Path to Breezy Knees Gardens, with Campanula Lactifolia "Loddon Anna"
by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE6756
This is the path between fields that leads from the Car Park, Reception, Cafe... (more)
Ewyas Harold Common
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO3829
A patch of Meadow Saffron or Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale) in flower on... (more)
Ewyas Harold Common
by Ian Capper
for square SO3830
A track leading to the top entrance to Ewyas Harold Common off Cwm Hill. The... (more)
by Mick Garratt
geograph for square NZ5812
The pinks of the Rosebay Willowherb are a common sight in summer but often... (more)
Urtica dioica
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Flowers of the Stinging Nettle.
A spectacularly well-known plant, the genus... (more)
The Rogues Gallery Garden, Breezy Knees Gardens
by Rich Tea
geograph for square SE6756
The theme of this garden is invasive but attractive plants, which tend to swamp... (more)
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3978
The berries of Bittersweet
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3981
Category: Berries
(Solanum dulcamara, from Lat. "dulcis", sweet +... (more)
Hemlock Water-Dropwort
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3976
Category: Plantlife
(Oenanthe crocata)
Hemlock Water-Dropwort is an umbellifer (in other words, a... (more)
The Green and Box Tree Cottage
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO3829
Two houses on the edge of Ewyas Harold Common.
The pink flowers are of Meadow... (more)
Ewyas Harold Common
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO3829
A grassy ride through bracken on Ewyas Harold Common.
The pink flowers on the... (more)
Nipplewort flowers - detail
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A common member of the Asteraceae [the old Compositae] family, growing on... (more)
Galium odoratum
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
The Sweet Woodruff is popular plant for garden ground cover, but is a native... (more)
Yellow Loosestrife
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3878
(Lysimachia vulgaris)
Historically, there has been much confusion over the... (more)
Colley Hill
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2452
The scarp slope of Colley Hill, with the former Betchworth Quarry in the... (more)
Himalayan Balsam
by Jonathan Kington
for square SJ8959
The Himalayan Balsam is thriving in the stream just outside the boundary of the... (more)
Mystery plant - a Mitella species?
by Humphrey Bolton
for square SE1422
This plant is very similar to Mitrewort, which is native to the USA. Perhaps it... (more)
Bluebells on London Road
by Gerald England
for square SJ8497
Galium aparine
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Goose grass, of course, but the RHS list 34 common names for this one plant... (more)
Nipplewort flowers, seen from above
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A common member of the Asteraceae [the old Compositae] family, growing on... (more)
Nipplewort [Lapsana communis], on Braid Hills Approach
by M J Richardson
for square NT2469
A common member of the Asteraceae [the old Compositae] family, growing on... (more)
Heaped undergrowth
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0820
A mound of all sorts of plants at the edge of a plantation, freed from the shade... (more)
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Alliaria petiolata, known as Garlic Mustard or Jack-by-the-hedge is the favoured... (more)
Knott Fold Bridge
by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9493
There has always been abundance of vegetation on Knott Fold Bridge. In 2013 it... (more)
Alchemilla mollis, Rochdale Road, Walsden
by Humphrey Bolton
geograph for square SD9321
This plant is normally a garden plant, from Asia Minor, but Keble-Martin... (more)
Cabbage Tree and Giant Viper's Bugloss at Achamore
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NR6447
Two plants [Cordyline australis, from New Zealand and Echium pininana, from the... (more)
Creeping Thistles at Falahill Cottages
by M J Richardson
for square NT3955
Creeping Thistles [Cirsium arvense], with the RH plant infected by Creeping... (more)
Giant Hogweeds
by William Starkey
geograph for square NO1222
A stand of giant hogweed plants growing beside the railway near Perth. This... (more)
Meadow flowers at Townfield Barn, Shatton
by Christopher Hilton
for square SK1982
Purple-loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
by Lairich Rig
for square NS3976
Category: Wild flowers
This plant is a native species, common in damp or marshy areas. It is shown here... (more)
Bluebells in Kelsale churchyard
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM3865
Bluebells in Kelsale churchyard
by Christopher Hilton
for square TM3865
Exbury Gardens
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SU4100
A Southern Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza praetermissa) in the Daffodil Meadow in... (more)
Tellima grandiflora plants, Gomersa Lane, Gomersal
by Humphrey Bolton
for square SE1925
Since identifying this plant, with the help of an expert member of the Yorkshire... (more)
Leaves of a mystery plant that looks like a mitrewort, Brighouse
by Humphrey Bolton
for square SE1422
Allaria petiolata, Bank Street, Brighouse
by Humphrey Bolton
geograph for square SE1422
This plant has so many alternative English names that I have used the Latin one.... (more)
Dyffryn Gardens - Pitcher Plant
by Colin Smith
for square ST0972
The garden at Dyffryn was designed by Thomas Mawson, a renowned landscape... (more)
Treeplanting near Eastfield
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NS8865
New trees planted on moorland alongside Blairmuckhill Road. The white umbellifer... (more)
Ewyas Harold Common
by Ian Capper
for square SO3830
A track leading to the top entrance to Ewyas Harold Common off Cwm Hill. The... (more)
Green-winged Orchid (Anacamptis morio)
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TV4997
An orchid of unimproved grassland, seen here alongside one of the fairways of... (more)
Looking up the footway alongside Lüdenscheid Way, Brighouse
by Humphrey Bolton
geograph for square SE1422
This part of the footway is fenced from the road, which makes it difficult for... (more)
Stinking Iris (Iris foetidissima)
by Ian Capper
geograph for square TQ2152
A close up of a Stinking Iris (Iris foetidissima) alongside the North Downs Way... (more)
Hyacinthoides non-scripta seedpods
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Bluebell seedpods are large and bulky, but green and rarely observed.
Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera)
by Ian Capper
for square TQ2351
Bluebell seedpods
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Hyacinthoides non-scripta may be one of our most popular wildflower subjects,... (more)
Trifolium dubium
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
This little plant is growing in dry spots all around here - the edge of my lawn,... (more)
Red campion, Silene dioica
by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NS5574
A tall Jade Plant in the Great Glasshouse, National Botanic Garden of Wales
by Humphrey Bolton
for square SN5218
I think this is one of the Crassulas known as the Jade Plant, C. Ovata,... (more)
Skimmia japonica at Plas Cadnant
by Richard Hoare
for square SH5573
Japanese skimmia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Rutaceae, native... (more)
Meadow Saffron (Colchicum autumnale)
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SO4674
A couple of Meadow Saffron (Colchicum autumnale) flowers by a path in... (more)