

So yeah the whole book just made me laugh and giggle like a psycho.
Profile Image for Faye*.
338 reviews97 followers
December 31, 2017
This was such a sweet story! I’m rating this as what it is: a sweet little story within the Daughter of Smoke and Bones universe (and definitely not a standalone of its own!) and as that it was perfect. Even though Zuzana and Mik are one of those super cute couples, I was surprised at how much I loved them throughout the series, and that I did not find them annoying at all, which definitely speaks for Laini Taylor’s writing. Speaking of writing, it was beautiful and humorous and it just makes me look forward to “Strange the Dreamer” even more.

“All evening, ever since carpe diabolus, my rational self has been lying on its back making lazy snow angels while hopeful self sits on its chest humming and I let myself play this game of magic.”
Profile Image for Kimi.
211 reviews1,536 followers
February 7, 2017
I mean it was cute... cute and insta-lovy and teenagery (not sure if that's a word but bear with me). I need more than that to be invested in a relationship. It was too easy, too cheesy too *insert word that rhymes* What I'm trying to say is that I didn't really care. There. I said it.

Ps: My friends are going to murder me in the comments. Send help.
Profile Image for emily.
289 reviews2,435 followers
July 22, 2019
everything about this was wondrous and magical

book #1 for the READING RUSH: read a book with purple on the cover ✔️
Profile Image for ☆☽Erica☾☆.
200 reviews799 followers
August 21, 2016



Laini Taylor is such a brilliant and magical force of creativity. I want her to be constantly telling me bedtime stories and narrating my life and being my friend. GAH. HER WRITING IS SO PERFECT. I wish she would write a whole book from these characters' perspectives. It was just so WOW.

Whoever you are, you should totally read this. It will warm your soul.
Profile Image for Lyn.
4 reviews
Want to read
December 4, 2013
I was on the verge of dying in agony when I was notified that the publication of the final book: "Daughter of Smoke and Bone : Dreams of Gods and Monsters" was moved to next year. Yes, next freaking year! (Can you believe that? Because I can't even!)
So I just found myself wandering outside for nowhere and just wanted to climb into my bed and cuddle the sh*t out of my blanket and basically sleep for a week so I never have to face this news again!

BUT not until Laini Taylor announced on her blog that she is going to release a companion novella of her trilogy, A MIK and ZUZE's love story!
So I was like ..

Oh ! Taylor .. you're such an angel!
First time watching Dr. Who today

Thank you so much! Thank you for this gift!

Thank you.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 9 books4,642 followers
March 29, 2019

OMG the 12-year-old-girl in me is SOOOO melting in the hotpot of this whirlwind courtship featuring a Rabid Fairy aka Porcelain Doll aka never-been-kissed firecracker ventriloquist and her far-off crush, the boy with the violin. :)

Yeah, yeah, this MIGHT be a part of the Smoke & Bone series because she, like, shows up and is quirky and delightful while this delightful MC goes off and does her stuff, it's all LOVE-LOVE..

But when we get right down to it, the story of Zuzana and Mik can and should be read all by itself for its sheer quirky and zany delight.

How does such a girl go about speaking to the boy she likes?

Why, she turns herself into a treasure hunt and uses angel and demon puppets and magic to entice and flabbergast the boy as he goes on his merry chase. :)


Look, folks, I'm a middle-aged dude, here. I don't DO high-pitched girly squeals. Except when I do.

*hangs head in shame*

Profile Image for Stacee.
2,926 reviews749 followers
August 8, 2017
This is perfection.

Zuzana and Mik were some of my favorite parts of the original series and getting to see how the date happened was everything I could have wanted. The artwork was a fantastic addition and I can't wait to see the added pieces that weren't in the arc.

Now I reaaaaally want to reread DoSaB.

**Huge thanks to The Novl for providing the arc free of charge**
Profile Image for ♛ may.
823 reviews4,367 followers
December 28, 2016

Buddy read 3/5 (??? what are you doing to me??) with the honey nugget, Pragya ♡♡♡

Me rn:

There’s no better way to describe this book than
P E R F E C T I O N in its purest form.

I don’t want to find love I want to find whatever this is.

Night of Cake and Puppets is a hundred paged novella that honestly completes the breathtaking series, Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Giving us a glimpse into Zuzana and Mik and the crazies that follow, I am absolutely infatuated by these characters, this series, just EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.

I would 110% urge you to read this book after book 2 instead of reading it an entire year after you finished the series, like some people *cough* me *cough*.

Now excuse me while I continue my fangirl flailing.

I’m not over this book.

I will never be over this book.


5 stars!!

p.s. Laini Taylor, how dare you not write more books??? This is an offence of the worst kind. Please write my life for me, please and thank you. ♡
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
June 26, 2019
A soft 4 stars for me, maybe 3.75. It's the ultimate meet-cute story, a night of romance, just a little magic (courtesy of some scuppies, magical beads given Zuzana by her friend Karou), and yes, cake and puppets too.

17 year old Zuzana, a petite but sharp-edged puppet maker in Prague, has been crushing on Mik, a hot violinist who works at the same marionette theater as Zuzana. She freezes up every time she gets near him, though, so they've never really MET met. So Zuzana finally decides to seize the day night and stick her neck out for the chance at a romantic connection. She concocts a lovely, elaborate treasure hunt for Mik.

Puppets ensue. And also tea and chocolate Sacher torte. Mmmm.


Carpe noctum, and also carpe several other things, all told in Laini Taylor's lush prose. It's a little sappy, but Zuzana's quirky, spicy personality makes it a fun read.
I text Karou: Kindly confirm. If someone's evil, then killing them isn't murder. It's SLAYING, and not only legal but encouraged. Correct?
I totally agree, Zuzana.
Profile Image for Lorrie (Clockworkbookworm).
1,754 reviews16 followers
January 5, 2025
2024 Reads #5,45,56,77,137,158,224,272,372,581,629,676, 746/250

Exceeded re-reading dates, read more than x30+

Read for the Sights of Sweden Challenge 2024-2025
September 20, 2024 - January 10, 2025

Edited - ❇❇❇❇20th Re-Read & Beyond...

Have you ever had a book that was your happy place? This is one of mine. I love this book and the series. I have the beautiful illustrated hardcover, the ebook, and the incredible audiobook. 💋😘🥰💕 The audiobook has been listened to so many times due to feeling miserable or just wanting (needing) a light, amusing, and beautiful story. It is written with such a quirky and engaging voice, and I love how that is portrayed in the audiobook. I do not usually read out of order and tend to start at the beginning with every re-read. This book is the exception. I feel this could be read as a standalone with little confusion, but it would be sad to miss Laini Taylor's unique and beautiful writing/world. Absolutely recommended.

❇❇❇❇❇❇❇❇20th Re-Read - for the Addicted to the 80's Challenge 2024

❇❇❇❇9th Re-Read - 3rd re-read for The Big Bang Theory Challenge/audiobook - I love this book, and the audiobook brings out the story beautifully. Migraine prevented easy reading, and this was perfect to rest and listen.

❇❇❇8th Re-Read - 2nd re-read for The Big Bang Theory Challenge/ audiobook

❇❇7th Re-Read - The Big Bang Theory Challenge

❇6th Re-Read - 3rd for It's All Greek to Me Challenge.

Original read 2014 -

Incredible writing and beautiful illustrations

I love Laini Taylor's incredible immersive and engaging writing. So beautifully unique. The illustrations are wonderful and a perfect addition to such a magical story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,854 reviews

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