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Showing latest 50 of 263 images tagged with Yarn Bomb tag.

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SP9211 : Putting up the yarn fringe round the roof of Tring's Bus Shelter by Chris Reynolds Putting up the yarn fringe round the roof of Tring's Bus Shelter by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
At this stage the seats of the bus shelter... (more)
SP9211 : The Yarn Bombed Bike surrounded by flowers on Tring's Market Day by Chris Reynolds The Yarn Bombed Bike surrounded by flowers on Tring's Market Day by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
Despite the yarn bombing Tring's Friday Market... (more)
SP9211 : Yarn bombing the bicycle rails in Tring Church Square by Chris Reynolds Yarn bombing the bicycle rails in Tring Church Square by Chris Reynolds
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The bombing raid on the bicycle rails... (more)
Tags: subject:EventX   top:People, EventsX   Tring 700X   Yarn Bomb   Yarn BombingX  
SP9211 : We Yarn Bombed the Church Square at Tring by Chris Reynolds We Yarn Bombed the Church Square at Tring by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
The happy band of knitters who raided Church Square at 6 am on the morning of... (more)
Tags: subject:EventX   top:People, EventsX   top:Sport, LeisureX   Tring 700X   Yarn Bomb   Yarn BombingX  
SP9211 : The Yarn-bombed Zebra Seat on Tring's Market Day by Chris Reynolds The Yarn-bombed Zebra Seat on Tring's Market Day by Chris Reynolds
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The Yarn bombs were still in place on Friday (Market Day) - with this seat in... (more)
SP9211 : Everyone seemed to be taking pictures of the Tring Yarn Bombing by Chris Reynolds Everyone seemed to be taking pictures of the Tring Yarn Bombing by Chris Reynolds
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After the job of actually bombing the Church Square was finished people started... (more)
SP9211 : Waiting for a bus in the yarn bombed shelter in Tring by Chris Reynolds Waiting for a bus in the yarn bombed shelter in Tring by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
After a week the yard bombing was almost as fresh as every and on Friday (Market... (more)
SP9211 : Preparing to Yarn Bomb the Bus Shelter in Tring's Church Square by Chris Reynolds Preparing to Yarn Bomb the Bus Shelter in Tring's Church Square by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9211
The covers for the seats in the bus shelter... (more)
SP9211 : Woolly hats on the posts in Tring's Church Square by Chris Reynolds Woolly hats on the posts in Tring's Church Square by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9211
All the posts in Church Square were yarn bombed - as was the bus shelter in the background
SP9211 : Starting to cover the Elephant seat by Chris Reynolds Starting to cover the Elephant seat by Chris Reynolds
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The head end, body and tail were prepared in one piece and fitted along the... (more)
Tags: ElephantX   subject:EventX   top:People, EventsX   SeatX   Tring 700X   Yarn Bomb   Yarn BombingX  
SP9211 : Nearly Eight and the Yarn Bombing at Tring is nearly finished by Chris Reynolds Nearly Eight and the Yarn Bombing at Tring is nearly finished by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
The Yarn Bomb banner is attached to the gate post and the last yarn poppies are... (more)
SP9211 : Yarn Xmas Lights of the Tring Churchyard Gateway by Chris Reynolds Yarn Xmas Lights of the Tring Churchyard Gateway by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
More yarn bombing for the November Victorian Evening More pictures... (more)
SP9211 : Yarn Bombing for the Victorian Evening at Tring by Chris Reynolds Yarn Bombing for the Victorian Evening at Tring by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
Every year Tring holds a Victorian Evening at the end of November and in... (more)
SP9211 : A Bed of roses for Elmer the Elephant seat by Chris Reynolds A Bed of roses for Elmer the Elephant seat by Chris Reynolds
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The yarn bombing took place on the Monday, but was left in position - so that on... (more)
SP9211 : Tring's Mayor and Town Crier at the War Memorial on Charter Day by Chris Reynolds Tring's Mayor and Town Crier at the War Memorial on Charter Day by Chris Reynolds
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The wreath is made of yarn - as part of the Charter 700 yarn bombing of Church... (more)
SP9211 : A Decorated Tree in Tring Churchyard by Chris Reynolds A Decorated Tree in Tring Churchyard by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9211
Following the success of the yarn bombing earlier in the year a number of the... (more)
SP9211 : Yarn Bombing near South Porch of Tring Parish Church by Chris Reynolds Yarn Bombing near South Porch of Tring Parish Church by Chris Reynolds
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Some of the tree decorations put up for the Victorian Evening in November... (more)
SP9211 : Even the memorial to Tring's only Victoria Cross was not forgotten by Chris Reynolds Even the memorial to Tring's only Victoria Cross was not forgotten by Chris Reynolds
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A tiny yarn bouquet of poppies was prepared for the newly engraved paving stone... (more)
TF1505 : Postbox in Glinton commemorates Armistice Day by Paul Bryan Postbox in Glinton commemorates Armistice Day by Paul Bryan
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This EIIR pillar box (box no. PE6 100) outside the post office and general store... (more)
TF1505 : Postbox in Glinton commemorates Armistice Day by Paul Bryan Postbox in Glinton commemorates Armistice Day by Paul Bryan
for square TF1505
This EIIR pillar box (box no. PE6 100) outside the post office and general store... (more)
TF1505 : Postbox in Glinton commemorates Armistice Day by Paul Bryan Postbox in Glinton commemorates Armistice Day by Paul Bryan
for square TF1505
This EIIR pillar box (box no. PE6 100) outside the post office and general store... (more)
TF1309 : Postbox in Market Deeping celebrates The King's Coronation by Paul Bryan Postbox in Market Deeping celebrates The King's Coronation by Paul Bryan
for square TF1309
This double-aperture EIIR postbox (box no. PE6 1711) is located on Market Place... (more)
TF1309 : Postbox in Market Deeping celebrates The King's Coronation by Paul Bryan Postbox in Market Deeping celebrates The King's Coronation by Paul Bryan
for square TF1309
This double-aperture EIIR postbox (box no. PE6 1711) is located on Market Place... (more)
TF1309 : Postbox in Market Deeping celebrates The King's Coronation by Paul Bryan Postbox in Market Deeping celebrates The King's Coronation by Paul Bryan
for square TF1309
This double-aperture EIIR postbox (box no. PE6 1711) is located on Market Place... (more)
TF1507 : EIIR lampbox on Church Street, Northborough, celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan EIIR lampbox on Church Street, Northborough, celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan
geograph for square TF1507
This EIIR lampbox on Church Street (box no. PE6 259D) was "yarn... (more)
TF1507 : EIIR lampbox on Church Street, Northborough, celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan EIIR lampbox on Church Street, Northborough, celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan
for square TF1507
This EIIR lampbox on Church Street (box no. PE6 259D) was "yarn... (more)
TF1508 : Postbox in Northborough celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan Postbox in Northborough celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan
for square TF1508
This EIIR pillar box outside Northborough Post Office on East Road (box no. PE6... (more)
TF1508 : Postbox in Northborough celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan Postbox in Northborough celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan
for square TF1508
This EIIR pillar box outside Northborough Post Office on East Road (box no. PE6... (more)
TF1508 : Postbox in Northborough celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan Postbox in Northborough celebrates the Platinum Jubilee by Paul Bryan
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This EIIR pillar box outside Northborough Post Office on East Road (box no. PE6... (more)
NZ7818 : Yarn Bombing by Richard Croft Yarn Bombing by Richard Croft
geograph for square NZ7818
Yarn Bombing by the harbour at Staithes
Tags: top:CoastalX   top:Docks, HarboursX   type:GeographX   HarbourX   place:StaithesX   Yarn BombedX   Yarn BombingX  
NT3924 : Yarn bombing at Ettrickbridge by Walter Baxter Yarn bombing at Ettrickbridge by Walter Baxter
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This is a great example of yarn bombing at the east end of the village. The... (more)
NZ6621 : Alice in Wonderland themed yarnbombing on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea: Cheshire Cat by Christopher Hilton Alice in Wonderland themed yarnbombing on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea: Cheshire Cat by Christopher Hilton
for square NZ6621
The mystery "yarn-bombers" of Saltburn have for some years been... (more)
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:CoastalX   top:People, EventsX   subject:PierX   building type:PierX   PierX   Yarn Bomb   Yarn BombedX   Yarn BombingX   YarnbombingX  
NZ6621 : Alice in Wonderland themed yarnbombing on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton Alice in Wonderland themed yarnbombing on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square NZ6621
The mystery "yarn-bombers" of Saltburn have for some years been... (more)
Tags: top:CoastalX   type:GeographX   top:People, EventsX   PierX   subject:PierX   building type:PierX   Yarn Bomb   Yarn BombedX   Yarn BombingX   YarnbombingX  
NZ6621 : Alice in Wonderland themed yarnbombing on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton Alice in Wonderland themed yarnbombing on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square NZ6621
The mystery "yarn-bombers" of Saltburn have for some years been... (more)
Tags: top:CoastalX   type:GeographX   top:People, EventsX   building type:PierX   PierX   subject:PierX   Yarn Bomb   Yarn BombedX   Yarn BombingX   YarnbombingX  
NZ6621 : Fish footman on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton Fish footman on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton
for square NZ6621
The mystery "yarn-bombers" of Saltburn have for some years been... (more)
SP9211 : The main gateway to Tring Church - with poppies for Armistice Day by Chris Reynolds The main gateway to Tring Church - with poppies for Armistice Day by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9211
The local Yarn Bomber group has been busy again - this time they have yarn... (more)
SP9211 : Xmas tree put up by Yarn Bombers on Bus Shelter, Church Square, Tring by Chris Reynolds Xmas tree put up by Yarn Bombers on Bus Shelter, Church Square, Tring by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
This was erected as part of the pre-Xmas yarn bombing - see... (more)
NZ6621 : Lion and Unicorn on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton Lion and Unicorn on the pier, Saltburn-by-the-Sea by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square NZ6621
The mystery "yarn-bombers" of Saltburn have for some years been... (more)
TQ2168 : Fruity Yarn Bomb, Cambridge Road by Des Blenkinsopp Fruity Yarn Bomb, Cambridge Road by Des Blenkinsopp
geograph for square TQ2168
Yarn bombing hit a peak during the Covid lockdown of the early 2020s when people... (more)
TM4556 : Teddy-bears' picnic, postbox near Aldeburgh Library by Christopher Hilton Teddy-bears' picnic, postbox near Aldeburgh Library by Christopher Hilton
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TM4557 : Easter postbox-topper, Linden Road, Aldeburgh by Christopher Hilton Easter postbox-topper, Linden Road, Aldeburgh by Christopher Hilton
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SO8540 : Pillarbox Yarn bomb by Philip Halling Pillarbox Yarn bomb by Philip Halling
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A winter themed woollen yarn-bombing postbox topper.
Tags: type:Close LookX   top:CommunicationsX   subject:PostboxX   Postbox TopperX   Yarn BombingX  
TM4556 : Postbox-topper, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh by Christopher Hilton Postbox-topper, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh by Christopher Hilton
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SO7845 : Pillarbox Yarn bomb by Philip Halling Pillarbox Yarn bomb by Philip Halling
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Pillarbox Yarn bomb depicting an autumn scene with a scarecrow, fir cones and toadstools.
SO8318 : Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling
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Pillar box yarn bombing cover marking the Coronation of King Charles III. The... (more)
SP2054 : Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling
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Coronation yarn bombing on the top of a pillarbox on High Street in Stratford-upon-Avon.
SO8937 : Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling
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A Coronation crown, a result of yarn bombing on a postbox on Broackeridge Common.
SO8936 : Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling
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Coronation yarn bombing on a post box in front of Twyning Shop.
SU9677 : Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling
for square SU9677
Yarn bombing on the top of a pillarbox in Windsor Castle depicting the... (more)
SU9677 : Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling Coronation yarn bombing by Philip Halling
for square SU9677
Yarn bombing on the top of a pillarbox in Windsor Castle depicting the... (more)
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